Established Series


Depth class: very deep
Drainage class: very poorly drained
Parent material: ash influenced loess over loamy alluvium over sandy and gravelly glaciofluvial deposits
Landform: depressions on till plains, depressions on terraces
Slopes: 0 to 20 percent
Mean annual precipitation: 20 to 35 inches
Mean annual temperature: 33 to 36 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal, amorphic over mixed, acid Typic Cryaquands

TYPICAL PEDON: Tlikakila silt loam - on a east facing slope of 1 percent at 80 feet elevation under shrubs, grass, and scatter Lutz spruce. (All colors are for moist soil)

Oe--0 to 1 inches; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moderately decomposed plant material; many very fine and fine roots; extremely acid (pH 4.3); clear smooth boundary. (1 to 4 inches thick)

A--1 to 10 inches; dark brown (7.5YR) and dark brown (10YR 3/3) silt loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; slightly smeary; extremely acid (pH 4.4); abrupt wavy boundary. (4 to 12 inches thick)

Bw--10 to 19 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) and light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) silt loam; moderate fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; very smeary; 2 percent 4 mm faint brown (7.5YR 4/4) redoximorphic concentrations; extremely acid (pH 4.4); clear wavy boundary. (8 to 13 inches thick)

2Bg--19 to 34 inches; greenish gray (10G 5) sandy loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; 15 percent 10 mm prominent brown (7.5YR 4/4) redoximorphic concentrations; 10 percent gravel; extremely acid (pH 4.4); clear wavy boundary. (12 to 18 inches thick)

3C--34 to 60 inches; variegated very gravelly sand; single grain; loose, nonsticky and nonplastic; 35 percent gravel; strongly acid (pH 5.1).

TYPE LOCATION: Western Kenai Area, Alaska; about 2 miles south and 1 mile west of the mouth of Kasilof River, Alaska; in the 1,400 feet west and 1,100 feet south of the NE 1/4, section 21, T. 3 N., R. 12 W.; Keani B-4 SW 1:25,000 quad, Seward Meridian; UTM north 6690280 and UTM east 590300, zone 5.


Soil moisture regime: aquic
Mean annual soil temperature: about 34 degrees F
Depth to sandy or sandy-skeletal material: 24 to 35 inches
Amorphous material: dominates upper part of particle size control section:

O horizon:
Matrix color: hue of 7,5YR or 10YR; value of 2 to 3; chroma of 1 to 3
Reaction class: extremely acid or very strongly acid

A horizon:
Matrix color: hue of 7.5YR or 10YR; value of 2 or 3; chroma of 2 or 3
Texture: silt loam, very fine sandy loam
Reaction class: extremely acid or very strongly acid

Bw horizon:
Matrix color: hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y; value of 3 to 5; chroma of 3 or 4
Redoximorphic features: hue of 7.5YR or 10YR; value of 3 to 5; chroma of 3 to 5
Texture: silt loam, very fine sandy loam
Reaction class: extremely acid or very strongly acid

2Bg horizon:
Matrix color: hue of 2.5Y to 10Y; value of 4 or 5; chroma of 1 or 2
Redoximorphic features: hue of 7.5YR or 10YR; value of 3 to 5; chroma of 3 to 5
Texture: sandy loam, fine sandy loam modified by 0 to 20 percent total coarse fragment; 0 to 20 percent gravel, 0 to 5 percent cobbles
Reaction class: extremely acid or very strongly acid

3C horizon:
Texture: sand, loamy sand modified by 20 to 50 percent total coarse fragments; 20 to 50 percent gravel, 0 to 10 percent cobbles
Reaction class: very strongly acid or strongly acid

COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series in this classification.

Drainage class: very poorly drained
Parent material: ash influenced loess over loamy alluvium over sandy and gravelly glaciofluvial deposits
Landform: depressions on till plains, depressions on terraces
Slopes: 0 to 20 percent
Mean annual temperature: 33 to 36 degrees F.
Mean annual precipitation: 20 to 35 inches

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are Iliamna and Redoubt soils. Iliamna and Redoubt soils are well drained and occur on terraces and hills.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Very poorly drained, very high runoff. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is high in the solum and high to very high in the substratum.

USE AND VEGETATION: Used for Forestry, wildlife habitat, and recreation. The native vegetation is shrubs, grass, and sparse cover of Lutz spruce.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA 224 Cook Inlet Lowlands, South-central Alaska. The series is of small extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Western Kenai Peninsula Area, Alaska, 2005

REMARKS: Diagnostic features and horizons recognized in this profile include:
Andic soil properties: from 1 to 19 inches. (a and Bw horizons)
Cambic horizon: 10 to 19 inches. (Bw horizon)
Redoximorphic features: from 10 to 34 inches. (Bw and 2Bg horizons)
Sandy or sandy-skeletal material: from 34 to 60 inches. (3C horizon)
Temperature regime: cryic
Moisture regime: aquic.

National Cooperative Soil Survey