Established Series


The Vanderlip series consists of very deep, somewhat excessively drained soils formed in residuum of nonacid sandstone on ridgetops and sideslopes. Slopes range from 0 to 70 percent. Permeability is rapid. Mean annual precipitation is 39 inches. Mean annual temperature is 51 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Mesic, coated Lamellic Quartzipsamments

TYPICAL PEDON: Vanderlip loamy sand, forested. (Colors are for moist soil.)

Oe--0 to 1 inches; very dark gray (10YR 3/1) partially decomposed forest litter; very friable; very strongly acid; abrupt wavy boundary. (0.5 to 2 inches thick)

A--1 to 4 inches; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) loamy sand; weak very fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine and medium roots; 5 percent rock fragments; very strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (2 to 4 inches thick)

E--4 to 22 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) loamy sand; single grain; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine and medium roots; 5 percent rock fragments; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (6 to 20 inches thick)

E and Bt1--22 to 37 inches; light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) loamy sand (E) with a few thin horizontal brown (10YR 4/3) loamy sand lamellae (Bt); single grain; loose; few fine and medium roots; common clay bridging between sand grains in lamellae; 10 percent rock fragments; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (10 to 40 inches thick)

E and Bt2--37 to 69 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) gravelly loamy sand (E) with a few horizontal brown (7.5YR 4/4) loamy sand lamellae (Bt) 1/8 to 2 inches thick and totaling about 4 inches; single grain; loose; common clay bridging between sand grains in lamellae; 30 percent rock fragments; moderately acid; diffuse wavy boundary. (15 to 40 inches thick)

C--69 to 78 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) very channery loamy sand; massive; loose; 50 percent rock fragments; strongly acid.

TYPE LOCATION: Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania; Porter Township, in woods 6/10 mile due north of the intersection of legislative route 31038 and US 22, which is 1.2 miles west of the intersection of US 22 and PA 26 in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness ranges from 40 to 72 inches. Depth to bedrock is more than 8 feet. Rock fragments of sandstone range from 0 to 20 percent in the upper part of the solum, from 0 to 40 percent in the lower part of the solum, and from 0 to 70 percent in the C horizon. Reaction throughout the soil, unless limed, ranges from very strongly to moderately acid.

The A horizon is neutral or has hue of 7.5YR through 2.5Y, value of 2 through 5, and chroma of 0 through 3. Texture is loamy sand in the fine-earth fraction.

The E horizon has hue of 7.5YR through 2.5Y, value of 4 through 6, and chroma of 2 through 6. Texture is loamy sand in the fine-earth fraction.

The E part of the E and Bt horizon has hue of 7.5YR through 2.5Y, value of 5 through 7, and chroma of 4 through 6. It is loamy sand or sand in the fine-earth fraction. The Bt part (lamellae) of this horizon ranges from brown (10YR 4/3) to strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) and is always darker than the matrix. The lamellae are loamy sand or sandy loam, and are 1/8 to 4 inches thick, spaced 1 to 10 inches apart, but total less than 6 inches within a depth of 60 inches. They are friable to firm in consistence.

Above the E and Bt horizon, some pedons have a Bw horizon up to 30 inches thick that has hue of 7.5YR or 10YR, value of 5 or 6, and chroma of 4 through 6. It is loamy sand or sand in the fine-earth fraction.

The C horizon is streaked or banded in hues of 5YR through 2.5Y, considered to be inherited from the parent rock. It is loamy sand or sand in the fine-earth fraction.

COMPETING SERIES: The Windward series is the only series in the same family. Windward soils formed in eolian sands. The Alpin, Boone, Catpoint, Colonie, Duffern, Evesboro, Hainesville, Lakin, Ottokee, Plainfield, and Schaffenaker soils are in related families. The Alpin, Catpoint, Duffern, and Hainesville all have thermic soil temperature regimes. The Boone soils are uncoated. Colonie, Lakin, Ottokee, and Plainfield soils have more than 10 percent weatherable minerals. Evesboro soils formed in marine sands of the coastal plain. Schaffenaker soils have bedrock within a depth of 40 inches.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Vanderlip soils are on nearly level to very steep ridgetops and side slopes. Slopes range from 0 to 70 percent. These soils have formed in residuum of weathered nonacid, weakly to moderately cemented sandstone. The mean annual precipitation is 39 inches. Mean annual temperature is 51 degrees F., and the frost-free season ranges from 150 to 200 days.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Clymer, Dekalb, Elliber, Frankstown, Frederick, Gatesburg, Hagerstown, Hazleton, Morrison, and the competing Schaffenaker soils. All of these soils, with the exception of Gatesburg and Schaffenaker, do not have sola with loamy sand and sand texture. Dekalb and Schaffenaker soils have bedrock within 40 inches. Elliber soils have more than 35 percent rock fragments. Gatesburg soils have a spodic horizon.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Somewhat excessively drained. Runoff is negligible to medium. Permeability is rapid.

USE AND VEGETATION: Mostly in woodland of mixed hardwoods, dominantly oaks.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: The Ridge and Valley areas of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The series is of moderate extent. MLRA: 147.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, 1974.

REMARKS: This revision reflects a change in taxonomic classification from Argic Quartzipsamments to Lamellic Quartzipsamments due to updates contained in the 8th Edition of Keys to Soil Taxonomy. Competing series may change as similar soils are reclassified.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:

a. Ochric epipedon - The zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of about 22 inches (A and E horizons).

b. Lamellae - The lamellae do not have sufficient accumulative thickness for an argillic horizon.

c. Quartzipsamments feature - The determinant fraction (0.02-2 mm) is more than 90 percent resistant minerals.

d. Coated feature - The weighted average of silt plus 2 times the weighted average of clay is more than 5 percent in the particle-size control section.

ADDITIONAL DATA: Laboratory data are available from two pedons sampled in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, S67PA-31-1 (1-10) and S67PA-31-2(1-14).

National Cooperative Soil Survey