Established Series


The Deandale series consists of deep, moderately well drained, very slowly permeable soils that formed in clayey slope wash alluvium. These soils are on nearly level plains. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, smectitic, thermic Vertic Paleustolls

TYPICAL PEDON: Deandale silt loam--rangeland. (Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise stated.)

A--0 to 8 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) silt loam, dark brown (10YR 3/3) moist; weak fine subangular blocky structure parting to moderate fine granular; slightly hard, very friable; many fine and medium roots; many fine and medium pores; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (6 to 18 inches thick)

Bt--8 to 17 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) clay, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; moderate medium prismatic structure parting to moderate medium subangular blocky; very hard, very firm; common fine and medium roots; few silt coatings between prisms; thick continuous clay films on surface of peds; few black concretions 1 to 5 mm in diameter; slightly alkaline; gradual smooth boundary. (5 to 16 inches thick)

Btk1--17 to 22 inches; brown (10YR 4/3) clay, dark brown (10YR 3/3) moist; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to moderate medium blocky; very hard, very firm; common medium roots; thick continuous clay films on surface of peds; common pressure faces; common soft masses and concretions of calcium carbonate; few black concretions 1 to 5 mm in diameter; calcareous; moderately alkaline; gradual smooth boundary.

Btkss1--22 to 28 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) clay, brown (10YR 4/3) moist; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to moderate medium blocky; extremely hard, very firm; common medium roots; thick continuous clay films on surface of peds; common pressure surfaces; few small slickensides; common soft masses and concretions of calcium carbonate; calcareous; moderately alkaline; gradual smooth boundary.

Btkss2--28 to 44 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) clay, brown (10YR 4/3) moist; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to moderate medium blocky; extremely hard, very firm; few medium roots; thin continuous clay films on ped surfaces; few small slickensides; common soft masses and concretions of calcium carbonate; few black concretions 1 to 5 mm in diameter; calcareous; moderately alkaline; gradual smooth boundary. (The combined thickness of the Btk horizons is 20 to 40 inches.)

B't--44 to 80 inches; light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) clay, reddish brown (5YR 5/4) moist; weak medium blocky structure; extremely hard, very firm; few very fine roots; thin continuous clay films; few small slickensides; few black concretions 1 to 5 mm in diameter; few soft masses and concretions of calcium carbonate; calcareous; moderately alkaline.

TYPE LOCATION: Archer County, Texas; from intersection of Texas State Highway 25 and Texas Farm to Market Road 368, 7.50 miles south of Mankins, 0.77 mile northwest on Texas State Highway 25, 0.78 mile west-southwest on ranch road, 500 feet north in rangeland.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness ranges from 60 to more than 80 inches. Depth to secondary carbonates typically ranges from 12 to 28 inches. The clay content of the control section averages from 35 to 40 percent. Carbonates vary from threads and films to soft masses and concretions. Salinity ranges from 1 to 18 mmhos/cm. Saline phases are also recognized. Exchangeable sodium ranges from 4 to 14 percent in the upper 16 inches of the argillic horizon. The Linear Extensibility in the upper 100 cm is 6 to 8.5 cm and or there are cracks that are 5mm to 10 mm wide throughout a thickness of 30 cm or more and or there are slickensides.

The A horizon has colors in hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 4 to 5.5, and chroma of 2 to 4. Texture is loam, silt loam or silty clay loam. The reaction ranges from slightly acid to moderately alkaline.

The Bt horizon has colors with hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 2 or 3. The texture is clay loam or clay with clay content of 35 to 45 percent. Reaction ranges from neutral to moderately alkaline and typically is noncalcareous.

The Btk horizon has colors with hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 2 to 6. The texture is clay loam or clay. Carbonates range from 3 to 10 percent by volume and the reaction is commonly moderately alkaline and calcareous.

The B't horizon has colors in shades of red, brown, gray or yellow. The texture is clay loam or clay. Reaction is mildly alkaline or moderately alkaline. Carbonates range from none to a few, however, it is typically calcareous.

COMPETING SERIES: There are no series in this family. Closely similar soils include the Bethany, Darrouzett, Foard, Hollister, Kamay, Kirkland, Rotan and Tillman series. Bethany, Darrouzett, Hollister, Rotan and Tillman soils have mixed clay mineralogy. Also, these soils do not have an abrupt textural change between the A and Bt horizons. Foard soils have a natric horizon. Kamay soils do not have a mollic epipedon. Kirkland soils are members of the udertic subgroup and have high shrink-swell properties.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Deandale soils are on nearly level or very gently sloping plains. Slope gradients are mostly less than 1 percent, but some are as much as 3 percent. The soil formed in clayey slopewash or over slope alluvium and or clayey residum. The climate is subhumid. The average annual precipitation ranges from 24 to 30 inches, the mean annual temperature varies from 63 degrees to 65 degrees F., and the Thornthwaite annual P-E indices range from 34 to 44.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These include the competing Hollister, Kamay, Tillman and the Vernon, Wichita and Winters soils. Hollister, Kamay and Tillman soils are on similar positions. Vernon soils are on higher knolls and shoulderslopes along drainageways. Wichita and Winters soils are on slightly higher convex divides.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Moderately well drained; runoff is low on slopes less than 1 percent and medium on slopes of 1 to 3 percent; slow to moderate runoff; very slow permeability. Where irrigated, the water table may be 4 to 7 feet below the surface.

USE AND VEGETATION: These soils are dominantly cultivated. Small grains are the main crops. The present native vegetation is buffalograss, sideoats grama, blue grama, vine-mesquite, Texas wintergrass, tridens, and mesquite trees.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Central Rolling Red Plains eastern part, Central Rolling Red Prairies, and NorthCentral Prairies of Texas and possibly southern Oklahoma. The series is of moderate extent; probably about 50,000 acres.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Wichita County, Texas; 1973.

REMARKS: These soils were formerly included in the Foard series.

Horizons and features considered diagnostic for this pedon are:

Mollic epipedon - 0 to 22 inches thick

Argillic horizon - 8 to 80 inches

Pachic feature - the mollic epipedon is thicker than 20 inches.

Vertic features - 22 to 44 inches, slickensides or pressure surfaces.

ADDITIONAL DATA: Lincoln Laboratory data, samples no. 70L1234 - 70L1239 and 70L1240 - 70L1247 give characterization data for these soils.

National Cooperative Soil Survey