LOCATION ITMANN                  WV+KY PA VA

Established Series


MLRAs: 124 (Western Allegheny Plateau), 125 (Cumberland Plateau and Mountains), 126 (Central Allegheny Plateau), 127 (Eastern Allegheny Plateau and Mountains), 128 (Southern Appalachian Ridges and Valleys) and 147 (Northern Appalachian Ridges and Valleys)

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, semiactive, acid, mesic Typic Udorthents

TYPICAL PEDON: Itmann very channery sandy loam on a 7 percent slope in a barren area. (Colors are for moist soil.)

A--0 to 13 cm (0 to 5 inches); black (N 2/0) very channery sandy loam; weak fine granular structure; loose; 40 percent channers (55 percent carbolith, 20 percent siltstone, 15 percent sandstone and 10 percent shale); extremely acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 13 cm thick)

C1--13 to 53 cm (5 to 21 inches); black (N 2/0) very channery sandy loam; massive; firm; 50 percent channers (45 percent carbolith, 40 percent siltstone, 10 percent sandstone and 5 percent shale); extremely acid; clear wavy boundary.

C2--53 to 165 cm (21 to 65 inches); black (N 2/0) extremely channery sandy loam; massive; firm; 70 percent channers (60 percent carbolith, 25 percent siltstone, 10 percent sandstone and 5 percent shale); extremely acid. (Combined thickness of the C horizon is 152 cm or more.)

State: West Virginia
County: Wyoming
USGS Topographic Quadrangle: Rhodell, West Virginia
Latitude: 37.656667
Longitude: 81.3775
Directions: Slab Fork District, about 1.5 miles north-northeast (30 degrees) of Maben (just north of Mullens) and 0.3 mile east of West Virginia Route 54;

Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 152 cm (60 inches)
Depth Class: Very deep
Rock Fragment Content: 15 to 80 percent, by volume, but averages 35 percent or more in the particle-size control section
Rock Fragment Size: 2 mm to 25 cm, but can include stones and boulders
Rock Fragment Type: Carboliths constitute more than 50 percent of the rock fragment volume, with siltstone, shale and sandstone making up the remainder
Fine-Earth Fraction: 4 to 15 percent clay in the control section
Soil Reaction: Extremely acid through strongly acid, except where limed

Range of Individual Horizons:
A horizon (if it occurs):
Color--neutral or hue of 10YR, value of 2 or 3, and chroma of 1 or 2
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy loam or loam

C horizon:
Color--neutral or hue of 10YR, value of 2 or 3, and chroma of 1 or 2
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy loam or loam, but thin layers or pockets of loamy sand are included

Sewell soils--Sewell soils must have 65 percent or more brown sandstone rock fragments in the particle-size control section.

Landscape: Hills
Landform: Hill and hillslope
Anthropogenic Features: Dump, spoil pile and spoil bank
Hillslope Profile Position: Summit, shoulder, backslope, footslope and toeslope
Geomorphic Component: Crest, head slope, side slope and base slope
Parent Material: Coal extraction mine spoil derived from acid regolith, mainly carboliths (high carbon content rocks) of mine waste rock
Slope: 0 to 90 percent
Mean Annual Air Temperature: 11 to 13 degrees C. (52 to 56 degrees F.)
Mean Annual Precipitation: 1016 to 1270 mm (40 to 50 inches)

Sewell soils--occur on similar landscape positions derived from acid surface mine overburden
Bethesda soils--occur on similar landscape positions derived from acid surface mine overburden
Cedarcreek soils--occur on similar landscape positions derived from acid surface mine overburden
Fiveblock soils--occur on similar landscape positions derived from nonacid surface mine overburden
Kaymine soils--occur on similar landscape positions derived from nonacid surface mine overburden
Berks soils--formed in residuum from shale, siltstone and fine-grained sandstone on undisturbed uplands
Gilpin soils--formed in residuum from shale, siltstone and sandstone on undisturbed uplands
Lily soils--formed in residuum from sandstone on undisturbed uplands
Matewan soils--formed in residuum from sandstone on undisturbed uplands
Buchanan soils--formed in colluvium from sandstone, siltstone and shale on undisturbed uplands
Guyandotte soils--formed in colluvium from sandstone, shale and siltstone on undisturbed uplands
Pineville soils--formed in colluvium from sandstone, shale and siltstone on undisturbed uplands

Drainage Class (Agricultural): Somewhat excessively drained
Internal Free Water Occurrence: None
Flooding Frequency and Duration: None
Ponding Frequency and Duration: None
Index Surface Runoff: Negligible through low on bench slopes, and medium or high on outslopes and hillslopes
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderately high or high in the upper part, and high or very high in the lower part
Shrink-Swell Potential: Low

Major Uses: Wildlife habitat and recreational areas.
Dominant Vegetation: These soils are generally barren, but they can support sparse grasses and legumes if the area has been "topsoiled".

Distribution: West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Virginia
Extent: Moderate


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Wyoming County, West Virginia, 1984

REMARKS: (1) Itmann soils were previously mapped as a variety of strip mine spoil and udorthents units. (2) Carbolith is a name coined at West Virginia University to describe dark colored sedimentary rocks that will make a black or very dark (Munsell color value of 3 or less) streak or powder. Rocks under this name include coal not scheduled for mining, impure waste coal, bone coal, high carbon siltstones and high carbon shales.

Diagnostic horizons and soil characteristics recognized in this pedon are:
Ochric epipedon--the zone from 0 to 13 cm (A horizon)
Series control section--the zone from 0 to 200 cm
Carbolithic rock fragments make up 50 percent or more of the total rock fragment content in the particle-size control section.

The 8/00 revision updates this series to the 8th edition Keys to Soil Taxonomy standards. The CEC activity class placement is based on similar soils such as Sewell. The COMPETING SERIES section was also updated.

Previous revisions: 05/94-JWB,ART,LDS; 8/00-DHK

ADDITIONAL DATA: Additional data is available from West Virginia University.


National Cooperative Soil Survey