Established Series


The Sebree series consists of moderately deep over a duripan, well

drained soils on terraces or alluvial plains. They formed in loess

over unconsolidated alluvial sediments. Permeability is slow. Slopes

are 0 to 12 percent. The average annual precipitation is about 10

inches and the average annual air temperature is about 49 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Xeric Natridurids

TYPICAL PEDON: Sebree silty clay loam - rangeland. (Colors are for

dry soil unless otherwise noted.)

E--0 to 1 inch; light gray (10YR 7/2) silt loam, grayish brown

(10YR 5/2) moist; massive; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and

slightly plastic; strongly vesicular, vesicles as large as 2 or 3 mm;

slightly acid (pH 6.5); abrupt smooth boundary. (0 to 2 inches thick)

Bt--1 to 3 inches; pale brown (10YR 6/3) silty clay loam, dark

brown (10YR 4/3) moist; moderate very fine prismatic structure parting

to moderate very fine subangular blocky; hard, firm, sticky and

plastic; few roots; thin clay films; neutral; common thin silt coatings

on ped faces; abrupt smooth boundary. (1 to 3 inches thick)

Btn--3 to 12 inches; pale brown (10YR 6/3) silty clay loam, dark

brown (10YR 4/3) moist; moderate fine and very fine subangular blocky

structure; very hard, firm, sticky and plastic; few roots; few very

fine pores; moderately thick continuous clay films; mildly alkaline;

common thin silt coatings on ped faces from 3 to 7 inches; many white

spots of salts below 7 inches; clear wavy boundary. (4 to 10 inches


Btkn--12 to 32 inches; pale brown (10YR 6/3) silt loam, brown (10YR

5/3) moist; weak fine subangular blocky structure; hard, firm, sticky

and plastic; few roots; common very fine pores; large splotches of

lime; many spots of salt; violently effervescent; mildly alkaline;

abrupt wavy boundary. (10 to 25 inches thick)

2Bqkm--32 to 51 inches; pinkish white (7.5YR 8/2) indurated

silica-calcium carbonate duripan containing lenses of slightly darker

material; indurated part is plates of 2 to 3 inches thick and extremely

dense and nonporous; tops of plates are light brown (7.5YR 6/3) and

relatively smooth or slightly glazed; bottoms (0.2 to 0.5 inch) of

plates are pale brown (10YR 6/3) and contain common fine and medium

discontinuous pores; bottoms of plates are very rough and have short

pendants, less cemented material between indurated plates; lower part

of duripan is less cemented; moderately alkaline; abrupt wavy

boundary. (10 to 25 inches thick)

3Bk--51 to 58 inches; very pale brown (10YR 7/3) loamy sand,

yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) moist; massive; strongly effervescent;

moderately alkaline; gradual boundary. (5 to 15 inches thick)

3C--58 to 60 inches; very pale brown (10YR 7/3) loamy sand; single

grain; slightly effervescent; mildly alkaline (continues to

undetermined depth).

TYPE LOCATION: Canyon County, Idaho; about 6 miles north of Caldwell

in the Black Canyon experimental tract; about 330 feet north and 115

feet west of the SW corner of the plots, SW1/4 NW1/4 SW1/4 section 4,

T.5N., R.3W.


Average annual soil temperature - 47 to 54 degrees F

Depth to duripan - 20 to 40 inches

Depth to calcium carbonate - 7 to 20 inches

E horizon

Value- 5 through 7 dry, 3 through 5 moist

Chroma- 2 or 3

Reaction - slightly acid to mildly alkaline

Bt horizon

Value- 4 through 6 dry, 3 through 5 moist

Chroma- 3 or 4

Texture - SICL, CL, SIC

Clay content - 27 to 35 percent

Exchangeable sodium - greater than 15 percent

Reaction - mildly to strongly alkaline

COMPETING SERIES: This is the Malheur series. Malheur soils lack an E

horizon and a high accumulation of salts in the lower part of the

natric horizon.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Sebree soils are generally on terraces and basalt

plains. Slopes range from 0 to 12 percent. Elevations range from

2,000 to 4,500 feet. The soil formed in loess overlying unconsolidated

fan or fluviatile sediments. The climate is semiarid and summers are

dry. The frost-free period is 110 to 170 days, and the mean annual

precipitation is 8 to 13 inches, including 0.5 to 3 feet of snow.

Average annual air temperature is 45 to 52 degrees F.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Chilcott and Purdam

soils. Chilcott soils have more than 35 percent clay in the B2t

horizon. Purdam soils have less than 15 percent exchangeable sodium in

the B2t horizon. Chilcott and Purdam soils are on landscape positions

similar to Sebree soils.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well-drained; rapid runoff; slow

permeability in the soil above the duripan and very slow permeability

through the duripan.

USE AND VEGETATION: Used for rangeland and irrigated cropland. Crops

are small grains, corn, alfalfa and pasture. Under natural conditions

the soil is barren or nearly so; some cheatgrass, pepperweed, and

stunted big sagebrush are around the edges of individual areas.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon.

The series is moderately extensive.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Gem County Area, Idaho, 1962.

National Cooperative Soil Survey
