Established Series


TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludults
Depth class: Very deep
Drainage class (Agricultural): Well drained
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderately high in the upper subsoil and high or very high in the lower subsoil and substratum
Landscape: Coastal plain
Parent material: Loamy eolian and alluvial deposits high in silt underlain by loamy and sandy alluvial sediments
Slope: 0 to 5 percent
Mean Annual Air Temperature (type location): 13 degrees C. (55 degrees F.)
Mean Annual Precipitation (type location): 1118 mm (44 inches)

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludults

TYPICAL PEDON: Greenwich loam, in a cultivated field. (Colors are for moist soil).

Ap--0 to 25 cm (0 to 10 inches); brown (10YR 5/3) loam; weak medium and coarse granular structure; friable; slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few medium and common very fine and fine roots; few very fine and fine vesicular pores; very strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (13 to 30 cm thick).

Bt1--25 to 41 cm (10 to 16 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) loam; moderate medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few medium and common very fine and fine roots; common fine to coarse continuous tubular pores; few coats of A horizon material in worm and root channels; distinct clay bridging between sand grains; moderately acid; clear smooth boundary. (13 to 23 cm thick).

Bt2--41 to 56 cm (16 to 22 inches); strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) loam; moderate medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few medium and very fine roots; few fine to coarse continuous tubular pores; few coats of A horizon material in worm channels; distinct clay bridging between sand grains; common faint clay films on faces of rock fragments; 5 percent, by volume fine gravel; moderately acid; clear smooth boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizon is 25 to 51 cm)

2Bt3--56 to 64 cm (22 to 25 inches); strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) coarse sandy loam; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky, nonplastic; few very fine and fine roots; few fine and medium continuous tubular pores; few coats of A horizon material in worm channels; discontinuous clay bridging between sand grains; moderately acid; 6 percent, by volume fine gravel; clear smooth boundary.

2Bt4--64 to 74 cm (25 to 29 inches); dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) and brown (7.5YR 4/4) sandy loam; weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; very friable; slightly sticky, non plastic; few very fine and fine roots; few fine and medium tubular pores; faint clay bridging between sand grains; moderately acid; 8 percent, by volume fine gravel; abrupt wavy boundary. (Combine thickness of the 2Bt horizon is 15 to 30 cm).

2CB--74 to 99 cm (29 to 39 inches); dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) loamy sand; massive; very friable; few fine roots; common discontinuous dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) lamellae less than 6 mm (1/4 inch) thick; strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (0 to 30 cm thick).

2C1--99 to 117 cm (39 to 46 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) loamy coarse sand; massive; very friable; few fine vesicular pores; strongly acid; few small brown (10YR 5/3) soft accumulations of sandy loam material up to 25 mm (1 inch) in diameter; 6 percent, by volume fine gravel; clear smooth boundary.

2C2--117 to 140 cm (46 to 55 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) coarse sand; massive parting to single grain; very friable; common dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) loamy sand lamellae less than 25 mm (1 inch) thick; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary.

2C3--140 to 183 cm (55 to 72 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) coarse sand; single grain; loose; strongly acid; 12 percent, by volume fine gravel; very strongly acid.

TYPE LOCATION: Sussex County, Delaware; about 1,800 feet southeast and 2,000 feet southwest of the intersection of County Roads 275 and 277, 1.0 mile south of Belltown. USGS Fairmount, DE topographic quadrangle; lat 38 degrees, 43 minutes, 58.34 seconds N and long. 75 degrees, 09 minutes, 58.34 seconds W.; NAD 83.

