Established Series


The White Store series consists of deep, moderately well drained soils on Piedmont uplands. They formed in residuum weathered from Triassic materials. Slopes range from 2 to 25 percent. Mean annual precipitation is 42 inches and mean annual temperature is 60 degrees F. near the type location.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, mixed, active, thermic Oxyaquic Vertic Hapludalfs

TYPICAL PEDON: White Store fine sandy loam--cultivated field. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.)

Ap--0 to 6 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) fine sandy loam; weak medium granular structure; very friable; common fine roots; few quartz pebbles; moderately acid; clear smooth boundary. (5 to 10 inches thick)

Bt--6 to 10 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; firm, plastic, sticky; few fine roots; few faint clay films; few quartz pebbles; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary.

Btss1--10 to 22 inches; yellowish red (5YR 5/6) clay; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to moderate fine and medium angular blocky; very firm, very plastic, very sticky; few fine roots, few slickensides; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; common medium distinct reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4) and yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) masses of iron accumulations; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary.

Btss2--22 to 28 inches; yellowish red (5YR 4/6) clay; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to moderate medium angular blocky structure; very firm, very plastic, very sticky; common slickensides; few thin discontinuous clay films on faces of peds; many medium distinct reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4) masses of iron accumulations and light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) iron depletions; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary.

Btss3--28 to 35 inches; yellowish red (5YR 5/6) clay; weak coarse prismatic structure parting to moderate medium subangular blocky structure; very firm, plastic, sticky; common slickensides; few faint clay films on faces of peds; few flakes of mica; 5 percent by volume soft mudstone fragments; many coarse distinct streaks of reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4) masses of iron accumulations and gray (10YR 5/1) iron depletions; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizons is 15 to 45 inches.)

BC--35 to 42 inches; yellowish red (5YR 5/6) clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; very firm, plastic, sticky; few flakes of mica; 10 percent by volume soft mudstone fragments; many coarse distinct streaks of reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4) masses of iron accumulations and gray (10YR 5/1) iron depletions; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 10 inches thick)

C--42 to 53 inches; dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4) loamy saprolite with pockets of clay; massive with relic rock structure; friable; few flakes of mica; 10 percent by volume soft sandstone and mudstone fragments; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) masses of iron accumulations and many coarse prominent gray (10YR 6/1) iron depletions; very strongly acid; clear boundary. (3 to 18 inches thick)

Cr--53 to 60 inches; weathered moderately fractured fine-grained sandstone and mudstone.

TYPE LOCATION: Durham County, North Carolina; 1.0 mile north of Nelson, 75 feet west of Secondary Road 1959 at the intersection with Secondary Road 1969.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness ranges from 20 to 50 inches. Depth to soft bedrock ranges from 40 to 60 inches. Depth to hard bedrock is more than 72 inches. Thickness of the clayey Bt horizons having COLE of 0.09 or more ranges from 20 to 50 inches. Content of rock fragments, mostly fine-grained sandstone and mudstone, range from none to 15 percent by volume throughout the soil. Flakes of mica range from none to common in the lower Bt horizon. Soil reaction ranges from strongly acid to very strongly acid throughout the soil, except where surface layers have been limed. Extractable aluminum is high (10 to 25 me/100g) in the Bt horizon.

The A or Ap horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 4. It is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, or silt loam. Eroded phases are clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, or clay.

The E horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 6. It is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, or silt loam.

The BA or BE horizon, where present, has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. Redoximorphic depletions with chroma of 2 or less are below the upper 10 inches of the Bt horizon. Texture is clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay, or silty clay loam.

The Bt horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. Redoximorphic depletions and concentrations in shades of red, brown, yellow, or gray may be present. Redoximorphic depletions with chroma of 2 or less are below the upper 10 inches of the Bt horizon. Texture commonly is clay, but thin layers of clay loam, sandy clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, or silty clay loam are permitted in the upper and lower Bt horizons.

The Btss horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 10YR, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8 Redoximorphic depletions and concentrations in shades of red, brown, yellow, or gray may be present. Redoximorphic depletions with chroma of 2 or less are below the upper 10 inches of the Bt horizon. Texture is clay.

The BC horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8 Redoximorphic depletions and concentrations in shades of red, brown, yellow, or gray may be present. Texture is sandy loam, loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silt loam, silty clay loam, or clay.

The C horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. Pedons may be mottled in shades of these colors or contain mottles in shades of red, brown, yellow, or gray. Texture is variable and ranges from loamy sand to clay saprolite.

The Cg horizon, where present, has hue of 2.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 6, and chroma of 1 or 2, or it is neutral with value of 3 to 8. Pedons may be mottled in shades of these colors or contain mottles in shades of red, brown, yellow, or gray. Texture is variable and ranges from loamy sand to clay saprolite.

