Established Series


The Deible series consists of very deep, poorly drained soils formed in either silty colluvium or loess and the underlying alluvium on stream terraces and footslopes. Slopes range from 0 to 5 percent. The average annual temperature is 56 degrees F, and the average annual precipitation is 40 inches.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, mixed, active, mesic Typic Albaqualfs

TYPICAL PEDON: Deible silt loam, on a plane 5 percent slope in a soybean field at an elevation of 975 feet. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.)

Ap1--0 to 5 inches; brown (10YR 4/3) silt loam, pale brown (10YR 6/3) dry; weak very fine and fine subangular blocky structure; very friable; common very fine and fine roots; 10 percent chert gravel; slightly acid (pH 6.4); clear wavy boundary.

Ap2--5 to 10 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) silt loam; weak very fine and fine subangular blocky structure; very friable; common very fine and fine roots; 10 percent chert gravel; neutral (pH 6.8); abrupt smooth boundary. (Combined thickness of the A or Ap horizon is 4 to 15 inches)

E--10 to 15 inches; pale brown (10YR 6/3) and light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) silt loam; common fine prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) and common fine prominent red (2.5YR 4/8) masses of iron accumulation; weak very fine and fine subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine roots; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; 14 percent chert gravel; neutral (pH 7.0); abrupt wavy boundary. (0 to 12 inches thick)

Btg1--15 to 20 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) silty clay; common fine prominent red (2.5YR 4/6) masses of iron accumulation; moderate fine and medium prismatic structure; firm; few fine roots; common prominent clay films on faces of peds and many distinct light gray (10YR 7/1) clay depletions on faces of peds; strongly acid (pH 5.5); clear wavy boundary.

Btg2--20 to 28 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) silty clay; common fine prominent strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) masses of iron accumulation; moderate fine and medium prismatic structure; firm; few very fine roots; common prominent clay films on faces of peds; very strongly acid (pH 4.8); gradual wavy boundary.

Btg3--28 to 37 inches; gray (10YR 6/1) silty clay; many medium prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) masses of iron accumulation; moderate fine and medium prismatic structure; firm; few very fine roots; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; few black (10YR 2/1) masses of manganese or iron-manganese accumulation on faces of peds; very strongly acid (pH 5.0); gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Btg horizon is 14 to 52 inches)

2Btg4--37 to 51 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) silty clay loam; many medium prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) masses of iron accumulation; moderate fine and medium prismatic structure; firm; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; common black (10YR 2/1) masses of manganese or iron-manganese accumulation on faces of peds; strongly acid (pH 5.4); gradual wavy boundary.

2Btg5--51 to 65 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) silty clay loam; many coarse prominent strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) masses of iron accumulation; moderate fine and medium prismatic structure; firm; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; many black (10YR 2/1) masses of manganese or iron-manganese accumulation on faces of peds; moderately acid (pH 5.8).

TYPE LOCATION: Phelps County, Missouri; located 800 feet north and 970 feet west of the southeast corner of sec. 19, T. 37 N., R. 7 W.; USGS Dillon topographic quadrangle; latitude 37 degrees 54 minutes 35.6 seconds N. and longitude 91 degrees 43 minutes 44.6 seconds W., CONUS 27.

Solum thickness: 30 to 60 inches or more
Depth to Btg horizon: 11 to 22 inches
Depth to 2Btg horizon: 24 to 60 inches or more
Average clay percent in the particle-size control section: 35 to 50

A or Ap horizon
Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y
Value: 4 to 6
Chroma: 2 or 3
Texture: silt loam
Rock fragments: 0 to 15 percent gravel
Reaction: very strongly acid to slightly alkaline

E or BE horizon
Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y
Value: 4 to 7
Chroma: 2 to 4
Texture: silt loam
Rock fragments: 0 to 15 percent gravel
Reaction: very strongly acid to slightly alkaline

Btg horizon
Hue: 7.5YR, 10YR, or 2.5Y
Value: 4 to 6
Chroma: 1 to 3
Texture: silty clay loam, clay, or silty clay
Rock fragments: 0 to 15 percent gravel
Reaction: very strongly acid to slightly alkaline

2Btg or BCg horizon
Hue: 7.5YR, 10YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, or N
Value: 4 to 6
Chroma: 0 to 6
Texture: silt loam, silty clay loam, clay loam, clay, or silty clay
Rock fragments: 0 to 15 percent gravel
Reaction: strongly acid to moderately alkaline

Cg horizon (where present)
Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y
Value: 4 to 7
Chroma: 1 or 2
Texture: silt loam, silty clay loam, clay loam, clay, or silty clay (some pedons have strata of very fine sand)
Rock fragments: 0 to 10 percent gravel
Reaction: strongly acid to moderately alkaline

COMPETING SERIES: There are no other series in this family.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Deible soils are on nearly level to gently sloping stream terraces and footslopes. They formed in either silty colluvium or loess and the underlying alluvium. Slopes are 0 to 5 percent. The mean annual temperature varies from about 54 to 57 degrees F, and the mean annual precipitation varies from about 35 to 45 inches.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Bearthicket, Higdon, Horsecreek, and Racoon soils. All of these soils have less clay in the particle size control section and are on slightly lower elevations.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Poorly drained. Runoff is typically high to very high, but is negligible in concave positions. Permeability is very slow and the saturated hydraulic conductivity is low. A seasonal high water table with an upper depth from 0 to 1 feet is present intermittently from December to May in most years.

USE AND VEGETATION: Most areas are used for cultivated crops or pasture. Native vegetation is mixed hardwoods.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: The Ozark Highland region (MLRA 116A) of southern Missouri. The series is of moderate extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Phelps County, Missouri, 1999.

REMARKS: This soil was included in the Auxvasse series in Carter, St. Francois, Iron, and Ste. Genevieve Counties.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:
ochric epipedon - the zone from the surface of the soil to about 15 inches (Ap and E horizons).
albic horizon - the zone from approximately 10 to 15 inches (E horizon)
argillic horizon - the zone from approximately 15 to 65 inches (Btg and 2Btg horizons)
abrupt textural change - at a depth of 15 inches

ADDITIONAL DATA: University of Missouri Soil Characterization lab numbers: M9216105(typical pedon), M8916113, M9412316, M9412319, M8916128, M9322317, M8721516, M9121511.

National Cooperative Soil Survey