Established Series


Landform--mountain slopes, mass failures on mountain slopes
Slope--0 to 60 percent
Parent material--thin mantle of mixed volcanic ash over colluvium derived from metavolcanic rock
Mean annual precipitation--about 680 mm
Mean annual air temperature--about 4 degrees C
Depth class--moderately deep to lithic bedrock
Drainage class--well drained
Soil moisture regime--xeric
Soil temperature regime--frigid
Soil moisture subclass--typic

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, isotic, frigid Vitrandic Haploxerepts

TYPICAL PEDON: Lemoncreek ashy silt loam, forested, on a 35-percent, south-facing slope at an elevation of 1695 m

Oi--0 to 1 cm; slightly decomposed needles and twigs

A--1 to 5 cm; ashy silt loam, brown (7.5YR 4/3) dry, dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) moist; weak fine and very fine subangular blocky structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many very fine and fine and common medium roots; few very fine irregular and tubular pores; 10 percent gravel; slightly acid (pH 6.4); clear wavy boundary

Bw1--5 to 23 cm; gravelly ashy loam, brown (7.5YR 5/3) dry, brown (7.5YR 4/3) moist; weak fine subangular blocky structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many very fine, common fine and medium, and few coarse roots; common very fine tubular and irregular pores; 25 percent gravel; slightly acid (pH 6.4); clear irregular boundary

Bw2--23 to 33 cm; gravelly ashy loam, brown (7.5YR 5/4) dry, brown (7.5YR 4/4) moist; weak medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine, fine, medium, and coarse roots; common very fine irregular and tubular pores; 25 percent gravel; slightly acid (pH 6.4); clear wavy boundary

2Eb--33 to 51 cm; very gravelly sandy clay loam, light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) dry, brown (10YR 4/3) moist; weak fine and very fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine and very fine and common medium roots; common very fine tubular and irregular pores and few fine tubular pores; 30 percent gravel and 15 percent cobbles; slightly acid (pH 6.4); gradual wavy boundary

2Bwb--51 to 79 cm; very gravelly sandy clay loam, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) dry, brown (10YR 4/3) moist; weak fine and very fine subangular blocky structure; hard, friable, moderately sticky and moderately plastic; few very fine and fine pores; 35 percent gravel and 15 percent cobbles; neutral (pH 6.6); abrupt smooth boundary

2R--79 cm; metavolcanic rock

TYPE LOCATION: Grant County, Oregon, about 736 m east and 642 m north of the southwest corner of section 30, T. 10 S., R. 35 E.; Vinegar Hill U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle; latitude 44.6682491, longitude -118.5459018, datum WGS 84 (coordinates and PLSS details estimated from a point on a hard copy map)

Mean annual soil temperature--about 4 to 6 degrees C
Mean summer soil temperature--about 8 to 10 degrees C
Mean winter soil temperature--about 0 to 2 degrees C
Soil moisture--dry 45 to 60 consecutive days in summer
Depth to lithic contact--50 to 100 cm from mineral soil surface
Thickness of ash-influenced layers--25 to 35 cm

Estimated properties of layers influenced by volcanic ash
*Ammonium oxalate extractable Al + 1/2 Fe--0.4 to 1.0 percent
*Glass content in 0.02- to 2.0-mm fraction--30 to 55 percent

Particle-size control section
*Clay content--18 to 25 percent
*Total rock fragment content--45 to 85 percent

A horizon
Moist color--7.5YR 2.5/2, 7.5YR 3/2
Dry color--7.5YR 4/2, 7.5YR 4/3, 10YR 5/3
Fine-earth texture--ashy silt loam, ashy loam
Clay content--5 to 15 percent
Sand content--30 to 40 percent
Organic matter content--2 to 6 percent
Total rock fragment content--10 to 30 percent
Gravel content--10 to 30 percent
Cobble content--0 to 5 percent
Reaction--6.1 to 7.3
Thickness--5 to 20 cm

