LOCATION WABASSO                 FL

Established Series


The Wabasso series consists of very deep, very poorly and poorly drained, that formed in sandy and loamy marine sediments. Wabasso soils are on flatwoods, low broad flats, sloughs, depressions, and flood plains. Slopes are linear to concave and range from 0 to 2 percent. Near the type location, the mean annual precipitation is about 1397 millimeters (55 inches), and the mean annual temperature is about 22 degrees C (72 degrees F).

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Alfic Alaquods

TYPICAL PEDON: Wabasso fine sand is in a nearly level wooded area, at an elevation of 9 meters (30 feet) above mean sea level. (Colors are for moist soil).

A--0 to 10 centimeters (0 to 4 inches); very dark gray (10YR 3/1) fine sand; mixture of organic matter and light gray (10YR 7/1) sand grains having a salt-and-pepper appearance; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots; very strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. [8 to 20 centimeters (3 to 8 inches) thick]

E--10 to 41 centimeters (4 to 16 inches); gray (10YR 5/1) fine sand; single grain; loose; common fine and medium roots; strongly acid; abrupt wavy boundary. [5 to 56 centimeters (2 to 22 inches thick)]

Bh--41 to 71 centimeters (16 to 28 inches); dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) fine sand; massive; friable; common fine and medium roots; reddish brown (5YR 4/4) areas having less organic matter than the matrix and gray (10YR 6/1) organic matter depletions lining pores along old root channels; strongly acid; gradual smooth boundary. [5 to 41 centimeters (2 to 16 inches) thick]

E'--71 to 81 centimeters (28 to 32 inches); very pale brown (10YR 7/3) fine sand, single grain; loose; common fine and medium roots; few fine faint yellow (10YR 7/6) areas having more organic matter than the matrix; few medium faint light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) organic matter depletions lining pores along old root channels; neutral; clear wavy boundary. [0 to 46 centimeters (0 to 18 inches) thick]

Btg--81 to 91 centimeters (32 to 36 inches); gray (10YR 6/1) fine sandy loam, weak coarse subangular blocky structure; few fine and medium roots; few faint clay films in root channels; sand grains coated with clay; few small nodules of ironstone; many medium distinct brownish yellow (10YR 6/8) masses of oxidized iron; neutral; gradual wavy boundary.

Btk--91 to 122 centimeters (36 to 48 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) fine sandy loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; few fine and medium roots; sand grains bridged and coated with clay; common streaks of white (10YR 8/1) calcium carbonate in root channels; many coarse distinct gray (10YR 6/1) pockets and areas of iron depletions; slightly alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. [Combined thickness of the Bt, Btg and Btk horizons range from 15 to 127 centimeters (6 to 50 inches) thick]

Cg1--122 to 152 centimeters (48 to 60 inches); light gray (10YR 7/1) loamy fine sand; massive; very friable; few fine and medium roots; common strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) nodules of ironstone; many medium and coarse brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) masses of oxidized iron; slightly alkaline; gradual wavy boundary.

Cg2--152 to 204 centimeters (60 to 80 inches); gray (N 6/0) fine sand; single grain; loose; common medium and coarse light olive brown (2.5Y 5/6) masses of oxidized iron; slightly alkaline.

TYPE LOCATION: Okeechobee County, Florida; approximately 704 meters (2,311 feet) northwest of 18th Street with McGee Road and about 274 meters (899 feet) south of US 98 of Sec. 7, T.37 S., R.35 E.; USGS Taylor Creek South East, Florida USGS quadrangle; Latitude and Longitude; 27 degrees, 15 minutes, 58.03 seconds, North and 80 degrees, 52 minutes, 3.243 seconds, West; Datum WGS84.

Soil moisture control section: 30 to 90 centimeters (12 to 36 inches)
Solum thickness range: 91 to 122 centimeters (36 to 48 inches)
Aquic conditions: 0 to 46 centimeters (0 to 18 inches)
Depth to endosaturation: 0 to 46 centimeters (0 to 18 inches)
Ochric epipedon: 13 to 76 centimeters (5 to 30 inches) thick
Depth to albic horizon: 8 to 20 centimeters (3 to 8 inches)
Depth to spodic horizon: 13 to 76 centimeters (5 to 30 inches)
Depth to argillic horizon: 51 to 102 centimeters (20 to 40 inches)
Limestone bedrock below a depth of 152 centimeters (60 inches) may occur in some areas.
Reaction ranges from extremely acid to slightly acid (3.5 to 6.5) in the A, E, and Bh horizons, from very strongly acid to moderately alkaline (4.5 to 8.4) in the E', Btg and Btk horizons, and from slightly alkaline to moderately alkaline (7.4 to 8.4) in the Cg horizon.
Particle-size control section (weighted averages):
Clay content: 10 to 35 percent
Fine sand content: 20 to 75 percent

