Established Series


Depth Class--Very deep
Drainage Class--Subaqueous drainage
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity--Moderately high
Parent Material--Fine-silty estuarine deposits
Geomorphic Location--Estuarine tidal streams and mainland coves
Slope range for Series--0 to 1 percent
Mean Annual Air Temperature--20.6 degrees C. (69 degrees F.)
Mean Annual Precipitation--1295 millimeters (51 inches)

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, hyperthermic Fluventic Sulfiwassents

TYPICAL PEDON: Jonesbay loam, in 85 cm (2.8 feet) of permanent saline water. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.)

Aseg--0 to 29 centimeters (0 to 11 in); dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) loam; massive; very fluid; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0); positive color change with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide; positive color change and strongly effervescent with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; gradual boundary. (17 to 41 centimeters, 7 to 16 inches thick)

Cseg1--29 to 78 centimeters (11 to 31 in); dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) sandy clay loam; massive; very fluid; 1 percent shell fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0); positive color change with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide; positive color change and strongly effervescent with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; gradual boundary.

Cseg2--78 to 172 centimeters (31 to 68 in); dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) sandy clay loam; massive; moderately fluid; 2 percent shell fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0); strongly effervescent with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; gradual boundary.

Cseg3--172 to 203 centimeters (68 to 80 in); dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) clay loam; massive; nonfluid; 1 percent shell fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0); strongly effervescent with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide.

TYPE LOCATION: Brazoria County, TX; by boat from the public boat ramp at Hoskins Mound Road and Bastrop Bayou, about 5.5 miles in an easterly direction on the dredged channel for Bastrop Bayou to the intracoastal waterway; 1.0-mile northeast on intracoastal waterway to mouth of bayou; about 2.0 miles north and west on serpentine-shaped bayou to Alligator Lake; located about 0.25 mile west on Alligator Lake; USGS topographic quadrangle: Christmas Point, TX

Longitude-- -95.2093333
Coordinate source--from hand-held GPS

Depth to bedrock--greater than 200 centimeters
Soil Moisture--These soils are continuously inundated.
Water depth--Ranges from 8 to 130 centimeters (3 to 51 inches)
Reaction throughout-slightly acid to strongly alkaline (6.5 to 8.6)
Thickness of the sulfidic materials--22 to 154 cm (9 to 61 in)
Thickness of the fluid soil material (n value greater than 0.7)--37 to 172 cm (15 to 68 in)
Electrical conductivity values for air-dried soil throughout--7 to 36 ds/cm
Particle-size control section (weighted average)--Total clay content: 20 to 35 percent
Content of sands larger than very fine sand: 7 to 15 percent

Aseg horizon--Hue--10Y
Texture--loam, sandy clay loam, or clay loam

Cseg layer--(some pedons have a Cg or 2Cg layer with browner colors and clay texture)
Hue--N or 10Y
Chroma--0 to 1
Texture--loam, sandy clay loam, or clay loam
Redox concentrations--amount-0 to 5 percent; color-shades of brown; location-in matrix and only become visible after exposure to air
Redox depletions----amount-0 to 3 percent; color-shades of gray, blue, and green; location-in matrix

These are no series in the same family.
Similar soils are the Middlemoor, Pishagqua, Tingles and Truitt.
Middlemoor soils--are on barrier cove landforms and have sulfidic materials throughout
Pishagqua soils--have cooler soil temperatures, sulfidic soil materials throughout and occur on similar landforms in the Northeast region
Tingles and Truitt soils--have cooler soil temperatures and have sulfidic materials throughout

Parent material--Fine-sitly estuarine deposits
Landscape--Coastal estuaries and lagoons
Landform--Estuarine tidal streams and mainland coves
Slope--Less than 1 percent
Precipitation Pattern--rainfall is mostly uniform throughout the year but most of the annual rainfall occurs during the Spring, Summer, and Fall months
Mean annual precipitation--1219 to 1295 mm (48 to 51 inches)
Mean annual air temperature--20.6 to 21.7 degrees C. (69 to 71 degrees F.)
Water temperature range (seasonal range)--15 to 32 degrees C. (59 to 90 degrees F)
Water depth range--Ranges from 8 to 130 centimeters (3 to 51 inchesWater Regime--Tidal, 0 to 0.3 m (0 to 1 ft)
Water salinity range--11 to 35 ppt (lower values occur during times when greater amounts of freshwater are flowing into the estuary from subaerial areas from further inland)
Frost-free period-- 365 days

These are the Harris, Maggies (T), Tatlum, and Tracosa series.
Harris and Tracosa soils--are clayey and firm throughout and are on landforms not permanently submersed
Maggies soils--are slightly coarser, do not have sulfidic soil materials and are on lagoon bottom landforms
Tatlum soils--have colors throughout that are browner; do not have sulfidic materials; and are on landforms that are not permanently submersed

Drainage class--Subaqueous
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity--Moderately high
Soil Moisture Regime--Peraquic
Soil is continuously inundated by saline water. The presence of hypersulfidic soil materials within 50 centimeters of the soil surface puts these soils at risk for potential acid sulfate soil formation if they are dredged and exposed to the atmosphere.

Major uses--These areas are used as wildlife habitat and for recreational activities.
Native vegetation--None observed; bare mud bottom is dominant condition.

General area--These soils are located on the upper Texas Gulf Coast
Land Resource Region--T- Atlantic and Gulf Coast Lowland Forest and Crop Region
MLRA--150B - Gulf Coast Saline Prairies


SERIES PROPOSED: Brazoria County, Texas, 2022. The name is derived from Jones Bay near Tiki Island, Texas. Jonesbay soils can be found within this area.

REMARKS: The series was formerly included with water.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are--
Particle-size control section--0 to 100 cm (0 to 40 in)
Ochric epipedon--0 to 29 cm (0 to 11 in)
Sulfidic materials--0 to 78 cm (0 to 31 in) (Aseg horizon and Cseg1 layer)
Manner of failure-Slightly fluid to very fluid 0 to 172 cm (0 to 68 in) (Aseg horizon, Cseg1 and Cseg2 layers)

Additional Comments--Mineralogy based on data from adjacent subaerial soils and the content of shell fragments that make up the sand portion.

ADDITIONAL DATA: Soil survey office lab data on pedon S2021TX0399148 from series type location.

TAXONOMIC VERSION: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Thirteenth Edition, 2022


National Cooperative Soil Survey