Established Series


The Kingsdown series consists of very deep, well drained, moderately rapidly permeable soils that formed in loamy eolian material. These soils are on eolian terrace deposits of the Central Rolling Red Plains (MLRA 78). Mean temperature is 58 degrees F, and mean annual precipitation is 21 inches. Slopes range from 0 to 8 percent.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Entic Haplustolls

TYPICAL PEDON: Kingsdown fine sandy loam - on a 1 percent west-facing slope, in range. (Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise stated.)

A--0 to 14 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) fine sandy loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2),crushed, moist; moderate medium granular structure; slightly hard, very friable; common fine and medium roots; noneffervescent; moderately alkaline; clear smooth boundary. (7 to 20 inches thick)

Bk1--14 to 23 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) fine sandy loam, brown (10YR 4/3), broken face, moist; moderate medium prismatic, parting to moderate medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable; common fine and medium roots; few fine carbonate threads; strongly effervescent (HCl unspecified); moderately alkaline; clear smooth boundary. (5 to 15 inches thick)

Bk2--23 to 32 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) fine sandy loam, dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) broken face, moist; weak medium prismatic, parting to moderate medium subangular blocky structure; hard, friable; few fine and medium roots; few fine carbonate threads throughout; strongly effervescent; moderately alkaline; gradual smooth boundary. (5 to 15 inches thick)

Bk3--32 to 43 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) fine sandy loam, dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4), broken face, moist; weak medium prismatic, parting to weak medium subangular blocky structure; slighty hard, very friable; few fine roots; few fine carbonate threads throughout; strongly effervescent (HCl unspecified); moderately alkaline; gradual smooth boundary. (0 to 15 inches thick)

C1--43 to 68 inches; light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) fine sandy loam, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4), broken face, moist; massive; slightly hard, very friable; strongly effervescent (HCl unspecified); moderately alkaline; gradual smooth boundary. (10 to 30 inches thick)

C2--68 to 80 inches; light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) loamy fine sand, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4), rubbed, moist; massive; soft, loose; strongly effervescent (HCl unspecified); moderately alkaline.

TYPE LOCATION: Harper County, Oklahoma; 5 miles west and 1 mile north of Laverne; about 1000 feet south and 2700 feet west of the northeast corner of sec. 22, T. 26 N., R. 26 W.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The thickness of the solum ranges from 12 to 43 inches. Depth to free carbonates range from 0 to 15 inches. The mollic epipedon is 7 to 20 inches thick and includes the upper B horizon in a some pedons.

The A horizon has hue of 10YR or 7.5YR, value of 3 to 5 and chroma of 2 or 3. It is loam, fine sandy loam, sandy loam, loamy fine sand, or loamy sand. Reaction ranges from neutral to moderately alkaline.

The Bk horizons have hue of 5YR, 7.5YR, or 10YR, value of 4 to 6 ; and chroma of 2 to 4. It is fine sandy loam or sandy loam. Reaction is slightly alkaline or moderately alkaline. Some pedons have an AC horizon.

The C horizon has hue of 5YR, 7.5YR, or 10YR, value of 5 to 7 ; and chroma of 3 or 4. It is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or loam. Some pedons are loamy fine sand or loamy sand below a depth of 25 inches. Reaction is slightly alkaline or moderately alkaline. Dark colored buried horizons occur below 40 inches in a few pedons.

COMPETING SERIES: The Kingsdown series is the only series in this family. Series in other similiar families are the Anselmo, Attica, Bayard, Devol, Eda, Manter, Mobeetie, Otero, Paloduro, and Ronson. Anselmo, and Attica soils lack carbonates above a depth of 15 inches. In addition, these soils are mesic; Devol, and Mobeetie soils lack a mollic epipedon; and Eda soils are sandy. Bayard, Manter, and Otero soils are in a drier climate and are mesic. Paloduro soils are fine loamy. Ronson soils are 20 to 40 inches deep over sandstone and are mesic.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Kingsdown soils are on stream terraces and surfaces are generally undulating. Slopes range from 0 to 8 percent. The soils formed in loamy eolian material. The mean annual temperature range from 57 to 62 degrees F, and mean annual precipitation ranges from 20 to 24 inches. Thornthwaite Annual P-E index ranges from 32 to 40. Frost free days range from 185 to 210. Elevation ranges from 1700 to 2200 feet.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Eda, Jester, Lesho, Selman, Spur, and Tivoli soils. The Eda, Jester, and Tivoli soils are sandy and on steeper slopes. The somewhat poorly drained Lesho soils and fine-loamy Spur soils are on adjacent flood plains. The Selman soils are fine-silty are on slightly higher positions.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained. Runoff is negligible to low. Permeability is moderately rapid.

USE AND VEGETATION: About 70 percent of the acreage of these soils is cultivated and the rest is used for range. The principal crops are grain sorghum and winter wheat. Native vegetation was mid and tall grasses.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Northwestern Oklahoma and south-central Kansas. The series is of moderate extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Clark County, Kansas, 1980.

REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this soil:

Mollic epipedon: the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of 14 inches (the A horizon).

Cambic horizon: the zone from 14 to 43 inches (the Bk horizons).

Moisture Regime: Typic-Ustic.

National Cooperative Soil Survey