LOCATION ENON                    NC+AL GA SC VA

Established Series


The Enon series consists of very deep, well drained, slowly permeable soils on ridgetops and side slopes in the Piedmont. They have formed in residuum weathered from mafic or intermediate igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks such as diorite, gabbro, diabase, or hornblende gneiss or schist. Slope ranges from 2 to 45 percent. Mean annual precipitation is 45 inches and mean annual temperature is 60 degrees F. near the type location.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, mixed, active, thermic Ultic Hapludalfs

TYPICAL PEDON: Enon fine sandy loam--forested. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.)

A--0 to 3 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) fine sandy loam; weak medium granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots; few medium fragments of quartz and black concretions; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. (2 to 9 inches thick)

E--3 to 8 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) fine sandy loam; weak medium granular structure; very friable; many fine and medium roots and root channels; few medium black concretions; moderately acid; clear wavy boundary. (0 to 7 inches thick)

BE--8 to 11 inches; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few distinct clay films on faces of peds; few fine roots and root channels; slightly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 5 inches thick)

Bt1--11 to 21 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) clay; moderate, medium, prismatic structure that parts to moderate medium angular blocky structure; firm, sticky, plastic; many distinct clay films on faces of peds; few fine and medium roots between peds; few fine pores and root channels; common fine and medium black concretions; slightly acid; gradual wavy boundary.

Bt2--21 to 33 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) clay; moderate medium angular blocky structure; firm, very sticky, plastic; few fine roots and pores; many distinct clay films on faces of peds; many medium black concretions; few medium gravel; neutral; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt ranges from 10 to 45 inches.)

C--33 to 75 inches; mottled brownish yellow (10YR 6/8), black 10YR 2/1), and dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) loam saprolite; massive; friable; neutral.

TYPE LOCATION: Guilford County, North Carolina, one mile southwest of Greensboro, North Carolina, 25 feet north of Secondary Road 1662 and 450 feet east of Secondary Road 1387.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The solum thickness ranges from 20 to 50 inches. Depth to bedrock is more than 60 inches. Reaction is strongly acid through slightly acid in the upper horizons and strongly acid to moderately alkaline in the lower horizons. Black manganese concretions range from few to common in some horizons of most pedons. COLE ranges from .04 to .09. Some Bt subhorizons may have slickensides. Rock fragment content ranges from 0 to 60 percent by volume in the A, Ap, and E horizons, and from 0 to 15 percent by volume, in the lower horizons. Fragments range from gravel to stones.

The A or Ap horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 2 to 4. Texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, or silt loam in the fine-earth fraction. In eroded phases the Ap horizon is clay loam silty clay loam, or sandy clay loam in the fine-earth fraction.

The E horizon, where present, has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 4. It is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or loam in the fine-earth fraction.

The BA or BE horizon, where present, has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6 and chroma of 3 to 8. Texture is loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, or sandy clay loam.

The Bt horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. Mottles of high and/or low chroma are in lower Bt horizons of some pedons. Slickensides may be present in some subhorizons. It is clay or clay loam.

The BC or CB horizon, where present has hue of 7.5YR to 5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chroma of 3 to 8, and typically has few to many mottles in shades of brown or yellow. In some pedons, this horizon lacks a dominant color and is mottled in shades of brown or yellow. Texture is sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, silt loam, or loam.

The C horizon has the same colors and the BC and CB horizons or is mottled or multicolored loamy saprolite weathered from mafic or intermediate, igneous or high-grade metamorphic rocks.

COMPETING SERIES: These are Brantley, Canton Bend, Capshaw, Cowton, Gundy, Hallsummit, Hampshire, Maben, Magnet, Mecklenburg, Skyuka, Spray, Sugartown, Wynott, and Zuber series. Brantley, Hallsummit, and Zuber soils, on Coastal Plain uplands, have thicker sola. In addition Brantley and Hallsummit soils have hue that ranges to 2.5YR, and Zuber soils have sandy A and AB horizons. Canton Bend, Cowton, Gundy, Magnet, and Mecklenburg soils have hues redder than 7.5YR. In addition, Canton Bend, on stream terraces, have mica in the upper sola and more than 30 percent silt in the control section. Cowton soils have Cr horizons at 20 to 40 inches. Gundy soils are underlain by Carolina slates and fine grained schist rock at 40 to 72 inches. Capshaw and Hampshire soils are underlain by hard limestone at depths less than 60 inches. Maben soils have micaceous sands and shale at depths less than 60 inches. Skyuka soils have C horizons of alluvium, moderate shrink-swell potential in the Bt horizon, and range to 5YR hue in the Bt horizon. Spray soils have sola less than 20 inches thick. Sugartown soils have sola more than 60 inches thick. Wynott soils have a depth to soft bedrock of 20 to 40 inches.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Enon soils are gently sloping on ridgetops and sloping to steep on the side slopes in the Southern Piedmont uplands. Slopes are generally between 4 and 10 percent but range from 2 to 45 percent. The soil formed in clayey residuum weathered from mafic or intermediate, igneous or high-grade metamorphic rocks such as diorite, diabase, gabbro, or hornblende gneiss or schist. Mean annual precipitation is 45 inches and the mean annual temperature is 60 degrees F., near the type location.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: In addition to the competing Mecklenburg and Wynott series, these are the Armenia, Brewback, Coronaca, Cullen, Davidson, Frogsboro, Gaston, Iredell, Lloyd, Mecklenburg, Poindexter, Sedgefield, Virgilina, Wilkes, and Winnsboro series. Armenia, Brewback, Frogsboro, Iredell, and Virgilina soils are not well drained and Armenia, Frogsboro, and Virgilina soils have smectitic mineralogy. Coronaca, Davidson, Gaston and Lloyd soils have Bt horizons with rhodic colors at least in the upper part. Also, Cullen, Davidson, Gaston and Lloyd soils are Ultisols. Cullen soils have red Bt horizons. Poindexter soils have weathered bedrock at depths of 20 to 40 inches and are fine-loamy. Sedgefield soils are moderately well drained. Wilkes soils have weathered bedrock within 20 inches of the surface. Winnsboro soils have a depth to soft bedrock of 40 to 60 inches. All these soils except for Armenia, Iredell and Sedgefield are well drained and are on similar landscape positions as Enon soils. Armenia soils are in heads of drains, drainageways, and depressions. Brewback, Iredell, Sedgefield, and Virgilina soils are in upland flats, depressions, heads of drains, and