The Cr horizon is weathered Triassic fine-grained sandstone, mudstone, siltstone, or shale.

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Iredell and Polkton series in the same family. Iredell soils formed in material weathered from diabase, diorite, gabbro, and other rocks high in ferro-magnesium minerals. Polkton soils have a depth to paralithic contact at 20 to 40 inches. Soils in closely related or similar families are the Creedmoor, Enon, Green Level, Helena, Iredell, Pittsboro, and Vance series. Creedmoor soils are very deep, have less than 35 percent base saturation, and have redoximorphic depletions within the upper 24 inches of the argillic horizon. Enon soils are very deep and well drained. Helena and Vance soils have less than 35 percent base saturation and are very deep. Green Level has less than 35 percent base saturation and has redoximorphic depletions in the upper 24 inches of the argillic. Pittsboro soils have a paralithic contact at 20 to 40 inches.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: White Store soils are on nearly level to moderately steep Piedmont uplands. Slope gradients are commonly 2 to 15 percent, but range from 2 to 25 percent. The soils formed in residuum weathered from Triassic shale, mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone. The mean annual temperature is 59 to 65 degrees F. and the mean annual precipitation is about 40 to 50 inches.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the competing Creedmoor, Enon, Green Level, Iredell, Orange, Pittsboro, and Polkton soils and the Granville, Mayodan, Peakin, and Pinoka soils. Granville soils are fine-loamy and well drained. Mayodan and Peakin soils are well drained and lack Btss horizons. Pinoka soils are well drained and fine-loamy.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Moderately well drained. Permeability is very slow. Runoff is rapid, and internal water movement is very slow. This soil has a perched water table at a depth of 1.0 to 1.5 feet during the winter and spring

USE AND VEGETATION: About two-thirds of the total area is in forest of loblolly and shortleaf pines, oaks, hickories, and gums. The remainder is in cultivation and pasture. Large areas of this soil have been taken out of row crop production because of erosion. Common crops grown are small grains, corn, cotton, and tobacco.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: North Carolina, Virginia, and possibly South Carolina. The series is extensive; the area is more than 100,000 acres.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Anson County, North Carolina; 1915.

REMARKS: The type location description was modified based on field examination and transect data collected 5/91.

Diagnostic horizons and features of this pedon are:

Ochric epipedon: the zone from the soil surface to 6 inches (Ap horizon).
Argillic horizon: the zone from 6 to 35 inches (Bt and Btss horizons).
Slickensides-presence of slickensides in the zone from 10 to 35 inches (Btss1, Btss2, and Btss3 horizons)
Vertic feature: cracks within 50 inches of the soil surface that are 5 mm or more wide through a thickness of 12 inches or more for some time in normal years, and slickensides or wedge-shaped aggregates in a layer 6 inches or more thick that has its upper boundary within 50 inches of the soil surface; or a linear extensibility of 2.5 inches or more between the surface and either a depth of 40 inches or a paralithic contact, whichever is shallower
Oxyaquic feature: Saturation with water in one or more layers within 40 inches of the surface in normal years for either or both 20 or more consecutive days or 30 or more cumulative days.

ADDITIONAL DATA: McCracken. R. J.; Weed, S. B.; Goldston, E. F., Planosolic Piedmont soils of North Carolina: I Morphology and Composition. Soil Science, ol. 98, No. 1, July, 1964. and

Griffin. R. W.; Buol, S.W.; Soil and Saprolite Characteristics of Vertic and Aquic Hapludults Derived from Triassic Basin Sandstones. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Vol. 52, 1094-1099 (1988).

MLRA = 136


SOI-5  Soil Name   Slope  Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip  Elevation
NC0059 WHITE STOR  2-25   58-65   160-220   40-50   240-450 

SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness NC0059 NONE 1.0-1.5 PERCHED DEC-MAR 40-72 SOFT

SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- NC0059 0-6 SL FSL 0-3 95-100 5-20 5-15 NC0059 0-6 L SIL 0-3 80-100 5-27 5-15 NC0059 0-6 CL C 0-3 95-100 27-45 5-15 NC0059 6-35 C 0-3 90-100 45-70 20-40 NC0059 35-53 SL L CL 0-3 85-100 12-40 5-20 NC0059 53-60 WB - - - -

SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll NC0059 0- 6 5.6- 6.0 .5-2. 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0059 0- 6 5.6- 6.0 .5-2. 0-0 0.6-2.0 LOW NC0059 0- 6 4.5- 5.5 0.-.5 0-0 0.06-0.6 HIGH NC0059 6-35 4.5- 5.5 0.-.5 0-0 0.0-0.06 VERY HIGH NC0059 35-53 4.5- 5.5 0.-.5 0-0 0.06-0.2 MODERATE NC0059 53-60 - - - -

National Cooperative Soil Survey