Established Series


The Lostbasin series consists of moderately deep, well drained soils on hills. They formed in colluvium derived dominantly from schist and graywacke. Slopes are 12 to 80 percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 14 inches, and the mean annual temperature is about 43 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, frigid Typic Haploxerepts

TYPICAL PEDON: Lostbasin very channery loam - on a 45 percent convex south-facing slope, rangeland. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise noted.)

A--0 to 5 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) very channery loam, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) dry; weak very fine and fine subangular blocky structure; soft, friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; many very fine and fine discontinuous tubular pores; 45 percent schist channers and 5 percent schist flagstones; neutral (pH 7.2); abrupt smooth boundary. (4 to 7 inches thick)

BA--5 to 13 inches; brown (10YR 4/3) extremely channery clay loam, pale brown (10YR 6/3) dry; moderate fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine and fine roots; many very fine and fine discontinuous tubular pores; 55 percent schist channers and 5 percent schist flagstones; neutral (pH 7.0); clear smooth boundary. (6 to 10 inches thick)

Bw1--13 to 23 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) extremely channery clay loam, light gray (10YR 7/2) dry; moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine roots; common fine discontinuous tubular pores; 60 percent schist channers and 5 percent schist flagstones; neutral (pH 7.0); clear smooth boundary. (5 to 14 inches thick)

Bw2--23 to 28 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) extremely channery clay loam, very pale brown (10YR 7/3) dry; moderate fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine roots; common very fine discontinuous tubular pores; 70 percent schist channers and 5 percent schist flagstones; neutral (pH 6.8); abrupt wavy boundary. (5 to 9 inches thick)

R--28 inches; highly fractured schist.

TYPE LOCATION: Baker County, Oregon; about 7 miles NE of Bridgeport on Windy Ridge, 1,400 feet west and 1,200 feet north of the SE corner of section 35, in the NE1/4SW1/4SE1/4 sec. 35, T. 11 S., R. 41 E.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: These soils are usually moist but are dry in all parts between about 4 and 12 inches for 50 to 80 consecutive days after the summer solstice. The mean annual soil temperature is 43 to 47 degrees F. Depth to bedrock is 20 to 40 inches. The particle-size control section averages 40 to 60 percent rock fragments and 20 to 35 percent clay.

The A horizon has value of 3 or 4 moist, 5 or 6 dry and chroma of 2 or 3 moist and dry. It has 30 to 45 percent channers and 5 to 10 percent flagstones.

The Bw horizon has value of 4 or 5 moist, 6 or 7 dry and chroma of 3 or 4 moist and dry. It is loam or clay loam. It has 20 to 35 percent clay. It has 40 to 70 percent channers and 0 to 10 percent flagstones.

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Ardenvoir, Blinn, Daxty, Farva, Jumpe, Segundo and Thout series. The Ardenvoir and Jumpe soils are over 40 inches deep. Blinn soils are dominated by basalt stones. Daxty soils have 5 to 18 percent clay in the particle-size control section. Farva soils have a paralithic contact at 20 to 40 inches. Segundo soils have less than 20 percent clay in the control section and are more than 40 inches deep to bedrock. Thout soils have andesite or basalt gravel and have hue of 10YR through 5Y in the subsoil.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Lostbasin soils are on south-facing side slopes of hills. Elevations range from 4,000 to 5,300 feet. Slopes are 12 to 80 percent. The soils formed in colluvium derived dominantly from schist and graywake. The climate is characterized by cold moist winters and warm dry summers. The mean annual precipitation is 12 to 16 inches. The mean annual temperature is 40 to 45 degrees F. The frost-free period is 70 to 100 days.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Chambeam, Darkcanyon, Harlow, Sinker, Snaker and Snell series. Chambeam and Sinker soils are on adjacent north slopes. Darkcanyon and Snaker soils have mesic soil temperatures. Harlow and Snell soils are clayey-skeletal and are located on adjacent basalt uplands.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained. Runoff is medium to rapid. Permeability is moderate.

USE AND VEGETATION: These soils are used for rangeland. The native vegetation is bluebunch wheatgrass, Sandberg bluegrass, mountain big sagebrush, gray rabbitbrush and arrowleaf balsamroot.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Eastern Oregon. The soils of this series are of moderate extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Baker County Area, Oregon; 1988.

REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and features:

Ochric epipedon: 0 to 13 inches.

Cambic horizon: 13 to 28 inches.

Classification only changed 1/00 based on revisions to Soil Taxonomy from Typic Xerochrepts to Typic Haploxerepts.

National Cooperative Soil Survey