A or Ap horizons:
Hue: 10YR or Neutral
Value: 2 to 4
Chroma: 1 or 2
Texture: fine sand or sand
Clay content: 0.4 to 5 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Reaction: extremely acid to slightly acid (3.5 to 6.5)
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2

E or Eg horizons:
Hue: 10YR and 2.5Y, or Neutral
Value: 5 to 7
Chroma: 1 to 3
Texture: fine sand or sand
Clay content: 0.3 to 5 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Redoximorphic features: 0 to 20 percent, fine to medium, faint to prominent streaks and accumulation of organic matter in shades of brown
Reaction: extremely acid to slightly acid (3.5 to 6.5)
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2

Bh horizons:
Hue: 5YR and 10YR or Neutral
Value: 2 to 3
Chroma: 3 to 4
Texture: sand, fine sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand
Clay content: .4 to 5 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Reaction: extremely acid to slightly acid (3.5 to 6.5)
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2
Some pedons have thin, firm weakly cemented ortstein in less than half of each pedon. Some pedons have streaks and accumulations and/or depletions of organic matter in shades of brown range from 0 to 20 percent.

E' or E'g horizons, where present:
Hue: 7.5YR and 10YR or Neutral
Value: 5 to 8
Chroma: 1 to 3
Texture: sand, fine sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand
Clay content: 0.4 to 5 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Redoximorphic features: 0 to 20 percent, fine to medium, faint to prominent organic matter accumulations, depletions, and streaks in shades of brown and gray.
Reaction: very strongly acid to moderately alkaline (4.5 to 8.4)
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2

BC/Bh or BC horizons, where present:
Hue: 5YR and 10YR or Neutral
Value: 4 to 5
Chroma: 2 to 4
Texture: sand, fine sand, loamy sand or loamy fine sand
Clay content: 0.4 to 5 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Reaction: extremely acid to slightly acid (3.5 to 6.5)
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2

Bt or Btg horizons:
Hue: 10YR and 5GY or Neutral
Value: 3 to 7
Chroma: 1 to 8
Texture: sandy loam, fine sandy loam or sandy clay loam
Clay content: 10 to 34 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Redoximorphic features: 2 to 22 percent, fine to medium, faint to prominent depletions or concentrations in shades of brown, yellow, red or gray.
Reaction: very strongly acid to moderately alkaline (4.5 to 8.4)
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2
Pockets or intrusions of coarser textured material range from 0 to 10 percent. Ironstone nodules may be present.

Btk or Btkg horizons, where percent:
Hue: 10YR and 5GY or Neutral
Value: 3 to 7
Chroma: 1 to 8
Texture: sandy loam, fine sandy loam or sandy clay loam
Clay content: 10 to 34 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Redoximorphic features: 2 to 22 percent, fine to medium, faint to prominent depletions or concentrations.
Reaction: very strongly acid to moderately alkaline (4.5 to 8.4)
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2
Pockets or intrusions of coarser textured material range from 0 to 10 percent. Ironstone nodules may be present.

Cg horizons:
Hue: 10YR and 5GY
Value: 4 to 7
Chroma: 2 or less
Texture: fine sand, fine sandy loam or loamy sand
Clay content: 2 to 10 percent
Rock fragments: 0
Reaction: slightly alkaline to moderately alkaline (7.4 to 8.4)
Redoximorphic features: 2 to 22 percent, fine to medium, faint to prominent depletions or concentrations in shades of brown, yellow, red or gray.
EC (mmhos/cm): 0 to 2
In some pedons it consists of fragments of shells or a mixture of sand or loamy sand and fragments of shell. The limestone substratum can occur at depths of 152 to 203 centimeters (60 to 80 inches).

COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series.

