LOCATION ASPEN              ID
Inactive Series


The Aspen soils are azonal soils formed on recent alluvial fan materials which have not been discernibly altered by weathering. They have developed under subhumid conditions, with attendant cold winters and heavy snowfalls. The parent materials are derived mainly from sedimentary rocks consisting of limestone, sandstone, and quartzite.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, frigid Entic Haploxerolls

TYPICAL PEDON: Aspen loam.

1--0 to 15 inches; rather dark-brown friable loam containing a small amount of gravel and stone; usually alkaline in reaction, and slightly or distinctly calcareous. Range in Thickness 15 inches.

2--15 to 30 inches; lighter brown or somewhat yellowish-brown friable loam containing a large percentage of gravel and cobbles, and of a rather permeable character. Range in Thickness 10-36 inches.

3--30 inches +; light-brown loose sandy and gravelly calcareous material with much of the gravel lime-coated.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTIC: Minor variations in texture, color, and organic matter content occur. Generally, the subsoils are quite gravelly.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Gently to rather steeply sloping alluvial fans. Slopes generally range between 5 and 15 percent.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Drainage is good or excessive, and the soils are of low moisture-holding capacity and are subject to drought where not irrigated.

VEGETATION: Mainly grasses, with scattered conifers and broadleafed trees and shrubs.

USE: A large part of the Aspen soils are not utilized except for grazing, owing to unfavorable stone content and steep slopes. Where irrigated, they are devoted mainly to general farming. Alfalfa and wheat are the principal crops.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Valley areas in southeastern Idaho.

TYPE LOCATION: Alluvial fans at base of the Aspen Range, southeastern Idaho.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Soda Springs-Bancroft Area, Idaho, 1925.

OSED scanned by SSQA. Last revised by state on 2/46.

National Cooperative Soil Survey