The Bruneel series consists of very deep, poorly drained soils that
formed in recent alluvium from mixed sources. Bruneel soils are on
floodplains and have slopes of 0 to 3 percent. Permeability is
moderate through the subsoil and rapid in the substratum. The average
annual precipitation is about 14 inches, and the average annual air
temperature is about 42 degrees F.
TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, frigid Typic Endoaquolls
frigid Typic Haplaquolls.
TYPICAL PEDON: Bruneel loam - on a 1 percent slope at an elevation of
4,800 feet in pastureland. When described on October 22, 1971, the
soil was moist throughout. (Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise
A1--0 to 7 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) loam, very dark grayish
brown (10YR 3/2) moist; weak, medium subangular blocky structure;
slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many fine
roots; common fine tubular pores; slight effervescence (10 percent
calcium carbonate); moderately alkaline (pH 7.9); clear wavy boundary.
(4 to 10 inches thick)
A2--7 to 14 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) loam, very dark
grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; many fine distinct yellowish brown
(10YR 5/4) dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) moist mottles; weak medium
subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky
and slightly plastic; common fine roots; many fine tubular pores;
mildly alkaline (pH 7.4); clear wavy boundary. (4 to 10 inches thick)
Bg--14 to 23 inches; light gray (N 6/0) loam, gray (N 5/0) moist;
common fine distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) dark yellowish brown
(10YR 3/4) moist; mottles; massive; slightly hard, friable, slightly
sticky and slightly plastic; common fine roots; mildly alkaline (pH
7.4); clear wavy boundary. (5 to 12 inches thick).
2Cg1--23 to 27 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) very gravelly loamy
sand, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/3) moist; few distinct yellowish
brown (10YR 5/4) dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) moist mottles;
massive; soft, very friable; few fine roots; few very fine tubular
pores; about 50 percent pebbles; mildly alkaline (pH 7.4); clear wavy
boundary. (2 to 5 inches thick)
2Cg2--27 to 61 inches; variagated color; extremely gravelly coarse
sand; single grain; loose; few fine roots; about 65 percent pebbles;
mildly alkaline (pH 7.4).
TYPE LOCATION: Blaine County, Idaho; about 6 miles south and 1 mile
west of Bellevue; 100 feet west and 1,100 feet south of the northeast
corner of sec. 2, T. 1 S., R. 18 E.
Depth to loose sand and gravel - 20 to 30 inches
Depth to seasonal high water table more than 90 days - 12 to 18 inches
Average annual soil temperature - 42 to 46 degrees F
Reaction - neutral to moderately alkaline
Thickness of mollic epipedon - 10 to 20 inches
Profile effervescence - none to slight
Ag horizon
Color value, dry - 4 or 5
value, moist - 2 or 3
chroma, moist or dry - 1 or 2
Bg horizon
Color hue - 10YR, 2.5Y, or N
value, dry - 4 through 6
value, moist - 3 through 5
mottles - distinct or prominent
chroma, moist or dry - 0, 1, or 2
Texture - L or FSL
Clay content - 10 to 18 percent
Coarse fragments - 0 to 10 percent
2Cg horizon
Color, hue - 10YR, 2.5Y
value, dry - 5 or 6
value, moist - 3 through 6
chroma, moist or dry - 0, 1, or 2
Texture - GRV-LS, GRX-LS, or GRX-COS
Clay content - 0 to 5 percent
Coarse fragments - 40 to 70 percent
Greater than 3 inches - 10 to 20 percent
COMPETING SERIES: There are no other soils recognized in this family.
Withers soils are similar. Wither soils have 27 to 35 percent clay in
the upper part of the control section and have water tables at a deeper
GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Bruneel soils are on flood plains. Slopes range
from 0 to 3 percent. Elevation ranges from 4,700 to 6,000 feet. The
soil formed in recent alluvium from mixed sources. The annual
precipitation is 12 to 16 inches, most of which falls as snow and early
spring rain. The annual air temperature is about 40 to 44 degrees F.
The frost-free season is 60 to 100 days.
GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Adamson, Balaam, Carey
Lake, Hutton, Little Wood, and Marshdale soils. Adamson soils are well
drained. Balaam soils are excessively drained. Carey Lake and Little
Wood soils have argillic horizons. Hutton soils have more than 35
percent clay in the 10 to 40 in control section and are poorly drained
occurring on floodplains adjacent to the Challis volcanic parent
material. Marshdale soils are in a fine-loamy family and are on the
same landscape position. Adamson, Balaam, and Carey Lake soils occur
on fan terraces.
DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Poorly drained; moderate permeability
through the subsoil and very rapid in the underlying material.
USE AND VEGETATION: Mainly used for rangeland, pastureland and limited
cropland. Vegetation is tufted hairgrass, sedges, rushes, and basin
DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Bruneel soils are inextensive in southcentral
SERIES ESTABLISHED: Blaine County, Idaho, 1985.
Diagnostic horizon and features recognized in this pedon are:
Mollic Epipedon - surface to a depth of 14 inches (A1 and A2)
Contrasting Textured Family - occurs 23 inches.
Cambic- at a depth of 14 to 23 inches. Altered by permanent water
Aquic Moisture Regime - A2, 7 to 14 inches has distinct or prominent
National Cooperative Soil Survey