Solum Thickness: 50 to 127 cm (20 to 50 inches)
Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 152 cm (60 inches)
Depth to Lithologic Discontinuity: 50 to 102 cm (20 to 40 inches)
Depth to Seasonal High Water Table: Greater than 152 cm (60 inches)
Rock Fragments: 0 to 10 percent, by volume in the solum, 0 to 20 percent in the substratum, mostly fine rounded gravel
Soil Reaction: Extremely acid to strongly acid, throughout the profile, unless limed
Other Features: Silt content ranges from 30 to 60 percent above the discontinuity and 2 to 25 percent below the discontinuity

Ap or A horizon:
Color--hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 3 to 5, chroma of 2 to 5
Texture--loam, very fine sandy loam, or silt loam

E or BE horizon (if they occur):
Color--hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 5, chroma of 3 to 8
Texture--loam, very fine sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or silt loam

Bt horizon;
Color--hue of 10YR through 5YR, value of 4 or 5, chroma of 4 to 8
Texture--loam, very fine sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or silt loam

2Bt horizon:
Color--hue of 10YR through 5YR, value of 4 or 5, chroma of 4 to 8
Texture--coarse sandy loam or sandy loam. Some pedons have a thin subhorizon of sandy clay loam.

2CB or 2BC horizon (if they occur):
Color--hue of 10YR through 5YR, value of 4 or 5, chroma of 4 to 8
Texture--loamy sand, coarse sandy loam or sandy loam

2C horizon:
Color--have hue of 2.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, chroma of 3 to 8
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand and may be stratified. They commonly contain thin loamy sand or sandy loam lamellae less than 25 mm (1 inch) thick, with cumulative thickness less than 15 cm (6 inches).

Adyeville soils--well drained, moderately deep to paralithic contact and formed in residuum from sandstone and siltstone
Grosstown soils--contain more than 30 percent rock fragments in the lower subsoil
Philomont soils--formed in residuum from gneiss and granite
Swedesboro soils--contain glauconite in the particle-size control section
Unicorn soils--have a seasonal high water table below a depth of 107 cm (42 inches)

Landscape: Coastal plain
Landform: Undulating uplands
Elevation: 3 to 11 meters (10 to 35 feet) above mean sea level
Parent Material: Loamy eolian and alluvial deposits high in silt underlain by loamy and sandy alluvial sediments
Slope: 0 to 5 percent
Mean Annual Air Temperature: 11 to 14 degrees C. (52 to 58 degrees F.)
Mean Annual Precipitation: 1067 to 1219 mm (42 to 48 inches)
Frost Free Period: 175 to 200 days

Downer soils--have siliceous mineralogy and do not have Bt horizons that are high in silt, on similar landforms
Fort Mott soils--have siliceous mineralogy, do not have Bt horizons that are high in silt, and have sandy surface layers 50 to 102 cm (20 to 40 inches) thick, on on slightly higher landforms
Hammonton soils--moderately well drained, have siliceous mineralogy, and do not have Bt horizons that are high in silt, on slightly lower-lying landforms
Hurlock soils--poorly drained soils, on lower-lying landforms

Drainage class (Agricultural): Well drained
Internal Free Water Occurrence: Very deep
Flooding Frequency and Duration: None
Ponding Frequency and Duration: None
Index Surface Runoff: Low
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderately high in the upper subsoil and high or very high in the lower subsoil and substratum
Permeability (obsolete): Moderate in the upper subsoil and rapid in the lower subsoil and substratum
Shrink-swell Potential: Low


DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Southeastern Delaware, Maryland and possibly New Jersey. The extent is small.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Calvert County, Maryland, 1942

REMARKS: The Greenwich series was originally established in Calvert County, Maryland, 1942. It was made inactive in 1957 and the soils combined with the Sassafras series in Maryland and Delaware. The series was reactivated in 1992 in Sussex County, DE because of important differences in use and management.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:
a. Ochric epipedon--the zone from 0 to 25 cm (Ap horizon)
b. Argillic horizon--the zone from 25 to 74 cm (Bt horizons)

Other features identified with this pedon:
Series Control Section--the zone from 0 to 150 cm


Data Mapunit ID (type location): 482533

National Cooperative Soil Survey