Established Series


The Slayton series consists of shallow, well drained soils that formed in colluvium and residuum weathered from tuff or breccia mixed with volcanic ash. Slayton soils are on uplands and have slopes of 1 to 40 percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 10 inches and the mean annual air temperature is about 47 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Lithic Xeric Haplocambids

TYPICAL PEDON: Slayton channery ashy sandy loam, rangeland. (Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise noted.)

A--0 to 4 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) channery ashy sandy loam, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; weak thin platy structure parting to weak fine granular; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; common fine tabular pores; 30 percent channers; 50 percent sand-sized (0.25 to 1.0 mm) pumice; neutral (pH 6.6); clear smooth boundary. (2 to 6 inches thick)

Bw1--4 to 8 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) channery ashy sandy loam, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; weak medium subangular blocky structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and nonplastic; common very fine and fine roots; common fine tubular pores; 20 percent channers; 40 percent sand-sized (0.25 to 1.0 mm) pumice; neutral (pH 6.8); clear wavy boundary. (3 to 8 inches thick)

Bw2--8 to 14 inches; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) channery ashy sandy loam, brown (10YR 4/3) moist; weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure; soft, friable, slightly sticky and nonplastic; few very fine and fine roots; few fine tubular pores; 10 percent sand-size (0.25 to 1.0 mm) pumice; 30 percent channers; neutral (pH 7.0); abrupt smooth boundary. (4 to 10 inches thick)

2R--14 inches; fractured tuff.

TYPE LOCATION: Crook County, Oregon; about 500 feet north and 100 feet east of jog in the Barnes Butte road in the SW1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4 section 22, T. 14 S., R. 16 E.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Slayton soils are usually dry for 90 to 150 cumulative days. The mean annual soil temperature is 48 to 50 degrees F. Depth to bedrock ranges from 10 to 20 inches. The particle-size control section has less than 18 percent clay and more than 15 percent coarser than very fine sand. Channery fragments and pebbles in the soil range from 15 to 35 percent. Sand-size ash ranges from 5 to 30 percent. The solum has 5 to 30 percent glass, phosphate retention of 15 to 25 percent and acid oxalate iron plus one-half the acid oxalate aluminum of 0.4 to 0.8 percent.

The A horizon has value of 2 or 3 moist. It has weak thin platy and weak fine granular structure or is single grained.

The Bw horizon has value of 6 or 7 dry, 3 or 4 moist and chroma of 2 or 3 moist and dry. It has weak medium to coarse subangular blocky structure. It is channery or gravelly fine sandy loam or sandy loam with 15 to 35 percent rock fragments.

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Calzacorta, Starbuck and Trevino series. All of these soils lack the ashy soil properties. Calzacorta soils have 18 to 35 percent clay in the particle-size control section, lack channery fragments and are underlain by basalt. Starbuck soils are medium textured, lack channery fragments and formed in mixed loess, colluvium, and alluvium basalt origin and overlie basalt. Trevino soils are medium textured, are 8 to 18 inches deep to carbonates, lack channery fragments and are underlain by basalt.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Slayton soils are on uplands with slopes of 1 to 40 percent at elevations of 2,500 to 3,500 feet. The soils formed in colluvium and residuum weathered from tuff or breccia mixed with volcanic ash. Mean annual precipitation is 8 to 12 inches. Summers are warm and dry with an average summer temperature of 61 to 63 degrees F. Winters are cool and moist with an average winter temperature of 32 to 34 degrees F. The mean annual temperature is 46 to 52 degrees F. The frost-free period is 50 to 100 days.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Prineville, Ochoco and Glasgow soils. Prineville soils are deep to a paralithic contact. Ochoco soils are moderately deep to a duripan. Glasgow soils are fine textured and moderately deep to a lithic contact.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; slow to rapid runoff; moderately rapid permeability.

USE AND VEGETATION: Principal use is for rangeland. Native vegetation is mainly bluebunch wheatgrass, sagebrush, juniper and rabbitbrush.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Central Oregon. They are inextensive.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Prineville Area, Crook County, Oregon, 1963.

REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and other features:
Ochric epipedon
Cambic horizon - 4 to 14 inches
Lithic contact - 14 inches
Aridic moisture regime

National Cooperative Soil Survey