Established Series
The Woodstock series consists of somewhat excessively drained soils that formed in loamy till on bedrock controlled, glaciated uplands. They are shallow to schist, granite, or gneiss bedrock. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is moderately high or high. Slope ranges from 0 to 60 percent. Mean annual precipitation is about 43 inches and mean annual temperature is about 42 degrees F.
TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy, mixed, active, frigid Lithic Dystrudepts
TYPICAL PEDON: Woodstock fine sandy loam on a 5 percent northeast facing slope in a wooded area.
Oe--0 to 1 inch; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moderately decomposed plant material; very strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (0 to 3 inches thick)
A--1 to 2 inches; dark brown (10YR 3/3) fine sandy loam; weak medium granular structure; friable; many very fine, fine and medium roots; 10 percent rock fragments; very strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (1 to 6 inches thick)
Bw--2 to 11 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) fine sandy loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable; common fine and medium roots; 10 percent rock fragments; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (6 to 16 inches thick)
R--11 inches; light gray schist bedrock.
TYPE LOCATION: Merrimack County, New Hampshire, Town of Northfield; 0.1 mile southeast of intersection of Knowles Pond Road and Rand Road, 120 feet southwest of Knowles Pond Road. Latitude 43 degrees 25 minutes 42 seconds N., longitude 71 degrees 31 minutes 44 seconds W., NAD 27.
RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness and depth to bedrock ranges from 10 to 20 inches. Rock fragments, predominantly gravel, range from 5 to 35 percent throughout the soil. Reaction ranges from extremely acid to slightly acid.
The A, or Ap horizon, has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 2 to 5, and chroma of 1 to 3. Texture is fine sandy loam or sandy loam or their gravelly analogues. Structure is commonly weak or moderate, very fine to medium granular and consistence is friable or very friable.
Some pedons have a thin, discontinuous E horizon.
The upper part of the Bw horizon has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 4 or 5 and chroma of 3 to 6. The lower part has colors similar to the upper part but includes hue of 2.5Y. Texture is fine sandy loam or sandy loam or their gravelly analogues. Structure is weak or moderate, very fine to medium granular or subangular blocky and consistence is friable or very friable.
Some pedons have a thin BC horizon with properties similar to the lower part of the Bw horizon
Some pedons have a C horizon that has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 2 to 4 and chroma of 1 to 3. Texture is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, loamy fine sand or their gravelly analogues. Structure is weak, very fine or fine granular or is single grain or massive. Consistence ranges from friable to firm.
Irona, and
Westminster series. Barto and Insula soils are from outside of Region R. They both have rock fragments that are mainly gabbro or granite. Hawksnest soils have rock fragments that are mainly sandstone, siltstone, or shale. Irona soils have rock fragments that are mainly sandstone or granite. Westminster soils have rock fragments that are mainly dark colored schist and are mapped primarily in areas with dark colored schist bedrock.
GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Woodstock soils are level to very steep soils on bedrock controlled glaciated uplands. Slope ranges from 0 to 60 percent. The soils formed in friable till derived mainly from light colored schist, granite, or gneiss. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 36 to 50 inches and the mean annual temperature ranges from 38 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit. The frost free season ranges from 90 to 135 days. Elevation ranges from 300 to 2000 feet above mean sea level.
Metacomet, and
Millsite series. The well drained Henniker and moderately well drained Metacomet soils are underlain by dense till. The somewhat excessively and well drained Millsite soils are moderately deep to bedrock.
DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: Somewhat excessively drained. Runoff is slow to medium. Estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity is moderately high or high.
USE AND VEGETATION: Predominantly forested. White and yellow birch, red and white spruce, white and red pine, sugar maple, balsam fir, and red maple are dominant species. Areas presently farmed are use for hayland or pasture.
DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont; MLRA 143 and 144B. The series is of large extent.
SERIES ESTABLISHED: Orange County, Vermont, 1975.
REMARKS: 1. The type location is moved from Orange County, VT with this revision to better reflect the series concept and classification. 2. Woodstock soils were previously classified as Entic Lithic Haplorthods.
3. Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:
a. Ochric epipedon - the zone from 0 to 2 inches (Oe and A horizons).
b. Cambic horizon - the zone from 2 to 11 inches (Bw horizon).
c. Lithic feature - Bedrock at 11 inches.
National Cooperative Soil Survey