Established Series


The Arisburg series consists of very deep, somewhat poorly drained soils formed in loess. These soils are on summits, shoulders, and backslopes on uplands, and on treads and risers on high stream terraces. Slopes range from 1 to 14 percent. Mean annual air temperature is about 13 degrees C (about 55 degrees F). Mean annual precipitation is about 890 millimeters (about 35 inches).

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine, smectitic, mesic Aquertic Argiudolls

TYPICAL PEDON: Arisburg silt loam, on the summit of a ridge with a slope of about 2 percent, in grassland (CRP). (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated).

Ap--0 to 15 centimeters (0 to 6 inches); very dark gray (10YR 3/1) silt loam, dark gray (10YR 4/1) dry; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many very fine roots; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary.

A--15 to 33 centimeters (6 to 13 inches); very dark gray (10YR 3/1) silt loam, gray (10YR 5/1) dry; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable; common very fine roots; few fine iron and manganese oxide accumulations; neutral; clear smooth boundary. [Combined thickness of the A horizon is 25 to 50 centimeters (10 to 20 inches).]

Bt--33 to 48 centimeters (13 to 19 inches); very dark gray (10YR 3/1) silty clay loam, gray (10YR 5/1) dry; moderate very fine subangular blocky structure; firm; few very fine roots; few distinct clay films on faces of peds; many prominent organic coats on faces of peds; few fine iron and manganese oxide accumulations; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary. [0 to 20 centimeters (0 to 8 inches) thick]

Btg1--48 to 66 centimeters (19 to 26 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) silty clay loam; moderate fine subangular blocky structure; very firm; few very fine roots; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; few fine prominent dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) masses of iron accumulation in ped interiors; few fine iron and manganese oxide accumulations; common distinct organic coats on faces of peds; moderately acid; gradual smooth boundary.

Btg2--66 to 91 centimeters (26 to 36 inches); dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) silty clay loam; moderate fine subangular blocky structure; firm; few very fine roots; many distinct clay films on faces of peds; many fine prominent dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) masses of iron accumulation and few fine faint grayish brown (10YR 5/2) iron depletions in ped interiors; few fine iron and manganese oxide accumulations; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.

Btg3--91 to 119 centimeters (36 to 47 inches); grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) silty clay loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; firm; few very fine roots; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; many fine prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) iron masses in ped interiors; few fine iron and manganese oxide accumulations; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary.

Btg4--119 to 142 centimeters (47 to 56 inches); grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) silty clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; firm; few very fine roots; few distinct clay films on faces of peds; common fine prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) masses of iron accumulation in ped interiors; few fine iron and manganese oxide accumulations; slightly acid; gradual smooth boundary. [Combined thickness of the Btg horizon is 75 to 122 centimeters (30 to 48 inches).]

Cg--142 to 152 centimeters (56 to 60 inches); grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) silty clay loam; massive; firm; few very fine roots; few distinct clay films in root channels; common fine prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) masses of iron accumulation in ped interiors; few fine iron and manganese oxide accumulations; slightly acid.

TYPE LOCATION: Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 115B-Central Mississippi Valley Wooded Slopes-Southern Part; Cooper County, Missouri subset; about 6 miles west of Boonville; about 213 meters (700 feet) east and 701 meters (2,300 feet) south of the northwest corner of section 13, T. 48 N., R. 18 W.; USGS Billingsville quadrangle; lat. 38 degrees 55 minutes 43 seconds N. and long. 92 degrees 50 minutes 52 seconds W., NAD 83.

Thickness of mollic epipedon--25 to 50 centimeters (10 to 20 inches)
Depth to base of argillic horizon--100 to 152 centimeters (40 to 60 inches)
Depth to redoximorphic concentrations--25 to 70 centimeters (10 to 28 inches)
Depth to carbonates--greater than 203 centimeters (greater than 80 inches)
Clay content of the particle-size control section (weighted average)--35 to 42 percent
Sand content of the particle-size control section (weighted average)--less than 5 percent
Rock fragment content--0 percent

Ap or A horizon:
Value--2 or 3
Chroma--1 to 3
Texture--silt loam or silty clay loam
Clay content--18 to 35 percent
Sand content--less than 10 percent
Reaction--moderately acid to neutral

Bt horizon (when present):
Hue--10YR or 2.5Y
Value--2 to 6
Chroma--2 to 6
Texture--silty clay loam or silty clay
Clay content--27 to 42 percent
Sand content--less than 5 percent
Reaction--very strongly acid to slightly acid

Btg horizon:
Hue--10YR to 5Y
Value--4 to 6
Chroma--1 to 6
Texture--silty clay loam or silty clay
Clay content--35 to 48 percent
Sand content--less than 5 percent
Reaction--very strongly acid to slightly acid