Parent material: sandy and loamy marine sediments
Landscape: Lower Coastal Plain
Landform: flatwoods, low broad flats, sloughs, depressions, and flood plains on marine terraces
Slopes: 0 to 2 percent
Elevation: 0 to 18 meters (3 to 60 feet)
Mean annual temperature: 21 to 23 degrees C (70 to 74 degrees F)
Mean annual precipitation: 1,270 to 1,524 millimeters (50 to 60 inches)
Frost-free period: 300 to 365 days

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Ankona, Basinger, Boca, Bradenton, EauGallie, Felda, Floridana, Hilolo, Holopaw, Myakka, Nettles, Oldsmar, Pepper, Pineda, Pomona, Popash, Riviera, Susanna, Tantile and Tuscawilla series.
Ankona and Nettles soils have ortstein and are on similar positions.
Basinger soils have weakly expressed spodic horizons, lack argillic horizons, are sandy throughout and are on similar positions.
Boca soils lack spodic horizons, have limestone bedrock within 51 to 102 centimeters (20 to 40 inches) and are on similar positions.
Bradenton and Tuscawilla lack spodic horizons and are on similar positions.
EauGallie soils have argillic horizons at depths of 102 centimeters (40 inches) or more below the surface and are on similar positions.
Felda, Pineda and Riviera soils lack spodic horizons and are on similar positions.
Floridana and Popash soils have chroma of 3 or less at the surface, lack spodic horizons, and are in depressions.
Hilolo soils have argillic horizons at a depth of less than 51 centimeters (20 inches) and are on similar positions.
Holopaw soils have chroma of 3 or less at the surface, lack spodic horizons, and are on similar positions.
Myakka soils lack argillic horizons and are on similar positions.
Oldsmar soils have argillic horizons at a depth greater than 51 centimeters (20 inches) and are on similar positions.
Pepper soils have ortstein, have argillic horizons at depths of 102 centimeters (40 inches) or more, and are on similar positions.
Pomona soils have a base saturation of less than 35 percent in the argillic horizon and are in similar positions.
Susanna and Tantile soils have ortstein, have a base saturation of less than 35 percent, and are on similar to slightly higher positions.

Drainage class: poorly drained and very poorly drained
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat): high to very high on A and E horizons, moderately low to low in the Bh, Bt, and moderately high in the Cg horizons.
Permeability: rapidly permeable in the A and E horizons, slowly to very slowly permeable in the Bh, Bt, Btg, and Btk, and moderate permeable in the Cg horizons.
Surface runoff: negligible
Depth to seasonal high water table: The water table is at depths of 25 to 102 centimeters (10 to 40 inches) for more than 6 months in most years. It is at depths of less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) for less than 60 days in wet seasons and is at depths of more than 102 centimeters (40 inches) during very dry seasons.
Depressions are covered by standing water 3 to 9 months or more each year.
Ponding frequency and duration: 0 to 61 centimeters (0 to 24 inches) in depressional areas for 3 to 9 months or more each year. 0 to 30 centimeters (0 to 12 inches) in low broad flats and sloughs for 1 to 30 days after periods of heavy rain.
Flooding frequency and duration: rare (1 to 5 times in 100 years), with duration of 2 to 7 days on flood plains.
Phases need to be investigated to determine if a different soil series should be used.

Most areas of Wabasso soils are in natural vegetation and used for native range. Areas with adequate water control measures are used for citrus, truck crops, and tame pasture. The natural vegetation consists of longleaf pine, slash pine, cabbage palm, live oak, with an understory of sawpalmetto, laurel oak, waxmyrtle, chalky bluestem, creeping bluestem, indiangrass, little bluestem, Florida paspalum, running oak, south Florida slash pine and pineland threeawn.

Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA): This soil mainly occurs in the Southern Florida Flatwoods (MLRA 155). It also occurs in the South Central Florida Ridge (MLRA 154), Southern Florida Lowlands (MLRA 156B), and Florida Everglades and Associated Areas (MLRA 156A).
Extent: Large extent


Seminole County, Florida; 1963.

Particle size control section: 81 to 122 centimeters (32 to 48 inches)

Wabasso soils were formerly included in Leon series as a heavy and neutral substratum phase.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon:

Ochric epipedon - 0 to 41 centimeters [0 to 16 inches (A and E horizons)]

Albic horizon - 10 to 41 centimeters [4 to 16 inches (E horizon)]

Spodic horizon - 41 to 71 centimeters [16 and 28 inches (Bh horizon)]

Argillic horizon - 81 to 122 centimeters [32 and 48 inches (Btg and Btk horizons)]

Aquic condition - 0 to 46 centimeters (0 to 18 inches)

Depth to endosaturation: 0 to 46 centimeters (0 to 18 inches)

Soil Series was classified according to the 12th Edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy.

There is no laboratory data for the Official Soil Series Description (OSD) typifying pedon however there is laboratory data from other counties on the National Soil Survey website at: http://ncsslabdatamart.sc.egov.usda.gov/querypage.aspx

OSD User Site ID: 1997FL093006

OSD User Pedon ID: 1997FL093006

National Cooperative Soil Survey