Established Series


The Docdee series consists of shallow, well drained soils that formed in material derived mainly from andesite and sandstone. These soils are on ridge tops and mountain sides and have slopes of 8 to 75 percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 20 inches; the mean annual temperature is about 49 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, mesic Lithic Haplustolls

TYPICAL PEDON: Docdee very cobbly loam - forested. (Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise noted.)

O--0 inch to 1; partially decomposed pine needles. (0 to 2 inches thick)

A1--1 to 7 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) very cobbly loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; moderate fine granular structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few large and many very fine, fine, and medium roots; few fine interstitial pores; 20 percent gravel, 20 percent cobbles, and 5 percent stones; neutral (pH 7.0); clear smooth boundary. (2 to 10 inches thick)

A2--7 to 11 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) very cobbly loam, dark brown (10YR 3/3) moist; moderate fine granular structure; soft, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few large and many very fine, fine, and medium roots; common fine tubular pores; 20 percent gravel, 30 percent cobble, and 5 percent stones; neutral (pH 7.0); abrupt smooth boundary. (2 to 10 inches thick)

R--11 inches; sandstone.

TYPE LOCATION: Lincoln County, New Mexico; in Ruidoso; along Starlite Drive in northwest 1/4, southwest 1/4, sec. 22, T. 11 S., R. 13 E.


Soil Moisture: Intermittently moist in some part of the soil moisture control section July through September and December through April. Typic ustic soil moisture regime.

Soil Temperature: 47 to 59 degrees F.

Depth to bedrock: 5 to 20 inches

Particle-size control section: 18 to 27 percent clay on a weighted average

Rock fragments: 35 to 60 percent total on a weighted average, 10 to 30 percent gravel, 10 to 30 percent cobbles and 0 to 10 percent stones

A horizons
Hue: 7.5YR, 10YR
Value: 3 to 5 dry, 2 or 3 moist
Chroma: 1 to 3, dry or moist

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Baller (CO), Boriana (AZ), Demayo (CO), Far (AZ), and Huachuca (AZ) series. Baller soils contain sandstone rock fragments mostly of cobble and stone size and have hue yellower than 10YR. Boriana and Huachuca soils have less than 18 percent clay in the particle-size control section. Demayo soils are drier in the winter. Far soils have a typic ustic moisture regime.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Docdee soils are on ridge tops and mountainsides. Slopes range from 8 to 75 percent. Elevation ranges from 5,200 to 7,500 feet. The mean annual precipitation is 16 to 24 inches; the mean annual temperature is 45 to 57 degrees F. The average frost-free period is 100 to 180 days.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Monjeau and Nolten soils that are less than 40 inches deep to a paralithic contact.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained, medium or rapid runoff; moderate permeability.

USE AND VEGETATION: Docdee soils are used for fuel production, homesites, and wildlife habitat. Present vegetation includes ponderosa pine, Gambel oak, big bluestem, deergrass, mountain brome, mountain muhly, and spike muhly.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Docdee soils are of small extent in south-central New Mexico and south-central Arizona. MLRAs are 38, 39, and 41.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Lincoln County, New Mexico, 1981.

REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:

Mollic epipedon the zone from 0 to 11 inches (A1 and A2 horizons)

Lithic contact the boundary at 11 inches (R horizon)

Classified according to Soil Taxonomy, Second Edition, 1999; Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Tenth Edition, 2006.

Revised for the correlation of AZ675, 5/2009, WWJ

National Cooperative Soil Survey