Clay content of subhorizons may exceed 42 percent as long as the weighted average of the particle-size control section is not more than 42 percent

BCg (when present) and Cg horizon:
Hue--10YR to 5Y
Value--4 to 6
Chroma--1 to 6
Texture--silty clay loam or silt loam
Clay content--25 to 32 percent
Sand content--less than 5 percent
Reaction--moderately acid to neutral

COMPETING SERIES: These are the Arispe, Chase, Good Thunder, Greenton, Grundy, Lagonda, Lamoni, Mahaska, Martin, Mayberry, Seymour, Shorewood, Tina, and Wymore series.
Arispe--are in areas that have a mean annual air temperature range of 9 to 11 degrees C (48 to 52 degrees F) and have a mean annual precipitation range of 760 to 860 millimeters (30 to 34 inches)
Chase--have mollic epipedons greater than 91 centimeters (36 inches) thick
Good Thunder--have carbonates within depths of 71 to 127 centimeters (28 to 50 inches)
Greenton--have shale rock fragments in the lower half of the series control section
Grundy--have a clay content that averages 42 to 48 percent in the particle-size control section
Lagonda--have a sand content of more than 5 percent in the lower half of the series control section
Lamoni--have a sand content of more than 15 percent throughout the series control section
Mahaska--are in areas with a mean annual air temperature range of 9 to 12 degrees C (49 to 53 degrees F)
Martin--have mollic epipedons 61 to 91 centimeters (24 to 36 inches) thick
Mayberry--have matrix hue of 5YR or 7.5YR in the particle-size control section
Seymour--have subhorizons with a clay content of 50 to 55 percent in the particle-size control section
Shorewood--have carbonates within depths of 71 to 127 centimeters (28 to 50 inches) and have a rock fragment content of 2 to 8 percent in the lower third of the series control section
Tina--have a sand content of more than 20 percent sand in the lower third of the series control section
Wymore--have a clay content that averages 42 to 55 percent in the particle-size control section

Parent material--loess
Landform--summits, shoulders, and backslopes on uplands, and on treads and risers on high stream terraces
Slopes--1 to 14 percent
Elevation--207 to 305 meters (680 to 1,000 feet) above sea level
Mean annual air temperature--12 to 14 degrees C (53 to 57 degrees F)
Mean annual precipitation--810 to 970 millimeters (32 to 38 inches)
Frost-free period--150 to 190 days

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Higginsville, Sibley, and Wakenda soils.
Higginsville--are in landform positions similar to those of the Arisburg soils and have a clay content that averages 27 to 35 percent in the particle-size control section
Sibley--are at slightly higher elevations on ridgetops and backslopes, have mollic epipedons 60 to 91 (24 to 36 inches) thick, and have a clay content that averages 30 to 35 percent in the particle-size control section
Wakenda--are at slightly higher elevations on ridgetops and backslopes and have a clay content that averages 27 to 35 percent in the particle-size control section

Drainage class--somewhat poorly drained--a frequently saturated zone occurs within depths of 0.45 meter (1.5 feet) sometime during January to April in normal years and is considered perched
Saturated hydraulic conductivity--1.41 to 4.23 micrometers per second
Surface runoff potential--negligible to medium

Most areas are cultivated. The principal crops are corn, soybeans, small grains, and legume hay. Some areas are pastured. The native vegetation is big bluestem, little bluestem, switchgrass, and other grasses of the tall grass prairie.

Physiographic Division--Interior Plains
Physiographic Province--Central Lowland
Physiographic sections--Dissected till plains and Till plains
MLRAs--Iowa and Missouri Deep Loess Hills (107) and Central Mississippi Valley Wooded Slopes (115)
LRR M; central Missouri


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Cooper County, Missouri, 1994.

Particle-size control section--the zone from a depth of 33 to 83 centimeters (13 to 33 inches) (Bt, Btg1, and Btg2 horizons);
series control section--the zone from the surface to a depth of 150 centimeters (0 to 59 inches) (Ap, A, Bt, Btg1, Btg2, Btg3, Btg3, and Cg horizons).

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon:
mollic epipedon--from the surface to a depth of 48 centimeters (19 inches) (Ap, A, and Bt horizons);
argillic horizon--the zone from a depth of 33 to 142 centimeters (13 to 56 inches) (Bt, Btg1, Btg2, Btg3, and Btg4 horizons);
udic moisture regime.

Aquertic subgroup based on colors within the upper 25 centimeters of the argillic horizon and linear extensibility greater than 6.0 centimeters between the surface and a depth of 100 centimeters (39 inches).

Clay content of the individual horizons within the particle-size control section must be less than 50 percent.

Taxonomy version--Keys to Soil Taxonomy, ninth edition, 2003.

National Cooperative Soil Survey