Established Series


TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Humic Hapludults
DEPTH CLASS: Well drained
SURFACE RUNOFF: Slow to rapid
PARENT MATERIAL: Loamy marine sediments that contain glauconite
SLOPE: 0 to 40 percent
MEAN ANNUAL AIR TEMPERATURE (type location): 52 degrees F.
MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION (type location): 45 inches

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Humic Hapludults

TYPICAL PEDON: Colts Neck sandy loam, cultivated (Colors are form moist soil, unless otherwise noted.)

Ap--0 to 10 inches; dark reddish brown (5YR 3/2) sandy loam, dark brown (7.5YR 4/2) dry; weak fine granular structure; friable; firm when dry; many fine roots; moderately acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (7 to 12 inches thick)

BA--10 to 15 inches; dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4) sandy loam, yellowish red (5YR 4/6) dry; weak fine granular structure with discontinuous weak thick plates in the upper 2 inches; friable, firm; brittle when dry; many fine roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. (0 to 7 inches thick)

Bt1--15 to 24 inches; reddish brown (5YR 4/4) sandy clay loam, yellowish red (5YR 4/6) dry; weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure parting to weak medium granular structure; slightly firm in place, friable when removed; common fine and coarse roots; common faint clay films on face of peds and clay bridging between sand grains; strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary.

Bt2--24 to 35 inches; reddish brown (5YR 4/4) sandy loam, yellowish red (5YR 4/8) dry; weak medium subangular blocky structure; slightly firm in place, friable when removed; few fine and coarse roots; few faint clay films on faces of peds and clay bridging between sand grains; moderately acid; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizon is 10 to 30 inches.)

BC--35 to 42 inches; reddish brown (5YR 4/4) loamy sand, yellowish red (5YR 4/6) dry; weak fine granular structure; slightly firm in place, friable when removed; few roots; very few faint films bridging and clay bridging between sand grains; slightly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 11 inches thick)

C--42 to 60 inches; reddish brown (5YR 4/4) loamy coarse sand, yellowish red (5YR 4/6) dry; single grain; loose; discontinuous thin iron cemented sheets and fragments of sandstone scattered throughout; very strongly acid.

TYPE LOCATION: Monmouth County, New Jersey; about 25 feet south of Prothero Road, 100 feet west of the intersection with Hyers Mill Road, Gemmet Farm.

Solum Thickness: 30 to 50 inches
Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 60 inches. The soils lack a lithic contact but in many places they have alternating layers of thin (1/8 inch) to thick (several feet) broken sheets in the B or C horizons, of iron-cemented sandstone and loose to firm sandy material. Thick massive beds of sandstone are present only in the C horizons at depths greater than 4 feet.
Depth to Seasonal High Water Table: Greater than 60 inches
Rock Fragments: 0 to 25 percent of the A and upper part of the B horizons and up to 35 percent in the lower part of the B and in the C horizons, mostly quartzose pebbles or sandstone chips ranging from 0.5 inch to 2 inches in diameter
Soil Reaction: Very strongly acid to slightly acid throughout the profile, unless limed
Other Features: 2 to 10 percent glauconite, by volume in the A and B horizons and 0 to 20 percent in the C horizon

A or Ap horizon:
Color--hue of 5YR or 7.5YR, value of 3, chroma of 2 to 4
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, or silt loam

BA or BE horizon:
Color--hue of 2.5YR or 5YR, value of 3 to 5, chroma of 3 to 6
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy loam, sandy clay loam, or clay loam

Bt horizon:
Color--hue of 2.5YR or 5YR, value of 4 or 5, chroma of 4 to 6
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--sandy loam, sandy clay loam, or clay loam

BC horizon:
Color--hue of 2.5YR to 7.5YR, value of 3 to 5, chroma of 4 to 6
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--loamy sand, sandy loam, sandy clay loam, or clay loam

C horizon:
Color--hue of 10R to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 6, chroma of 4 to 8
Texture (fine-earth fraction)--loamy sand, loamy coarse sand, sandy loam, or sandy clay loam

