Tentative Series
Rev. TDT


The Kyotesue series consists of very deep to deep, well drained soils that formed in glacial deposits. The rock fragments consist of andesite, scoriaceous cinders and basalt. Kyotesue soils are on volcanic cones and ridges and have slopes of 0 to 65 percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 40 inches and the mean annual temperature is about 42 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Medial-skeletal, amorphic, frigid Typic Hapludands

TYPICAL PEDON: Kyotesue very gravelly medial loam, conifer forest. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise noted.)

Oi--0 to 3 inches; slightly decomposed needles and twigs.

A--3 to 5 inches; dark brown (7.5YR 3/3) very gravelly medial loam, brown (7.5YR 5/3) dry; weak very fine granular structure; soft, very friable, nonsticky and nonplastic; many roots; many very fine pores; 45 percent gravel and 10 percent cobbles and stones; slightly acid (pH 6.2); clear wavy boundary. (2 to 4 inches thick)

A2--5 to 9 inches; dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) very gravelly medial loam, brown (7.5YR 5/4) dry; weak very fine granular structure; soft, very friable, nonsticky and slightly plastic; many roots; many very fine pores; 40 percent gravel and 10 percent cobbles and stones; slightly acid (pH 6.2); clear wavy boundary. (5 to 10 inches thick)

AB--9 to 20 inches; dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) very gravelly medial loam, light brown (7.5YR 6/3) dry; weak very fine granular structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many roots; many very fine pores; 40 percent gravel and 10 percent cobbles and stones; slightly acid (pH 6.4); gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 14 inches thick)

Bw1--20 to 29 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) very gravelly medial loam, light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) dry; weak very fine and fine granular structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common roots; many fine pores; 35 percent gravel and 10 percent cobbles and stones; slightly acid (pH 6.4); gradual wavy boundary. (9 to 21 inches thick)

Bw2--29 to 37 inches; dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) very gravelly medial loam, pale brown (10YR 6/3) dry; weak very fine and fine subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few roots; few very fine tubular pores; 35 percent gravel and 20 percent cobbles and stones; slightly acid (pH 6.5); gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 12 inches thick)

BC--37 to 63 inches; dark brown (10YR 3/3) extremely cobbly medial loam, pale brown (10YR 6/3) dry; massive; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few roots; many very fine pores; 40 percent gravel and 25 percent cobbles and stones; neutral (pH 6.6).

TYPE LOCATION: Klamath County, Oregon; along U.S. Forest Service road #3562; 1,620 feet north and 500 feet east of the southwest corner of sec. 11, T. 35 S., R. 6 E.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The mean annual soil temperature ranges from 41 to 47 degrees F. The soil moisture control section is dry for 30 to 45 consecutive days. Depth to bedrock is more than 60 inches. Depth to an indurated duripan is 40 to over 60 inches. Rock fragments are subrounded. The particle-size control section has 35 to 65 percent rock fragments. It is medial loam or medial sandy loam and averages 15 to 27 percent clay. The solum is slightly or moderately acid. The base saturation is 35 to 60 percent in the solum. Thickness of andic soil properties is 40 to over 60 inches. The zone having andic soil properties consists of acid oxalate extractable aluminum plus one-half the iron of 3 to 5 percent, phosphate retention of 75 to 100 and 15 to 30 percent glass. The 15-bar water dry is 15 to 30 percent throughout. Acid oxalate extractable silica is 2 to 3 percent.

The A and AB horizon has hue of 10YR, 7.5YR, or 5YR, value of 3 or 4 moist, 3 through 5 dry, and chroma of 2 through 4 moist and 3 or 4 dry. It has 20 to 65 percent rock fragments with 20 to 50 percent gravel, 0 to 20 percent cobbles and 0 to 10 percent stones. It has moist bulk density of 0.90 to 1.00 g/cc.

The B horizon has hue of 10YR, 7.5YR, or 5YR, value of 3 or 4 moist, 4 through 6 dry, and chroma of 3 or 4 moist and dry. It is very gravelly medial loam or very cobbly medial sandy loam. It has 25 to 50 percent gravel, 10 to 20 percent cobbles and 0 to 10 percent stones.

The BC horizon has hue of 10YR, 7.5YR, or 5YR, value of 3 or 4 moist, 4 through 6 dry, and chroma of 3 or 4 moist and 3 through 6 dry. It is very cobbly medial sandy loam, extremely cobbly medial loam, very gravelly medial loam, extremely gravelly medial loam. It is slightly acid or neutral. It has 25 to 55 percent gravel, 10 to 20 percent cobbles and 0 to 10 percent stones.

COMPETING SERIES: These are no competing series.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: The Kyotesue soils are on mountains at elevations ranging from 4,100 to 6,500 feet. These soils formed in very deep glacial deposits. The climate is humid with an annual precipitation of 30 to 50 inches. It occurs mainly in winter and spring. The mean January temperature is 39 to 45 degrees F. The frost-free period is less than 100 days. Slopes range from 0 to 65 percent.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Llaorock, Otwin, Woodcock and Pokegema soils. Woodcock soils have an argillic horizon and are xeric. Pokegema soils are medial and are xeric. Otwin soils are moderately deep. Llaorock soils are in a vitric subgroup.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; moderate permeability.

USE AND VEGETATION: Timber, wildlife habitat and recreation. Overstory vegetation is white fir, western white pine, scattered ponderosa pine; understory vegetation is mountain brome, western princess pine and sedge.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Cascade Mountains in southern Oregon; MLRA 3. The soils are moderately extensive.


SERIES PROPOSED: Klamath County, Oregon, 2010.

REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and other features:
Ochric epipedon
Andic soil properties - from 3 to 63 inches
Cambic horizon - from 20 to 37 inches
Udic soil moisture regime based on correlation to white fir plant associations and ecological sites.
Andic soil properties - based on laboratory data from NSSL S01OR-035-002, 003, 004 and 005.
Hapluands- 15 bar dry is more than 15 percent throughout.
Medial- Andic soil properties are present throughout the particle-size control section. The 15 bar water dry is more than 15 percent throughout.
Amorphic- The particle-size control section has over 2 percent acid oxalate extractable silica.

National Cooperative Soil Survey