LOCATION LYKENS                  OH

Established Series


The Lykens series consists of very deep, moderately well drained soils formed in silty lacustrine deposits, a thin layer of loamy water-sorted material, and the underlying loamy till on water modified till plains. Slope ranges from 0 to 6 percent. Mean annual precipitation is about 889 mm (35 inches), and mean annual air temperature is about 10 degrees C (50 degrees F).

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-silty, mixed, active, mesic Aquic Hapludalfs

TYPICAL PEDON: Lykens silt loam - cultivated. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.)

Ap--0 to 20 cm (0 to 8 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) silt loam, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) dry; weak medium granular structure; friable; many fine roots; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary. [15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 inches) thick]

BE--20 to 33 cm (8 to 13 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) silt loam; moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure; friable; many fine roots; many fine pores; thin patchy brown (10YR 5/3) clay films on faces of peds; thin patchy silt coatings on faces of peds; common krotovinas with dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) fillings; few fine dark iron and manganese oxide concretions; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. [0 to (5 inches) thick]

Bt1--33 to 43 cm (13 to 17 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) silty clay loam; strong fine and medium subangular blocky structure; friable; many fine roots; thin patchy brown (10YR 5/3) clay films on faces of peds; very strongly acid; clear smooth boundary.

Bt2--43 to 56 cm (17 to 22 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) clay loam; moderate medium prismatic structure parting to moderate medium subangular blocky; friable; common fine roots; medium brown (10YR 5/3) clay films on faces of prisms; thin patchy brown (10YR 5/3) clay films on horizontal faces of peds; many medium distinct grayish brown (10YR 5/2) iron depletions; many medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) masses of iron accumulation; very strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. [Combined thickness of the Bt horizon is 20 to 53 cm (8 to 21 inches).]

2Bt3--56 to 74 cm (22 to 29 inches); brown (7.5YR 4/4) clay loam with some thin lenses of sand; moderate medium prismatic structure; firm; common fine roots; thin patchy light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) clay films on faces of prisms; common coarse dark iron and manganese oxide stains; many coarse distinct strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) masses of iron accumulation in sand lenses; strongly acid in upper part and moderately acid in lower part; clear wavy boundary. [5 to 38 cm (2 to 15 inches) thick]

3BC--74 to 99 cm (29 to 39 inches); dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) silty clay loam; moderate coarse prismatic structure; firm; few fine roots; thin patchy dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) clay films on faces of prisms; many medium distinct gray (10YR 5/1) iron depletions; many medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) masses of iron accumulation; 4 percent rock fragments; neutral; clear wavy boundary. [0 to 38 cm (15 inches) thick]

3C--99 to 152 cm (39 to 60 inches); dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) clay loam; massive; very firm; many medium distinct gray (10YR 5/1) iron depletions; many medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) masses of iron accumulation; common fine black soft pieces of shale; 4 percent rock fragments that are slightly effervescent; moderately alkaline.

TYPE LOCATION: Crawford County, Ohio; Whetstone Township; about 400 feet east and 900 feet south of the northwest corner of sec. 16, T. 3 S., R. 17 E.

Thickness of the solum: 61 to 127 cm (24 to 50 inches)
Depth to carbonates: 71 to 127 cm (28 to 50 inches)
Thickness of the overlying silty mantle: 51 to 91 cm (20 to 36 inches)
Rock fragments: mainly black shale, crystalline pebbles, and some limestone fragments
Particle-size control section: averages 24 to 35 percent clay and 5 to 15 percent fine sand or coarser

Ap horizon:
Hue: 10YR
Value: 4 (6 dry)
Chroma: 2 or 3
Texture: commonly silt loam or less commonly loam or very fine sandy loam
Rock fragment content: 0 to 2 percent
Reaction: strongly acid to neutral

A horizon, where present:
Hue: 10YR
Value: 2 or 3 (4 or 5 dry)
Chroma: 1 or 2
Texture: commonly silt loam or less commonly loam or very fine sandy loam
Rock fragment content: 0 to 2 percent
Reaction: strongly acid to neutral

E horizon, where present:
Texture: commonly silt loam or less commonly loam or very fine sandy loam
Rock fragment content: 0 to 2 percent
Reaction: strongly acid to neutral

Bt horizon:
Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR
Value: 4 or 5
Chroma: 3 to 6
Texture: silt loam, silty clay loam, or clay loam; less than 15 percent fine sand or coarser material
Rock fragment content: 0 to 2 percent
Reaction: very strongly acid to moderately acid

Some pedons have a BA or B/E horizon.

