Established Series


The Sheddenbrook series consist of moderately well drained soils that are moderately deep to sandstone. They formed in a mantle of glacial outwash sands over bedrock. They are nearly level and gently sloping soils on outwash plains and near-shore deposits. Slope ranges from 0 to 8 percent. Mean annual temperature is 44 degrees F., and mean annual precipitation is 34 inches.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Sandy, mixed, frigid Aquentic Haplorthods

TYPICAL PEDON: Sheddenbrook gravelly loamy fine sand, on a 3 percent slope in a roadcut near an idle field. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise noted.)

Oe--0 to 1 inches, slightly decomposed roots and leaves. (0 to 3 inches thick)

Ap--1 to 7 inches, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) gravelly loamy fine sand, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) dry; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine and common medium roots; 20 percent rock fragments; moderately acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (4 to 9 inches thick)

Bs1--7 to 17 inches, reddish brown (5YR 4/4) gravelly loamy sand; weak fine and medium granular structure; very friable; many fine and few medium roots; 30 percent rock fragments; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (5 to 18 inches thick)

Bs2--17 to 27 inches, brown (7.5YR 4/3) gravelly loamy sand; weak fine subangular blocky structure parting to weak fine granular; very friable; few fine and few medium roots; 30 percent rock fragments; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (0 to 18 inches thick)

C--27 to 30 inches; brown (10YR 5/3) gravelly loamy sand; moderate medium platy structure; friable; 30 percent rock fragments; common fine distinct gray (10YR 5/1) areas of iron depletions, common fine prominent strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) soft masses of iron oxides; moderately acid. (0 to 8 inches thick)

2R--30 inches, light gray (10YR 7/2) sandstone bedrock.

TYPE LOCATION: Clinton County, New York; in the town of Mooers, about 1500 feet east of the intersection of Gilbert Road and Emery Road, in a roadcut on the southeast side of Gilbert Road; USGS Altona, NY topographic quadrangle; latitude 44 degrees, 55 minutes, 48 seconds N. and longitude 73 degrees, 37 minutes, 30 seconds W.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Thickness of the solum and depth to bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. Redoximorphic features consisting of concentrations of iron/manganese oxides, or iron depletions occur within 30 inches of the mineral soil surface. Rock fragments range from 0 to 35 percent by volume. Unless limed, reaction ranges from very strongly acid to slightly acid throughout.

Some pedons have a thin Oe or Oi horizon.

The Ap or A horizon has hue of 5YR through 10YR, value of 2 or 3, and chroma of 2 or 3. Texture is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, loamy fine sand or loamy sand in the fine earth fraction.

Some pedons have an E horizon has hue of 5YR or 7.5YR, value of 4 through 6, and chroma of 2 or 3. Texture is loamy fine sand, loamy sand, fine sand or sand in the fine earth fraction. Structure is weak subangular blocky or it is single grain. Consistence is very friable or loose.

The Bs horizons have hue of 5YR or 7.5YR, value of 4 or 5 and chroma of 3 through 5. Texture is loamy fine sand, loamy sand, fine sand and sand in the fine earth fraction. Structure is weak granular or subangular blocky. Consistence is friable, very friable or loose.

The C horizon has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 4 through 6, and chroma of 3 or 4. Faint to prominent redoximorphic concentrations or depletions are commonly present. Texture is loamy fine sand, loamy sand, fine sand or sand in the fine earth fraction. Structure is weak or moderate platy, or it is single grain or massive.

COMPETING SERIES: This is the Nemadji series. The Nemadji series do not have bedrock within 40 inches.

The Adams, Covert, Covertfalls, Croswell, Deerton, Duel, East Lake, Fahey, Gratten, Ishpeming, Karlin, Kiva, Manitowish, Missisquoi, Occur, Pence, Rousseau, Rubicon, Sayner, and Vilas series are in related families. The Adams, Covert, Croswell, East Lake, Gratten, Karlin, Kiva, Manitowish, Mississquoi, Pence, Rousseau, Rubicon, Sayner and Vilas soils have bedrock at depths greater than 60 inches. Gratten and Covert soils have a mesic temperature regime as well. Covertfalls and Occur soils have sandy over loamy materials. In addition, Covertfalls soils have a mesic temperature regime. Deerton and Ishpeming soils lack redoximorphic features throughout and are somewhat excessively drained. Fahey soils average more than 35 percent rock fragments in the particle-size control section. The Duel soils are less acid, less gravelly, and overlie limestone bedrock.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Sheddenbrook soils are nearly level and gently sloping soils formed in sandy outwash over sandstone bedrock. Slope ranges from 0 to 8 percent. They are on outwash plains and near-shore deposits of lake plains. The parent material is mainly from sandstone, but includes some igneous and metamorphic rocks. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 32 to 36 inches; mean annual temperature ranges from 41 to 45 degrees F., and the frost-free period ranges from 90 to 140 days. Elevation ranges from 200 to 800 feet above sea level.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Adams, Croghan, Fahey, Irona, Topknot, and Trout River soils. The Adams and Croghan soils occur on nearby landscapes and are very deep to bedrock. Irona soils are loamy and occur on similar landscapes. The shallow Topknot soils are in depressions and drainageways. The very deep, cobbly, Trout River and Fahey soils occur on similar landscapes.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Moderately well drained. The potential for surface runoff is low. Permeability is rapid.

USE AND VEGETATION: Many areas are in forest or reverting to brush. Forested areas contain eastern white pine, sugar maple, trembling aspen and American beech.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys of New York. MLRA 142. The series is of small extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Clinton County, New York, 1994.

REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and other features recognized in the typical pedon are:
1) Ochric epipedon - from 0 to 6 inches (Ap horizon).
2) Spodic horizon - from 6 to 16 inches (Bs horizon).
3) Aquentic subgroup - redoximorphic features within 30 inches of the mineral surface, sandy PSC.
4) Redoximorphic features - accumulation of Fe oxides and areas of Fe depletions (C horizon).

Soil Interpretation Record: NY0440

National Cooperative Soil Survey