Collington soils--have more than 10 percent, by volume glauconite in the particle-size control section, on similar landforms
Pineola soils--formed in residuum weathered from low-grade metasedimentary rocks and have paralithic contact between 20 and 40 inches
Royce soils--formed in residuum from dusky red shale and have lithic contact at a depth of 40 inches or more.
Saunook soils--formed in colluvium weathered from high-grade metasedimentary rocks
Statler soils--formed in alluvium derived form soils weathered from high-grade metasedimentary rocks
Trimont soils--formed in residuum weathered from low-grade metasedimentary rocks

Landscape: Coastal Plain
Landform: Upland summits and side slopes
Elevation: 25 to 150 feet
Parent Material: Loamy marine sediments that contain glauconite. On steep slopes, iron-cemented sandstone outcrops in some places.
Mean Annual Air Temperature: 50 to 58 degrees F.
Mean Annual Precipitation: 40 to 48 inches
Frost Free Period: 160 to 190 days

Adelphia soils--moderately well drained and have 10 to 40 percent glauconite in the subsoil, on slightly lower-lying landforms
Collington soils--have more than 10 percent, by volume glauconite in the subsoil, and a subsoil hue of 7.5YR or yellower, on similar landforms
Freehold soils--have subsoil hue of 7.5YR or yellower, on similar landforms
Holmdel soils--moderately well drained, on slightly lower-lying landforms
Marlton soils--moderately well drained, have a fine-loamy particle-size control section, and more than 40 percent glauconite in the subsoil, on slightly lower-lying landforms

USE: Nearly all Colts Neck soils have been cleared and used for corn, small grains, hay, tree fruits, truck crops, and ornamental nurseries.

VEGETATION: Small isolated wooded areas are dominantly oaks but in places contain some yellow-poplar, beech and scattered individual pitch or Virginia pines.

DISTRIBUTION: Northern Coastal plain of New Jersey and possibly Maryland and Delaware and possibly Maryland and Delaware


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Freehold area, Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1913

REMARKS: Colts Neck soils were previously classified as Typic Rhodudults. They originally had a range in value (moist) of 3 or 4 in the argillic horizon and typically have hue of 5YR and value of 4, which does not qualify them for a Rhodic great group. The Ap horizon typically has a value of 3 and is more than 7 inches thick, indicating a humic subgroup.

Diagnostic horizons and other diagnostic soil characteristics recognized in this pedon are:
Umbric epipedon--the zone from the soil surface to a depth of 10 inches (A horizon)
Argillic horizon--the zone from 15 to 35 inches (Bt1 and Bt2 horizons)



SOI-5  Soil Name   Slope  Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip  Elevation
NJ0029 COLTS NECK  0- 40     -        -       -         -     
NJ0089 COLTS NECK  2- 40     -        -       -         -     

SOI-5  FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind   Months  Bedrock Hardness
NJ0029 NONE             >6.0              -     >60        
NJ0089 NONE             >6.0              -     >60        

SOI-5  Depth  Texture                3-Inch  No-10  Clay%   -CEC-
NJ0029  0-10  LS                      0-  0  85-100  5-10    -   
NJ0029  0-10  SL L SIL                0-  0  98-100  5-20    -   
NJ0029 10-35  SL SCL GR-L             0-  0  75-100 10-30    -   
NJ0029 35-60  LS S SL                 0-  0  55-100  3-15    -   
NJ0089  0-10  GR-SL GR-L              0-  0  65-100 10-30    -   
NJ0089 10-35  SL SCL GR-L             0-  0  60-100 10-30    -   
NJ0089 35-60  LS S GR-SL              0-  0  55-100  3-15    -   

SOI-5  Depth    -pH-     O.M.  Salin  Permeab   Shnk-Swll
NJ0029  0-10  4.5- 6.5  1.-4.  0- 0   2.0-  20  LOW      
NJ0029  0-10  4.5- 6.5  1.-4.  0- 0   0.6- 2.0  LOW      
NJ0029 10-35  4.5- 6.5    -    0- 0   0.6- 2.0  LOW      
NJ0029 35-60  4.5- 6.5    -    0- 0   2.0-  20  LOW      
NJ0089  0-10  4.5- 6.5  .5-2.  0- 0   0.6- 2.0  LOW      
NJ0089 10-35  4.5- 6.5    -    0- 0   0.6- 2.0  LOW      
NJ0089 35-60  4.5- 6.5    -    0- 0   2.0-  20  LOW      

National Cooperative Soil Survey