Bw horizon, and AB horizon (where present)
Moist color--5YR 3/4, 7.5YR 3/4, 7.5YR 4/3, 7.5YR 4/4
Dry color--7.5YR 5/3, 7.5YR 5/4, 7.5YR 6/4
Fine-earth texture--ashy silt loam, ashy loam, ashy sandy loam
Clay content--8 to 18 percent
Sand content--30 to 65 percent
Organic matter content--1.0 to 2.5 percent
Total rock fragment content--25 to 55 percent
Gravel content--10 to 40 percent
Cobble content--0 to 15 percent
Reaction--5.6 to 7.3
Thickness--18 to 60 cm

2Eb horizon
Moist color--7.5YR 4/4, 10YR 4/3, 10YR 4/4, 10YR 5/3
Dry color--7.5YR 6/4, 10YR 6/4, 10YR 7/3
Fine-earth texture--loam, sandy clay loam
Clay content--18 to 25 percent
Sand content--45 to 70 percent
Organic matter content--0.5 to 2.0 percent
Total rock fragment content--50 to 85 percent
Gravel content--25 to 45 percent
Cobble content--15 to 30 percent
Stone content--0 to 15 percent
Reaction--5.6 to 7.3
Thickness--10 to 25 cm

2Bwb horizon, and 2BCb horizon (where present)
Moist color--7.5YR 3/4, 7.5YR 4/4, 10YR 4/3, 10YR 5/3
Dry color--7.5YR 5/4, 10YR 5/3, 10YR 5/4, 10YR 6/3, 10YR 6/4, 10YR 7/3
Fine-earth texture--loam, sandy clay loam, sandy loam
Clay content--8 to 18 percent
Sand content--30 to 65 percent
Organic matter content--1.0 to 2.5 percent
Total rock fragment content--25 to 55 percent
Gravel content--25 to 50 percent
Cobble content--15 to 40 percent
Stone content--0 to 10 percent
Reaction--5.6 to 7.3
Thickness--15 to 40 cm

Analulu--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (argillite); minor volcanic ash influence in upper 18 to 35 cm that is 5 to 20 percent glass; particle-size control section averages 8 to 15 percent clay
Ardenvoir--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to paralithic contact (metasedimentary siltstone or quartzite); dry 45 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Ardtoo--deep (100 to 150 cm) to paralithic contact (granite, gneiss, schist)
Blackprince--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to paralithic contact (gneiss, granitic rock)
Blinn--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (basalt); minor influence of volcanic ash in upper 18 to 35 cm that is 5 to 20 percent glass
Brevco--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (granite); minor volcanic ash influence in upper 18 to 35 cm that is 5 to 20 percent glass; particle-size control section averages less than 18 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Coxit--no lithic contact within a depth of more than 150 cm; colluvium and residuum derived from metasedimentary rock; particle-size control section averages 8 to 18 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Daxty--flagstones and channers throughout
Easte--deep (100 to 150 cm) to paralithic contact (andesite, basalt); umbric epipedon 100 to 150 cm thick; 10 to 18 percent clay in particle-size control section; dry more than 90 consecutive days in summer
Highhorn--deep (100 to 150 cm) to lithic contact (argillite); particle-size control section averages 27 to 35 percent clay; dry 45 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Huntrock--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (argillite); particle-size control section averages 27 to 35 percent clay; dry 50 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Jimbluff--no lithic contact within a depth of more than 150 cm; particle-size control section averages 2 to 6 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Jumpe--no lithic contact within a depth of more than 150 cm; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Kamela--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (basalt); volcanic ash influence in upper 18 to 35 cm that is 20 to 40 percent glass; no buried 2Eb or 2Bwb horizon
Lekrem--no lithic contact within a depth of 150 cm or more; particle-size control section averages 3 to 8 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Longort--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to densic contact (till)
Minaloosa--no lithic contact within a depth of more than 150 cm
Noil--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to paralithic contact (schist); 2 to 4 percent mica flakes throughout
Ontrail--no lithic contact within a depth of more than 150 cm; particle-size control section averages 5 to 12 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Radercreek--deep (100 to 150 cm) to lithic contact (sandstone); minor influence of volcanic ash in upper 18 to 60 cm that is 5 to 20 percent glass; less than 18 percent clay in particle-size control section; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Redpeak--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (sandstone); particle-size control section averages 10 to 20 percent clay; hue of 5YR or 2.5YR; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Santop--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (sandstone); minor volcanic ash influence in upper 18 to 35 cm that is 5 to 20 percent glass; particle-size control section averages 5 to 15 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Seeburg--no lithic contact within a depth of more than 150 cm; particle-size control section averages 4 to 7 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Thout--moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (andesite); minor volcanic ash influence in upper 18 to 35 cm that is 5 to 20 percent glass; particle-size control section averages 4 to 14 percent clay; dry 60 to 75 consecutive days in summer
Threecabin--deep (100 to 150 cm) to lithic contact (basalt); volcanic ash influence in upper 60 to 110 cm that is 15 to 30 percent glass; particle-size control section averages 11 to 17 percent clay
Warfield--no lithic contact within a depth of 150 cm or more; particle-size control section averages 7 to 11 percent clay; pH of 5.1 to 6.0 in lower part

