Established Series
The Byrne series consists of very deep, well drained soils that formed in 35 to 75 centimeters (14 to 30 inches) of glaciolacustrine deposits over till. These soils are on nearly level or slightly convex slopes on side slopes on moraines and lake plains. Slope ranges from 0 to 6 percent. Mean annual air temperature is about 5 degrees C (42 degrees F). Mean annual precipitation is about 610 millimeters (24 inches).
TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Calcic Hapludolls
TYPICAL PEDON: Byrne silt loam, in an area of Byrne-Buse complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes, on a convex slope of 4 percent, on a ground moraine, in a cultivated field. (Colors are for moist conditions unless otherwise noted.)
Ap--0 to 25 centimeters (0 to 10 inches); black (10YR 2/1) silt loam, very dark gray (10YR 3/1) dry; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable; about 3 percent fine roots; pH 7.0 - neutral; abrupt smooth boundary.
Bw--25 to 58 centimeters (10 to 23 inches); brown (10YR 4/3) silt loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable; about 0.5 percent fine roots; pH 7.0 - neutral; clear smooth boundary.
Bk1--58 to 71 centimeters (23 to 28 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) silt loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable; about 0.5 percent fine roots; about 1 percent light gray (2.5Y 7/2) carbonate masses in matrix; strong effervescence; pH 8.2 - moderately alkaline; clear smooth boundary.
2Bk2--71 to 102 centimeters (28 to 40 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; about 1 percent light gray (2.5Y 7/2) carbonate masses in matrix; about 4 percent subrounded 2 to 75 millimeter (one tenth to 3 inches) mixed rock fragments; strong effervescence; pH 8.2 - moderately alkaline; clear smooth boundary.
2C--102 to 203 centimeters (40 to 80 inches); light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) loam; massive; firm; about 3 percent fine prominent strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) masses of oxidized iron in matrix and about 21 percent medium distinct grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) iron depletions in matrix; about 4 percent subrounded 2 to 75 millimeter (one tenth to 3 inches) mixed rock fragments; slight effervescence; pH 7.6 - slightly alkaline.
TYPE LOCATION: Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 102A-Rolling Till Prairie, Swift County, Minnesota subset; located about 500 feet west and 400 feet south of the northeast corner of section 22, T. 122 N., R. 42 W.; USGS Hancock SW topographic quadrangle; lat. 45 degrees 22 minutes 6.7 seconds N. and long. 95 degrees 54 minutes 48.6 seconds W., NAD83.
Thickness of the mollic epipedon--18 to 40 centimeters (7 to 16 inches)
Depth to carbonates--45 to 70 centimeters (18 to 28 inches)
Depth to till--35 to 75 centimeters (14 to 30 inches)
Clay content of the particle-size control section (weighted average)--18 to 27 percent
Sand content in the particle-size control section (weighted average)--15 to 25 percent
Rock fragment content--0 percent in the glaciolacustrine deposits and 2 to 10 percent, mixed lithology in the till
Ap or A horizon:
Value--2 or 3
Chroma--1 or 2
Texture--silt loam or loam
Clay content--18 to 27 percent
Sand content--5 to 15 percent
Reaction--pH 6.1 to 7.3
Thickness--18 to 30 centimeters (7 to 12 inches) high in content of very fine sand
Some pedons have an AB horizon up to 15 centimeters (6 inches) thick
Bw horizon:
Hue--10YR or 2.5Y
Value--3 to 5
Chroma--2 to 4
Texture--silt loam or loam
Clay content--18 to 27 percent
Sand content--5 to 15 percent
Reaction--pH 6.1 to 7.3
Thickness--10 to 50 centimeters (4 to 20 inches)
Some pedons have a 2Bw horizon
Bk horizon:
Hue--10YR or 2.5Y
Value--4 or 5
Chroma--2 to 6
Texture--silt loam or loam
Clay content--18 to 27 percent
Sand content--5 to 15 percent
Reaction--pH 7.4 to 8.4
Calcium carbonate equivalent--15 to 25 percent
Thickness--0 to 30 centimeters (0 to 12 inches)
Some pedons have a thin band of rock fragments at the contact of the glaciolacustrine deposits and the till
2Bk horizon:
Hue--10YR or 2.5Y
Value--4 or 5
Chroma--2 to 6
Texture--loam or clay loam
Clay content--18 to 30 percent
Sand content--20 to 35 percent
Reaction--pH 7.4 to 8.4
Calcium carbonate equivalent--10 to 30 percent
Moist bulk density--1.35 to 1.70 g/cc
Thickness--30 to 150 centimeters (12 to 60 inches)
2C horizon:
Value--4 to 6
Chroma--2 to 4
Texture--loam or clay loam
Clay content--18 to 30 percent
Sand content--20 to 35 percent
Reaction--pH 7.4 to 8.4
Calcium carbonate equivalent--5 to 20 percent
Moist bulk density--1.35 to 1.70 g/cc
Venagro, and
Vienna series.
