Established Series


MLRA(s)--144A, 145
Depth class--Very deep
Drainage Class--Subaqueous
Water Depth Range--2 to 170 centimeters
Parent material--Sandy subaqueous alluvium
Geomorphic location--River channels, shoals, and sand bars in tidal rivers
Slope range for series--0 to 3 percent
Mean annual air temperature--10 degrees C (50 degrees F)
Mean annual precipitation--1295 millimeters (51 inches)

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Mixed, mesic Psammentic Frasiwassents

TYPICAL PEDON: Naugatuck sand on a south facing, linear, 1 percent slope on a river channel under 68 centimeters of brackish water. Tidal range is 260 centimeters. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise noted).

Aseg--0 to 32 centimeters; black (N 2.5/) sand; single grain; nonfluid; 3 percent herbaceous plant fibers; 1 percent moderately coherent wood fragments; 1 percent charcoal fragments; slight petrochemical odor; slight effervescence with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; neutral (pH 7.2), extremely acid (pH 4.3) oxidized pH; clear boundary.

Cseg1--32 to 62 centimeters; dark gray (5Y 4/1) coarse sand; single grain; nonfluid; 2 percent gravels; slight effervescence with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; slightly alkaline (pH 7.4), extremely acid (pH 4.0) oxidized pH; abrupt boundary.

Cseg2--62 to 69 centimeters; dark gray (5Y 4/1) woody coarse sand; single grain; nonfluid; 60 percent moderately coherent wood fragments; 1 percent charcoal fragments; slight effervescence with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; neutral (pH 7.3), extremely acid (pH 3.8) oxidized pH; abrupt boundary.

Cseg3--69 to 85 centimeters; dark gray (5Y 4/1) sand; single grain; nonfluid; 1 percent gravels; slight effervescence with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; slightly alkaline (pH 7.4), extremely acid (pH 3.8) oxidized pH; clear boundary.

Cseg4--85 to 99 centimeters; dark gray (5Y 4/1) coarse sand; single grain; nonfluid; 1 percent gravels; slight effervescence with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; slightly alkaline (pH 7.4), extremely acid (pH 3.9) oxidized pH; clear boundary.

Cseg5--99 to 118 centimeters; very dark gray (5Y 3/1) woody sand; single grain; nonfluid; 55 percent moderately coherent wood fragments; slight effervescence with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; neutral (pH 7.3), extremely acid (pH 3.8) oxidized pH; abrupt boundary.

Cseg6--118 to 200 centimeters; dark gray (5Y 4/1) sand; single grain; nonfluid; slight effervescence with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide; moderately saline; neutral (pH 7.0), extremely acid (pH 3.7) oxidized pH.

TYPE LOCATION: New Haven County, Connecticut; Housatonic River, on the east side of the mid-channel island (Great Flat) at Charles E. Wheeler Wildlife Area, near Turkey Hill Brook; approximately 533 meters (1,750 feet) northeast from the helicopter pad of the Sikorsky Aircraft Manufacturing facility and approximately 638 meters (2,092 feet) west-northwest of the intersection of Herbert Street and Wheelers Farm Road. USGS topographic quadrangle: Ansonia, CT

Longitude-- -73.0853389
Coordinates source--from hand-held GPS

Depth to bedrock--Greater than 200 centimeters
Soil moisture--These soils are continuously inundated
Reaction throughout--Neutral to slightly alkaline (pH 6.6 to 7.8)
Oxidized reaction--Extremely acid to moderately acid (pH 3.5 to 6.0)
Electrical conductivity (EC 1:5 water)--Less than 0.6 dS/m throughout
Depth to hypersulfidic materials (incubated pH 4.0)--0 to 50 centimeters
Coarse fragments--0 to 20 percent gravels, by volume; 0 to 60 percent wood fragments, by volume
Total soil organic carbon stock to 200 centimeters--0.06 to 41 kg m-2

Aseg or ACseg horizon
Hue--2.5Y or N
Value--2.5 to 3
Chroma--0 to 1
Texture--coarse sand or sand
Manner of failure / fluidity class--nonfluid
Organic carbon density--0.5 to 7 kg m-3

Cseg, Cg, or C horizon
Hue--10YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, or N
Value--3 to 6
Chroma--0 to 3
Texture--coarse sand, sand, or loamy sand with woody analogs
Manner of failure / fluidity class--nonfluid to slightly fluid
Organic carbon density--0.03 to 21 kg m-3

Aseb or Ab horizon (where present)
Texture--mucky sand
Manner of failure / fluidity class--nonfluid to slightly fluid
Organic carbon density--30 to 37 kg m-3

These are Aquapaug soils.
Aquapaug soils--are formed in sandy outwash material and are found on submerged outwash landscapes of freshwater ponds, lakes, and reservoirs in Rhode Island. Aquapaug soils also do not have hypersulfidic soil materials.

Parent material--Sandy subaqueous alluvium
Landscape--Tidal rivers
Landform--River channels, shoals, and sand bars
Slope--0 to 3 percent
Mean annual precipitation--1023 to 1320 millimeters (40 to 52 inches)
Mean annual air temperature--4 to 13 degrees C (39 to 55 degrees F)
Water salinity range--0 to 18 parts per thousand
Frost-free period--350 to 365 days

These are Gillette Castle, Nott Island, and Thames soils.
Gillette Castle soils--formed in loamy and sandy subaqueous alluvium and are found on river channels and coves in tidal rivers; they are typically in high-energy, freshwater-dominant riverine settings and include an irregular decrease in carbon with depth and have finer textures in the upper part.
Nott Island soils--formed in sulfide-enriched sandy subaqueous alluvium, have electrical conductivity values above 0.6 dS/m, and are found on river channels, shoals, and bars in tidal rivers; typically found near the lower extent of tidal rivers where saltwater influence is greater
Thames soils--are formed in sulfide-enriched mixed coarse-loamy subaqueous alluvium or estuarine deposits, have finer textures, and found on river channels and shoals in tidal rivers

Drainage class--Subaqueous
Saturated hydraulic conductivity--High or Very High
Soil moisture regime--Peraquic
Soil is continuously inundated with brackish or fresh water.

Major uses--Areas of this soil are used for recreational fishing and swimming. Commercial uses include shell fishing and aquaculture. Wildlife use and benthic fauna associated with this soil includes tubeworms, clams, juvenile blue crabs, scallops, and juvenile finfish.
Native vegetation--Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) may occur on these soils.

General area--These soils are located in tidal rivers along the Connecticut coast.
Land Resource Regions--R - Northeastern Forage and Forest Region
MLRA(s)--144A, 145


SERIES ESTABLISHED: New Haven County, Connecticut, 2024.

REMARKS: This subaqueous series is mapped in areas previously published as water in Connecticut Soil Survey publications.

Diagnostic horizons and features in this pedon include--
Peraquic feature--Positive soil water potential (permanently submerged) at the soil surface. (under 2 meters of salt water).
Frasi- taxonomic great group--Electrical conductivity (EC 1:5) is less than 0.6 dS/m throughout
Particle-size control section--The zone from 0 to 100 centimeters (0 to 40 inches).
Hypersulfidic materials--The zone from 32 to 128 centimeters (Cseg horizons) have oxidized reactions with pH values less than 4 after 16 weeks.
Taxonomic version--Keys to Soil Taxonomy, 13th edition (2022)

ADDITIONAL DATA: Type location taken from S2022CT009103 in Housatonic River, CT.

National Cooperative Soil Survey