Elevation--1290 to 1890 m
Climate--cold, wet winters; warm, dry summers
Mean annual precipitation--430 to 840 mm
Mean annual air temperature--about 3 to 6 degrees C
Frost-free period--30 to 80 days

Blackgulch--on moderately dissected backslopes; shallow (25 to 50 cm) to lithic contact (serpentine); mollic epipedon; minor influence of volcanic ash; under ponderosa pine or Douglas-fir forest and an understory of elk sedge or common snowberry
Cotay--on backslopes; moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (metavolcanic rock); mantle of mixed ash and loess over a buried, clayey-skeletal argillic horizon; under grand fir, Douglas-fir, birchleaf spirea, and pinegrass
Deck--on plateau crests and backslopes; moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (metavolcanic rock); mollic epipedon; mixed mantle of volcanic ash; loamy-skeletal cambic horizon; under Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, common snowberry, mallow ninebark, pinegrass, and elk sedge
Kingbolt--on ridges, benches, and shoulder slopes; moderately deep (50 to 100 cm) to lithic contact (argillite); thick volcanic ash mantle; under grand fir and Douglas-fir forest
Payraise--on backslopes; no lithic contact within a depth of more than 150 cm; thin volcanic ash mantle; loamy-skeletal argillic horizon; under grand fir, pinegrass, and birchleaf spirea
Slaughterhouse--on backslopes and summits; deep (100 to 150 cm) to lithic contact (metavolcanic rock); thick volcanic ash mantle; argillic horizon; 18 to 27 percent clay in particle-size control section; under grand fir forest

Saturation during normal years--none
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat)--moderately high

Use--timber production, livestock grazing, recreation, wildlife habitat, watershed
Native vegetation-- ponderosa pine, grand fir, Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, western larch, subalpine fir, pinegrass, elk sedge, heartleaf arnica, tailcup lupine, lupine, Virginia strawberry, white hawkweed, common yarrow, low Oregon grape, woodland strawberry, big huckleberry, common snowberry
Plant association--ABGR/CARU (grand fir/pinegrass); may include ABGR/CAGE (grand fir/elk sedge).

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: South-central Blue Mountains in Oregon; MLRA 10; small extent


SERIES PROPOSED: Malheur National Forest, Oregon; 2018

Diagnostic horizons and other features recognized in this pedon
*Ochric epipedon
*Cambic horizon--zone from 5 to 33 cm
*Volcanic glass--zone from 1 to 33 cm
*Buried eluvial horizon--zone from 33 to 51 cm
*Buried cambic horizon--zone from 51 to 79 cm
*Depth to lithic contact--79 cm
*Particle-size control section--zone from 26 to 79 cm

07/2016--Removed serpentine from the description of the parent material, but some minor areas of the Cotay series may include serpentine mixed with metavolcanic rock. Further field investigations are needed to identify the specific locations.

National Cooperative Soil Survey