Established Series


The Beehunt series consists of very deep, well drained soils formed in colluvium derived from sandstone. Beehunt soils are on mountain slopes and hillslopes. Slopes range from 20 to 75 percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 406 mm and the mean annual temperature is about 5.0 degrees C.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, frigid Pachic Haploxerolls

TYPICAL PEDON: Beehunt extremely gravelly loam, on a northerly aspect, 66 percent slope in rangeland at an elevation of 1,951 meters. (Colors are for dry soils unless otherwise noted.)

A1--0 to 20 cm; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) extremely gravelly loam, black (10YR 2/1) moist; moderate very fine granular structure; soft, very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; many very fine, fine and medium and common coarse roots; many fine irregular pores; 45 percent gravel, 10 percent cobbles, and 10 percent stones; neutral (pH 7.2); clear wavy boundary. (10 to 33 cm thick)

A2--20 to 53 cm; brown (10YR 5/3) extremely cobbly loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; weak fine subangular blocky structure; soft, very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; many very fine, fine, and medium and common coarse roots; many fine irregular pores; 45 percent gravel, 20 percent cobbles, and 10 percent stones; slightly alkaline (pH 7.4); clear wavy boundary. (30 to 54 cm thick)

BA--53 to 94 cm; pinkish gray (7.5YR 6/2) extremely cobbly loam, brown (7.5YR 5/4) moist; weak fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and nonplastic; many very fine, fine, and common medium roots; common very fine tubular and irregular pores; 45 percent gravel, 20 percent cobbles, and 10 percent stones; slightly alkaline (pH 7.4); clear wavy boundary. (33 to 48 cm thick)

Bt--94 to 137 cm; light brown (7.5YR 6/4) extremely cobbly loam, brown (7.5YR 5/4) moist; moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine, fine and medium roots; common very fine irregular and many very fine and common fine tubular pores; 15 percent faint clay films bridging sand grains; 45 percent gravel, 20 percent cobbles, and 10 percent stones; slightly alkaline (pH 7.6); clear wavy boundary. (28 to 51 cm thick)

BC--137 to 152 cm; light brown (7.5YR 6/4) extremely cobbly loam, brown (7.5YR 5/4) moist; weak fine subangular blocky structure; soft, very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; common very fine and fine roots; many very fine irregular and common very fine tubular pores; 35 percent gravel, 30 percent cobbles, and 10 percent stones; slightly alkaline (pH 7.6).

TYPE LOCATION: Bear Lake County, Idaho; about 2.4 km east of Bear Lake Hot Springs; about 183 meters south and 701 meters west of the northeast corner of section 30, T. 15 S., R. 45 E.; Pegram Creek USGS topographic quadrangle; lat. 42 degrees, 05 minutes, 39.8 seconds N. and long. 111 degrees, 14 minutes, 18.9 seconds W., NAD83

The soil moisture control section is usually moist; but is dry in parts for 45 consecutive days or more following the summer solstice; xeric soil moisture regime
Mean annual soil temperature: 5.0 to 8.0 degrees C.; frigid soil temperature regime
Mean summer soil temperature: 15.0 to 18.3 degrees C.
Mollic epipedon thickness: 50 to 110 cm
Control section average clay: 18 to 25 percent
Control section average rock fragments: 65 to 80 percent
The Bt horizon does not meet the requirements for an argillic.

