TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, mixed, active, thermic Typic Argiaquolls
TYPICAL PEDON: Santee loam--forested. (Colors are for moist soil.)
A--0 to 6 inches; black (N 2/0) loam; weak, fine, granular structure; friable; many fine and medium roots; moderately acid, clear smooth boundary. (4 to 12 inches thick)
Btg1--6 to 14 inches; black (N 2/0) clay loam; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure; slightly sticky and plastic; many fine roots; few distinct clay films on faces of most peds; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary.
Btg2--14 to 23 inches; very dark gray (10YR 3/1) clay loam; few, fine distinct olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; plastic, slightly sticky; many fine roots; few distinct clay films on faces of peds; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.
Btg3--23 to 36 inches; dark gray (5Y 4/1) clay loam; few, fine distinct olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; plastic, slightly sticky; few fine roots; few distinct clay films on faces of peds; neutral; gradual smooth boundary.
Btg4--36 to 48 inches; dark gray (5Y 4/1) clay; few, fine, and medium distinct olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) mottles and yellowish red (5YR 5/8) staining around old roots and root channels; moderate, medium subangular blocky structure; plastic, slightly sticky; few fine roots; few faint clay films on faces of peds; mildly alkaline; gradual smooth boundary. (Combined thickness of the Btg horizon is 32 to more than 50 inches.)
Cg--48 to 71 inches; dark gray (5Y 4/2) and greenish gray (5G 5/1) clay; massive; plastic; few fine roots; moderately alkaline.
TYPE LOCATION: Charleston County, South Carolina; 9.4 miles west of McClellanville, South Carolina, on west side of Thompson Branch Road, 1/3 mile south of county line and 1/4 mile north of Wambaw Creek.
RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: The soil is strongly acid to neutral in the A horizon; moderately acid to mildly alkaline in the Btg horizon and slightly acid to moderately alkaline in the Cg horizon. The base saturation is more than 50 percent in the A horizon and may range up to about 90 percent or more at 36 to 72 inches below the surface. The particle-size control section has less than 30 percent silt.
The A horizon has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, or it is neutral, value of 2 or 3, and chroma of 0 to 1. It is loam, clay loam, fine sandy loam, or sandy loam.
The upper part of the Btg horizon commonly has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y or it is neutral, value of 2 or 3, and chroma of 0 or 1. The lower part of the Btg horizon and the upper part of the Btg horizon in some pedons has hue of 10YR to 5Y or it is neutral, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 0 to 2. Mottles in shades of red, brown, yellow, or olive are in most pedons. The Btg horizon is clay, sandy clay, or clay loam.
The BCg horizon, where present, is 5 to 12 inches thick and has hue of 10YR, 5Y, 5BG, or neutral, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 0 to 2. It is clay, sandy clay, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam.
The Cg horizon has colors like the BCg horizon. Texture is variable ranging from clayey to sandy material.
COMPETING SERIES: These are Carwile and Muldrow series in the same family and the Bayboro, Brookman, Byars, Cape Fear, Jeanerette, Morey, Samba, and Stono series in similar families. Carwile and Muldrow soils are dry for longer periods of time. Bayboro, Brookman, Byars, Cape Fear, and Samba soils have an umbric epipedon. Jeanerette and Morey soils have less than 15 percent fine or coarser sand in the particle-size control section. Stono soils have less than 35 percent clay in the particle size control section.
GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Santee soils are on broad depressional areas and drainageways of the coastal plains. These soils are on the low marine terraces from 5 to 25 feet above sea level. They formed in clayey marine sediments, which in places is underlain with marl at depths ranging from 6 to l5 feet below the surface. The mean annual rainfall is 50 inches, and the frost-free growing season is 270 days.
GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These include the similar Cape Fear and Stono series plus the Argent, Bladen, Deloss, Edisto, Eulonia, Meggett, Okeetee, Seewee, Wahee, and Yonges series. Argent, Bladen, Eulonia, Edisto, Okeetee, Meggett, Seewee, Wahee, and Yongues soils have an ochric epipedon. Deloss soils have an umbric epipedon.
DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Very poorly drained; very slow runoff or ponded; slow permeability. The water table is above or near the soil surface for as much as 6 months each year.
USE AND VEGETATION: Forested to sweet gum, willow oak, cypress, water tupelo, loblolly pine, and maple. Large areas were once used for rice culture.
DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Lower portion of the Atlantic Coastal Plain in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The series is of moderate extent.
SERIES ESTABLISHED: Charleston County, South Carolina; l966.
SOI-5 Soil Name Slope Airtemp FrFr/Seas Precip Elevation SC0038 SANTEE 0- 2 65- 70 240-280 45- 52 5- 25SOI-5 FloodL FloodH Watertable Kind Months Bedrock Hardness SC0038 NONE COMMON - APPARENT - 60-60
SOI-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch No-10 Clay% -CEC- SC0038 0- 6 SL FSL 0- 0 100-100 10-20 8- 15 SC0038 0- 6 L CL 0- 0 100-100 18-30 10- 20 SC0038 6-48 SC CL C 0- 0 100-100 35-60 14- 25 SC0038 48-71 VAR - - - -
SOI-5 Depth -pH- O.M. Salin Permeab Shnk-Swll SC0038 0- 6 5.1- 7.3 2.-8. 0- 0 2.0- 6.0 LOW SC0038 0- 6 5.1- 7.3 2.-8. 0- 0 0.6- 2.0 LOW SC0038 6-48 5.6- 7.8 1.-2. 0- 0 0.06- 0.2 MODERATE SC0038 48-71 - - - -