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; medium to rapid runoff; slow internal drainage; slow permeability.

USE AND VEGETATION: Cleared areas are used primarily for growing pasture, hay, corn, soybeans, and small grain. Forested areas have varying association of shortleaf, loblolly, and Virginia pine, eastern redcedar, white oak, northern and southern red oak, hickory, yellow-poplar, sweetgum, blackgum, dogwood, and holly.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The series is of moderate extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Greene County, Georgia; 1939.

The May 2006 revision was to clean up text only. No major revisions. (RHB)
The April 2022 revision removed an offensive series name replaced with Hallsummit (RBT).
Diagnostic horizons and features in this pedon are:
Ochric epipedon - the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of 8 inches (A and E horizons)
Argillic horizon - the zone between depths of 8 and 33 inches (Bt1 and Bt2 horizons)
Ultic feature - the base saturation of 35 to 60 percent at a depth 1.25 m below the top of the argillic horizon.

MLRA: 136

SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation
NC0030 ENON     2-45  58-66   180-225   37-60  300-900 
NC0138 ENON     2-45  58-66   180-225   37-60  300-900 
NC0175 ENON     2-45  58-66   180-225   37-60  300-900 

SOI-5  FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind  Months Bedrock Hardness
NC0030 NONE          6.0-6.0             -    >60        
NC0138 NONE          6.0-6.0             -    >60        
NC0175 NONE          6.0-6.0             -    >60        

SOI-5  Depth  Texture       3-Inch  No-10   Clay%   -CEC-
NC0030  0-8   SL FSL        0-5     80-100   5-20    3-15
NC0030  0-8   L SIL         0-5     90-100   7-27    4-20
NC0030  0-8   CL SCL        0-5     80-100  20-35   10-25
NC0030  8-11  CL SCL        0-5     80-100  20-35   10-20
NC0030 11-33  CL C          0-5     80-100  35-60   15-35
NC0030 33-75  VAR            -        -       -       -   

SOI-5  Depth  Texture             3-Inch  No-10   Clay%  -CEC-
NC0138  0-8  ST-L ST-SL ST-FSL    10-25   55-90   5-20    3-15
NC0138  0-8  STV-L STV-SL STV-FSL 25-50   35-75   5-20    3-15
NC0138  0-8  STV-CL CBV-CL        25-50   35-75  27-35   10-25
NC0138  8-11 SCL CL                5-10   80-100 20-35   10-20
NC0138 11-33 C CL                  0-10   80-100 35-60   15-35
NC0138 33-75 VAR                    -       -      -       -   

NC0175  0-8  GR-FSL GR-SL GR-L     2-10  55-90   5-20    3-15
NC0175  0-8  GR-CL GR-SCL          2-10  65-85  20-35   10-25
NC0175  0-8  CB-FSL CB-SL CB-L    15-35  55-90   5-20    3-15
NC0175  8-11 SCL CL GR-SCL         0-10  60-100 20-35   10-20
NC0175 11-33 C CL                  0-5   80-100 35-60   15-35
NC0175 33-75 VAR                    -      -      -       -   

SOI-5  Depth    -pH-     O.M.  Salin  Permeab   Shnk-Swll
NC0030  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    2.0-6.0    LOW      
NC0030  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    0.6-2.0    LOW      
NC0030  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-1.  0-0    0.6-2.0    LOW      
NC0030  8-11  5.1-6.5   0.-.5  0-0    0.6-2.0    LOW      
NC0030 11-33  5.1-7.8   0.-.5  0-0   0.06-0.2    HIGH     
NC0030 33-75     -        -     -        -               

NC0138  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    2.0-6.0    LOW      
NC0138  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    2.0-6.0    LOW      
NC0138  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    0.6-2.0    LOW      
NC0138  8-11  5.1-6.5   .5-1.  0-0    0.6-2.0    LOW      
NC0138 11-33  5.1-7.8   0.-.5  0-0   0.06-0.2    HIGH     
NC0138 33-75     -      0.-.5   -        -               

NC0175  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    2.0-6.0    LOW      
NC0175  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    0.6-2.0    LOW      
NC0175  0-8   5.1-6.5   .5-2.  0-0    2.0-6.0    LOW      
NC0175  8-11  5.1-6.5   .5-1.  0-0    0.6-2.0    LOW      
NC0175 11-33  5.1-7.8   0.-.5  0-0   0.06-0.2    HIGH     
NC0175 33-75     -      0.-.5   -        -               

National Cooperative Soil Survey