2Bt or 2BC horizon:
Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR
Value: 4 or 5
Chroma: 3 to 6
Texture: typically weakly stratified; clay loam or loam or the gravelly analogs of these textures, or less commonly sandy loam or gravelly sandy loam below a depth of about 76 cm (30 inches)
Rock fragment content: 0 to 25 percent
Reaction: strongly acid to neutral

3Bt or 3BC horizon:
Hue: 7.5YR or 10YR
Value: 4 or 5
Chroma: 3 to 6
Texture: silty clay loam, clay loam, or loam
Rock fragment content: 2 to 10 percent
Reaction: strongly acid to slightly alkaline

3C horizon:
Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y
Value: 4 or 5
Chroma: 2 to 4
Texture: silty clay loam, clay loam, silt loam, or loam
Rock fragment content: 2 to 10 percent
Calcium carbonate equivalent: 5 to 24 percent
Reaction: slightly alkaline or moderately alkaline

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Hartz, Henshaw, Higdon, Ogontz, Sardinia, and Travilah series. Hartz soils are deeper than 127 cm (50 inches) to carbonates. Henshaw soils do not have rock fragments in the lower part of the series control section. Higdon and Sardinia soils have sola thicker than 127 cm (50 inches). Ogontz soils have strata with less than 18 percent clay and more than 50 percent sand in the lower part of the series control section. Travilah soils have a lithic contact within a depth of 102 cm (40 inches).

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Lykens soils are on water modified till plains of late Wisconsinan age. Slope ranges from 0 to 6 percent. The soils formed in silty lacustrine deposits or slackwater sediments 51 to 91 cm (20 to 36 inches) thick that commonly contain a high amount of very fine sand in the lower part, a middle layer of loamy water-sorted materials 5 to 38 cm (2 to 15 inches) thick, and the underlying loamy, low-lime till. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 787 to 1016 mm (31 to 40 inches). Mean annual air temperature ranges from 8 to 12 degrees C (47 to 53 degrees F).

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Bennington, Cardington, Fitchville, Glenford, and Tiro soils. The somewhat poorly drained Bennington soils and the Cardington soils are on nearby till plains that have not been modified by water. The somewhat poorly drained Fitchville soils and the Glenford soils formed in thicker lacustrine deposits. The somewhat poorly drained Tiro soils formed in similar materials but are on lower topographic positions.

DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: Moderately well drained. The potential for surface runoff is low to high. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is moderately high in the upper part of the solum and moderately low in the till material. Permeability is moderate in the upper part of the solum and moderately slow or slow in the lower part of the solum and underlying till.

USE AND VEGETATION: Most areas are used for cropland or permanent pasture but a few areas are used for woodland. Corn, soybeans, small grain, and legume grass meadow are principal crops. Native vegetation is hardwood forest.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: North central Ohio; MLRAs 111E and 139. The type location is in MLRA 111E. The series is of small extent, about 4,000 acres.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Crawford County, Ohio, 1975.

REMARKS: The Lykens series is marginal to fine-loamy.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in the pedon are:
Ochric epipedon: from the surface to a depth of 33 cm (Ap, BE horizons).
Argillic horizon: from a depth of 33 to 74 cm (Bt, 2Bt horizons).
Aquic conditions: redox features in all horizons below a depth of 43 cm.

ADDITIONAL DATA: Characterization data is available for CR-27, the typical pedon, from the Soil Characterization Laboratory at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

National Cooperative Soil Survey