LOCATION SOBOL              OK
Established Series


The Sobol series consists of moderately deep, moderately well drained, slowly permeable soils that formed in material weathered from shale of Pennsylvanian age. These very gently sloping to strongly sloping upland soils are on side slopes and ridge crests in the valleys of the Ouachita Mountains (MLRA 119). Slopes range from 2 to 20 percent. Mean annual precipitation is 1220 mm (48 inches), and mean annual temperature is 17 degrees C. (63 degrees F.).

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, mixed, active, thermic Aquic Hapludalfs

TYPICAL PEDON: Sobol loam--in native range. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.)

A--0 to 18 cm (0 to 7 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) loam; moderate medium and fine granular structure; friable; many roots of all sizes; neutral; clear smooth boundary. [8 to 28 centimeters (3 to 11 inches) thick]

BA--18 to 36 cm (7 to 14 inches); dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) clay loam; moderate medium granular structure; firm; many roots of all sizes; moderately acid; clear smooth boundary. [0 to 20 centimeters (0 to 8 inches) thick]

Bt1--36 to 64 cm (14 to 25 inches); coarsely mottled red (2.5YR 4/6), strong brown (7.5YR 5/6), and gray (10YR 5/1) clay; moderate fine and medium blocky structure; very firm; common fine roots; few fine fragments of shale; clay films on faces of peds; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary. [10 to 36 centimeters (4 to 14 inches) thick]

Bt2--64 to 76 cm (25 to 30 inches); gray (10YR 5/1) clay; many medium distinct yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) redox concentrations; weak medium blocky structure; very firm; few fine roots; about 5 percent by volume of shale fragments less than 76 mm in diameter; patchy clay films on faces of peds; slightly alkaline; abrupt irregular boundary. [0 to 46 centimeters (0 to 18 inches) thick]

Cr--76 to 89 cm (30 to 35 inches); gray shale, tilted 20 degrees from horizontal.

TYPE LOCATION: Pushmataha County, Oklahoma; 853 meters (2,800 feet) east and 152 meters (500 feet) north of the southwest corner of sec. 23, T. 3 S., R. 16 E.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness and depth to shale bedrock ranges from 51 to 102 Centimeters (20 to 40 inches).

A horizon:
Hue: 10YR
Value: of 4 or 5
Chroma: of 1 to 3.
Redoximorphic features: where present, are in shades of gray or brown.
Texture: loam, silt loam, clay loam, stony loam, stony silt
loam or stony clay loam.
Coarse fragments: sandstone and shale, 0 to 30 percent by volume. 0 to 10 percent by volume is less than 76 mm in diameter and 0 to 20 percent by volume is more than 76 mm in diameter.
Reaction: slightly acid to strongly acid.

BA horizon:
Hue: 10YR or 2.5Y
Value: 4 or 5
Chroma: 2 to 6
Redoximorphic features: where present, are in shades of brown, red, or gray
Texture: clay loam or silty clay loam
Sandstone and shale fragments: less than 76 mm in diameter make up 0 to 10 percent by volume
Reaction: Slightly acid to very strongly acid.

Bt1 horizon:
Hue: 7.5YR to 5Y
Value: 4 to 6
Chroma: 1 to 6.
Coarse mottles in shades of red, yellow, brown, gray, and olive.
Texture: clay or silty clay.
Sandstone and shale fragments: less than 76 mm in diameter make up 0 to 10 percent by volume
Reaction: slightly acid to very strongly acid.

Bt2 horizon and where present, BC, horizon:
Hue: 7.5YR to 5Y
Value: 4 to 6
Chroma: 1 to 6
Redoximorphic features: in shades of red, yellow, brown, gray, and olive.
Texture: clay or silty clay and gravelly analogs.
Shale fragments: less than 76 mm in diameter make up 0 to 30 percent by volume
Reaction: moderately acid to moderately alkaline

Cr horizon:
Color: olive or gray
Parent material: shale, tilted 20 degrees to 90 degrees from the horizontal, fractured and cracks are more than 4 inches apart.

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Grubbs and Tupelo series.
Grubbs and Tupelo soils are of the same family, and have sola greater than102 centimeters (40 inches).

Landscape: very gently sloping to strongly sloping sideslopes and ridge crests in the valleys of the Ouachita Mountains.
Parent material: weathered from shale of Pennsylvanian age.
Mean annual temperature: ranges from 16 to 18 degrees C (61 degrees to 64 degrees F)
Mean annual precipitation ranges from 107 to 142 centimeters (42 to 56 inches)
Thornthwaite annual P-E indices: greater than 64.
Slopes: 2 to 20 percent.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Clebit, Pickens, Tuskahoma, Yanush, and Wister series.
Clebit, Pickens, and Tuskahoma soils: have sola less than 51 centimeters (20 inches) thick over bedrock.
Clebit and Pickens soils: have loamy-skeletal control sections
Tuskahoma soils: have an abrupt textural change
Yanush soils: have a loamy-skeletal control sections and sola more than 152 centimeters (60 inches) thick.
Wister soils: have sola more than 102 centimeters (40 inches) thick and have an abrupt textural change.

Drainage: moderately well drained
Runoff: moderate to rapid
Saturated hydraulic conductivity: moderately low
Episaturation: 0.5 to 1.5 feet for short periods during winter and spring.

Use: tame pasture and native range for beef cattle.
Native vegetation: big bluestem, little bluestem, indiangrass, and switchgrass
Trees: winged elm, post oak, blackjack oak, and eastern red cedar

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Ouachita Mountains (MLRA 119), in valleys of southeastern Oklahoma and west central Arkansas.
The series is of moderate extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Pushmataha County, Oklahoma; 1977.

REMARKS: These soils were previously included in the Eram series.

Modified format by LEK on 9/2006 to include metric conversions and change permeability to saturated hydraulic conductivity

National Cooperative Soil Survey