Barnes--have a rock fragment content of 2 to 10 percent throughout the series control section
Doburg--have a sand content of more than 15 percent in the upper two thirds of the series control section
Doland--do not have a frequently saturated zone within a depth of 1.8 meters (6 feet) during the wettest periods of normal years
Formdale--have a rock fragment content of 2 to 10 percent throughout the series control section
Hokans--have a rock fragment content of 1 to 10 percent throughout the series control section
Venagro--do not have rock fragments within the upper two thirds of the series control section
Vienna--do not have a frequently saturated zone within a depth of 1.8 meters (6 feet) during the wettest periods of normal years
Parent material--35 to 75 centimeters (14 to 30 inches) of glaciolacustrine deposits over till
Landform--nearly level or slightly convex slopes on side slopes on moraines and lake plains
Slope--0 to 6 percent
Elevation--305 to 410 meters (1,000 to 1,350 feet) above sea level
Mean annual air temperature--4 to 7 degrees C (38 to 45 degrees F)
Mean annual precipitation--485 to 735 millimeters (19 to 29 inches)
Frost-free period--140 to 175 days
Buse, McIntosh,
Quam, and
Tara soils.
Buse--are on higher landscape positions on slightly to strongly convex slopes and have a rock fragment content of 2 to 10 percent throughout the series control section
McIntosh--are on lower landscape positions on back slopes and foot slopes and have a frequently saturated zone between depths of 0.5 to 1.0 meter (1.7 to 3.25 feet) during the wettest periods of normal years
Perella--are on lower landscape positions in depressions and are frequently saturated at the surface of the soil during the wettest periods of normal years
Quam--are on lower landscape positions in depressions and are frequently saturated at the surface of the soil or ponded during the wettest periods of normal years
Tara--are on lower landscape positions on back slopes and have a frequently saturated zone between depths of 0.75 to 1.0 meter (2.5 to 3.25 feet) during the wettest periods of normal years
Drainage class--well drained--a frequently saturated zone is between depths of 1.0 to 1.8 meters (3.25 to 6 feet) during the wettest periods of normal years
Saturated hydraulic conductivity--1.00 to 10.00 micrometers per second (0.14 to 1.42 inches per hour)
Most areas are cultivated. The principal crops are corn, soybeans, and small grains. The native vegetation is big bluestem, little bluestem, Indiangrass, switchgrass, and other grasses of the mesic tall grass prairie.
Physiographic Division--Interior Plains
Physiographic Province--Central Lowland
Physiographic section--Western lake section
MLRA-- Rolling Till Prairie (102A)
LRR--M (Central Feed Grains and Livestock Region); western Minnesota and perhaps eastern South Dakota
SERIES ESTABLISHED: Swift County, Minnesota, 2000.
Particle-size control section--the zone from a depth of 25 to 100 centimeters (10 to 39 inches);
Series control section--the zone from the surface to a depth of 183 centimeters (0 to 72 inches).
Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:
mollic epipedon--the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of 25 centimeters (10 inches) (Ap horizon);
cambic horizon--the zone from a depth of 25 to 58 centimeters (10 to 23 inches) (Bw horizon);
calcic horizon--the zone from a depth of 58 to 102 centimeters (23 to 40 inches). (Bk1 and 2Bk2 horizons);
udic moisture regime.
Cation-exchange activity class is inferred from lab data from similar soils in the surrounding area.
Taxonomy version--Keys to Soil Taxonomy, eleventh edition, 2010.
These soils were previously identified as Doland, moderately wet phase.
Edits made 3/2011 (TWN)--location of typical pedon changed to more centralized location, converted to metric system, and format changed to semi-tabular.
MLRA Soil Survey Office (MLRA SSO) Responsible: Fergus Falls, Minnesota.
National Cooperative Soil Survey