Inactive Series


THÙ ÙQRlÙ-AY FLAT series corsist of very deep, medium to moderately coarse
textured, well to somewhat excessively drained Gray Wooded intergrading to
Brunizem soils. These soils are formed in thick, glacial deposits of quartzite, sandstone, and shale composition on gently sloping glacial moraines
outwash terraces and fans. The tÙpical horizon sequence is Al, A2, A2B2, and
B2. THE NORWhY FLAT soils are associated with and similar to Soapstone (Gray
Wooded Intergrading to Brunizem), Ledgefork (regosolic Brunizen), and Lovena
(planosolic Brunizem) soils, and are similar to, but not associated with, soils
of the Duchesne (minimal Gray Wooded) and Broad Canyon (minimal Brunizem) soils. 1l
The Soapstone soils have medium to moderately fine textured B2 horizons, and t
overlie shale. The Ledgefork soils lack B2 horizons and have light-colored
Al horizons. The Lovena soils have cobbly clay loam to clay B2 horizons. The
Duchesne soils lack Al horizonÙ NORÙAY FLAT soils are at elevations of 7,500
to Ù,500 feet in the lower Ùanadian climatic zone. The mean annual precipita-
tion ranges from 20 to 25 inches. Ùost of this precipitation is snow. Sum-
mers are dry and moderately warm with a wide diurnal temperature range. These soils are not extensive.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed Cryic Paleborolls

TYPICAL PEDON: Norway Flat cobbly loam. -

All 0-6" Dark gray brown (lOYR 4/2) cobbly loam; very dark brown (lOYR 2/2) moist; very weak medium subangular blocÙy break-
ing into weak fine granular structure; loose, friable, slightly sticky, nonplastic; abundunt, fine and medium roots; neutral,
(pE'. of psste 6.7/; clsÙr wovÙr boundary 4 to a inchss thicÙ
Norway Flat coÙbly loam - 3

B2 60-75"Ù Dark brown (7.5YR 4/4) sandy loam; with few, fine, distinct
reddish brown (5YR 4/4) mineral stains; weak medium subangular
blocky structure; hard, Ùirm, stikcy, plastic; faint broken
clay films on peds; slightly acid (pH of paste 6.3).

Range in Characteristicss Al horizons range from sandy loam to loam, Color

values are 4 dry and 2 to 3 mojst; chromas are 2 dey Ùnd moist, hues are generally lOYR. A horizons are dominantly sandy loam and have color values
of 5 to 6 dry qnd 4 to 5 moist; and Ùhromas of 3 to 4 dry and moist. B2 horizons rangÙ from gravelly heavy sandy loam to gravelly sandy clay loam
and have color values of 5 to 6 dry and 4 to 5 moist; chromas of 4 to 6 dry
and 3 to 5 moist, and hues of lOYR to 7.5YR and 5YR in places. The coarse
fraction usually is between 20 to ÙO perc6nt by volume with extremes of 10
and 80 percent. Coarse fragments increÙse in volume with depth and are chiefly
quartzite, but small shale fragments are found throughout the profile. The
B2 horizon is replaced by a B2A2 horizon in places.
Topography: Glacial moraines and outwash terraces and fans with slope gradiÙ
ents batween 15 and 25 percent.
Drainage and Permeability: Well to somewhat excessively drained. Permeability
is rapid in the A horizons and moderately rapid in the B horizons. Surface
runofP is moderately slow.
Vegetation: Lodgepole pine-aspen stÙnds with thick brush understorias and
ncarly pure lodgepole pine stands with scattered ponderosa pineÙ
Use: Forest, grazing, watershed, and wildlife.
Distribution: Mid-elevÙtions of the western Uinta Mountains in Utah. ;orway Flat cobbly loam - 2

- Al2 6-12" Brown (lOYR 4/3) very coÙbly loam; very 1Ùrk grJy broÙJn '-,
(lOYR 2/2) moist; very weak medium subangulÙr blocky break-
ing into weaÙ fine granulnr structure; loose, friable, slightly
- sticky, nonplastic; abundant, fine and medium roots; neutral,
(pH of iÙaste 6.6); cleÙr wavy boundnry; 4 to 10 inches thick.
Azl 12-23" Pale brown (lOYR 6/3) steny sandy loam; dark brown (lOYR 4/3)
moist; weak medium granular structure; slightly hard, firm,
slightly sticky, nonplastlc; plentiful Ù.edium and large roots;
- few fine pores; neutral (pH of paste 6.9); clear wavy bound-
- ary; 10 to 15 inches thick.
h22 23-37" Very pale brown (lOYR 7/5) gravellv light sandy loam; yellow-
- ish brown (lOYR 5/4) noist; very weak fine subangular blocky
structure; hard, sligh'ly firm, nonaticky, nonplastic; plenti-
ful, fine roots, few medium roots; comÙon medium and fine pores;
neutral; (pÙ of paste 6.8); gradunl wavy boundary; 10 to 15
inches thick.
-- A23 37-46" Vdrv pale brown (lOYR 7/3), cobbly loamy sand; brown (lOrR 5/3)
moist; massive; loose and slightly hnrd, friable, nonsticky,
noÙplastic; verv P9ÙJ rine and medium roots; slightlv vesicular;
- neutral (pH oÙ paste 6.6); grÙdunl wavy boundary; 10 to 15
inches thick.
A2B2 4Ù-60" A2 portion comprise 90 percent of horizon; very pale brown
(lOYR Y/3), gr Ù-elly scndy loam; light yellÙltish brown
(lOYR 6/4) moist; 10 percent B2 portion occurs Ùs bÙnds,
lenses, Ùnd patches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) snndÙ clay loam;
dnrk yellowish brown (lOYR 4/4) moist; both h2 and B2 portions
hÙrd, frim, nonsticky, nonplÙstic; faint broken clÙy filÙs on
peds; feÙ rine and Ùedi,um roots; slightly Ùcid (pH of Plste 6.4Ù -Ù
- grÙdual wnvY boundÙrÙ,Ù; 10 to 15 inches thick- t
NoÙway Flat cobbly loam Ù

Type Location: * mile up Boulder Creed roÙd in first road cut. Coordinates
measured in inches from fiducial center of contact print of photo ÙoÙ EBW
4-13: 0.78" S. and 1.35Ù W. NW-- 0Ù SÙ-4 of Section 36, T. 2 S., R. 7 E. Series Proposed or Established: Kamas Ranger District, Ùasatch National Forest; Summit County, Utlh - 1960. Names after prominent area in western Uinta Ùountains.

REMARKS: OSED scanned by NSSQA. Last revised by state 1/63.

National Cooperative Soil Survey