Established Series


The Goldwall series consists of very shallow, moderately well drained soils formed in residuum weathered from latite. The Goldwall soils are on open depressions between mounds, on the summits of lava plateaus. Slopes range from 0 to 8% percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 580 mm and the mean annual air temperature is about 16 degrees C.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid, thermic Lithic Xerorthents

TYPICAL PEDON: Goldwall loam on a west facing, 2 percent, linear slope under annual grasses and forbs at an elevation of 285 meters. (Colors are for dry soils unless otherwise noted. When described on September 27, 2006 the soil was dry throughout.)

A--0 to 3 cm; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) loam, dark brown (7.5YR 3/3) moist; weak medium platy parts to weak fine subangular blocky structure; soft, friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; common very fine and fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular and many very fine and fine irregular pores; 5 percent subangular indurated latite gravel; strongly acid (pH 5.5); clear smooth boundary. (1 to 11 cm thick)

Bw--3 to 15 cm; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) loam, dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) moist; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; hard, friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few very fine and fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular and irregular pores; 8 percent subangular indurated latite gravel; strongly acid (pH 5.5); clear wavy boundary. (1 to 14 cm thick)

R--15 to 200 cm; Indurated latite bedrock.

TYPE LOCATION: Tuolumne County, California, about 0.80 km (0.5 mile) south of the New Melones Dam, USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle: Keystone, California; WGS84 -37.867691 latitude and 120.601189 longitude; UTM Zone 10 711002 meters E 4193848 meters N NAD83.

Soil temperature: The mean annual soil temperature at the lithic contact is 15 to 17 degrees C and the difference between mean summer and mean winter soil temperature is greater than 6 degrees C. The soils have a thermic temperature regime.

Soil moisture: The soil moisture control section is dry in all parts from about May to October. The soils have a xeric soil moisture regime.

Diagnostic Feature(s):
Ochric epipedon thickness: 1 to 18 cm
Depth to lithic contact: 2 to 25 cm

Organic matter in the epipedon: 1.5 to 5.5 percent

Reaction: Strongly acid to moderately acid in the control section (5.1-6.0)

Water Features:
Ponding: Frequently subject to very brief ponding after heavy rainfall.

Particle size control section weighted average:
Rock fragments: 0 to 35 percent, with 0 to 35 percent graveland 0 to 5 percent cobbles.
Clay content: averages 7 to 35 percent clay

A horizon
Hue: 10YR, or 7.5YR
Value: 4 to 6 dry, 2 to 4 moist
Chroma: 2 to 6 dry, 1 to 3 moist
Texture of the fine earth: sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam
Clay content: 5 to 25 percent
Rock fragments: 0 to 35 percent
0 to 35 percent gravel
0 to 5 percent cobbles

Bw horizon (when present)
Hue: 10YR to 5YR
Value: 4 or 5 dry, 3 or 4 moist
Chroma: 3 to 6 dry, 3 or 4 moist
Texture of the fine earth: sandy loam, loam, or clay loam
Clay content: 7 to 35 percent
Rock fragments: 0 to 35 percent
0 to 35 percent gravel
0 to 5 percent cobbles

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Daulton, Exchequer, Ocraig, and Whiterock series. Daulton and Whiterock overlie olive colored, highly fractured, and vertically tilted slate bedrock associated with the Mariposa formation. Whiterock soils are also strongly or very strongly acid, and Daulton soils have bedrock at depths greater than 25 cm. Exchequer soils have a moist chroma of 4 to 8 throughout and overlie schists and metavolcanic rocks. Ocraig soils have coarse sandy loam textures having very coarse sand plus coarse sand greater than 20 percent.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: The Goldwall soils are on open depressions between mounds on lava plateaus. Slopes range from 0 to 8 percent. These soils formed in residuum weathered from latite. Elevation is 165 to 655 meters. The climate is Mediterranean with warm, dry summers and cool, moist winters. The mean annual precipitation is 505 to 910 mm and the mean annual air temperature is 15 to 17 degrees C. The frost free season is 225 to 305 days.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Toomes, Shawsflat, Angelscreek, Miltonhills, Pentz, and Inks soils. Toomes soils occupy mounds on lava plateaus, have cambic horizons, and are between 25 to 50 cm to bedrock. Shawsflat and Angelscreek are loamy-skeletal and form in colluvium on the sideslopes adjacent to lava plateaus and lahars. Miltonhills soils form from acidic tuff on the side slopes of hills and erosion remnants, are moderately deep, and have an umbric epipedon. Pentz and Inks soils form on hills, have a mollic epipedon, and have a paralithic contact within 50 cm.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Moderately well drained, moderate high to high saturated hydraulic conductivity throughout the profile. Frequent ponding for very brief periods can occur beginning in November with the possibility of extending through April.

USE AND VEGETATION: This soil is used for livestock grazing and wildlife habitat. Vegetation is mainly annual grasses and forbs. Species include fescue, brome, filaree, clover, lupine, meadowfoam, goldfields, and butter 'n-eggs.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Sierra Nevada Foothills of California; MLRA 18. This series is not extensive.


SERIES PROPOSED: Tuolumne County, California. The name refers to The Gold Wall, a popular climbing location near where this soil originated.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:
Ochric Epipedon 0 to 4 cm (A horizon)
Lithic Contact 15 cm (R horizon)
Particle Size Control Section for this pedon: 0 to 15 cm.

NASIS User Pedon ID: T06SMM014-01

No certified laboratory data exists for this soil.

Soil classified using the 12th Edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy.

National Cooperative Soil Survey