A horizons
Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR dry, 5YR to 10YR moist
Value: 3 to 5 dry, 2 to 3 moist
Chroma: 2 or 3 dry, 1 or 2 moist
Clay content: 12 to 23 percent
Rock fragments: 60 to 80 percent; 35 to 55 percent gravel, 0 to 20 percent cobbles, 0 to 10 percent stones
Reaction: neutral or slightly alkaline

BA horizon
Value: 5 or 6 dry, 4 or 5 moist
Chroma: 2 to 4 dry or moist
Clay content: 16 to 25 percent
Texture: extremely cobbly loam, extremely gravelly sandy loam
Rock fragments: 65 to 80 percent; 40 to 55 percent gravel, 10 to 20 percent cobbles, 5 to 10 percent stones
Reaction: neutral or slightly alkaline

Bt horizon
Hue: 5YR to 10YR
Value: 4 to 6 dry, 3 to 6 moist
Chroma: 3 to 6 dry,2 to 4 moist
Clay content: 18 to 27 percent
Rock fragments: 65 to 80 percent; 35 to 55 percent gravel, 10 to 30 percent cobbles, 5 to 20 percent stones
Reaction: neutral or slightly alkaline

BC horizon
Hue: 5YR to 10YR moist or dry
Value: 5 or 6 dry, 4 to 6 moist
Chroma: 4 or 6 dry and moist
Clay content: 15 to 23 percent
Texture: extremely cobbly loam, extremely gravelly loam, extremely gravelly sandy loam, extremely stony loam
Rock fragments: 65 to 80 percent; 30 to 55 percent gravel, 20 to 30 percent cobbles, 5 to 20 percent stones
Reaction: neutral or slightly alkaline

Baldridge - do not have a horizon with clay films and have rock fragments that are predominantly from volcanic sources
Burgi - do not have a cambic horizon and have calcium carbonate in the lower part of the profile
Chambeam - have a lithic contact at 100 to 150 cm
Climine - have a horizon with an accumulation of silica
Ginser - have a paralithic contact at 50 to 100 cm
Glean - have a lithic contact at 100 to 178 cm and do not have a cambic horizon
Lambring - do not have a horizon with clay films and have rock fragments that are predominantly from volcanic sources
Lonecabin - have a particle size control section with 10 to 18 percent clay
Pinochle(T)(ID) - have a lithic contact at 50 to 100 cm
Rondowa - have less than 18 percent clay in the control section and do not have a cambic horizon
Shorthike - have less than 18 percent clay in the control section
Sinker - have a lithic contact at 50 to 100 cm
Smidale - have an organic surface layer, a mollic epipedon 127 cm or more thick, and have rock fragments that are mostly channers
St. Anthony - have a lithologic discontinuity at 50 to 100 cm and are on terraces with slopes of 0 to 4 percent
Webfoot - have a seasonally high water table at 30 to 61 cm
Westbutte - have a lithic contact at 50 to 100 cm
Willynat - have less than 18 percent clay in the control section, do not have a cambic horizon and have a mollic epipedon greater than 100 cm thick

Landscape: mountains and hills
Landform: mountain slopes and hillslopes
Elevation: 1,565 to 2,382 meters
Slope range: 20 to 75 percent
Parent material: colluvium derived from sandstone
Mean annual air temperature: 3.9 to 9.0 degrees C
Mean annual precipitation: 356 to 813 mm
Frost-free period: 70 to 100 days

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Cooley, Cupine, Jebo,and Kearl series. Cooley soils have a calcic horizon at depths of 51 to 76 cm. Cupine, Jebo, and Kearl soils have a lithic contact at 51 to 102 cm. Cooley soils are on south facing slopes. Cupine and Jebo soils are on convex ridges. Kearl soils are on southerly aspects on hillslopes and mountain slopes.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained. High to very high runoff. Moderate permeability.

USE AND VEGETATION: Livestock grazing and wildlife habitat. The native vegetation is mountain big sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, sticky geranium, tapertip hawksbeard, rabbitbrush, and prairie junegrass

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Southeast Idaho. These soils are of small extent. MLRA 43B.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Bear Lake County, Idaho, 2008.

REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:
Mollic epipedon (pachic) - the zone from 0 to 53 cm (A1 and A2 horizons)
Cambic horizon - the zone from 53 to 137 cm (BA and Bt horizons)
Particle-size control section - the zone from 25 to 100 cm (part of the A2, BA, and part of the Bt horizons.)

National Cooperative Soil Survey