TAXONOMIC CLASS: Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Calcic Hapludolls
TYPICAL PEDON: Rentill loam - on a east-facing, plane slope of 1 percent in a cultivated field. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.)
Ap--0 to 18 centimeters (0 to 7 inches); black (10YR 2/1) loam, dark gray (10YR 4/1) dry; weak fine and medium granular structure; slightly hard, friable; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary. [10 to 20 centimeters (5 to 8 inches) thick]
Bw1--18 to 30 centimeters (7 to12 inches); dark brown (10YR 3/3) loam, grayish brown (10YR 5/2) dry; weak medium and coarse prismatic structure parting to weak medium and coarse subangular blocky; slightly hard, very friable; neutral; clear smooth boundary.
Bw2--30 to 38 centimeters (12 to15 inches); brown (10YR 4/3) gravelly loam, brown (10YR 5/3) dry; weak coarse prismatic structure; slightly hard, very friable; 18 percent by volume gravel; slightly alkaline; abrupt wavy boundary. (Combined Bw horizons are 13 to 46 centimeters (5 to 18 inches) thick]
2Bk1--38 to 53 centimeters (15 to 21 inches); brown (10YR 4/3) gravelly loamy sand, brown (10YR 5/3) dry; single grain; loose; 26 percent by volume gravel; underside of gravel coated with carbonate; strong effervescence; moderately alkaline; abrupt wavy boundary. [0 to 38 centimeters (0 to 15 inches) thick]
3Bk2--53 to 94 centimeters (21 to 37 inches); olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) clay loam, light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) dry; many brownish yellow (10YR 6/8), strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) redoximophic concentrations, and many light gray (2.5Y 7/2) redoximophic depletions; strong medium prismatic structure parting to moderate medium blocky and subangular blocky; hard, firm, sticky and plastic; many medium and coarse accumulations of carbonate; strong effervescence; moderately alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. [0 to 38 centimeters (0 to 16 inches) thick]
3C--94 to 152 centimeters (21 to 60 inches); light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) clay loam; light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) dry; common fine and medium prominent brownish yellow (10YR 6/8), strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) redoximophic concentrations, and common fine and medium prominent light gray (2.5Y 7/2) redoximophic depletions; massive; hard, firm, sticky and plastic; few fine and medium accumulations of carbonate; strong effervescence; moderately alkaline.
TYPE LOCATION: Roberts County, South Dakota; about 2 miles south and 5 miles west of Wilmot; about 384 meters (1260 feet) east and 41 meters (135 feet) north of the southwest corner of sec. 8, T. 122 N., R. 50 W., USGS Marvin quadrangle, lat. 45 degrees 23 minutes 05.42 seconds N., long. 96 degrees 57 minutes 35.77 seconds W., NAD 83
RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Depth to carbonate ranges from 25 to 66 centimeters (10 to 26 inches). The depth to glacial till typically is about 46 to 56 centimeters (18 to 22 inches) and ranges from 38 to 102 centimeters (15 to 40 inches). The materials in the control section above the glacial till average between 8 to 18 percent clay and more than 15 percent fine sand or coarser, and the glacial till materials average between 27 and 35 percent clay. The mollic epipedon ranges from 20 to 41 centimeters (8 to 16 inches) in thickness and commonly extends into the Bw horizon.
The A horizon has value of 2 or 3 and 3 or 4 dry, and chroma of 1.5 or less. It typically is loam, but is fine sandy loam in some pedons. It is slightly acid or neutral.
The Bw horizon has value of 3 to 5 and 4 to 6 dry, and chroma of 2 or 3. It typically is loam or gravelly loam, but in some pedons it is fine sandy loam, sandy loam or gravelly sandy loam. It is neutral or slightly alkaline.
The 2Bk horizon has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 or 5 and 5 or 6 dry, and chroma of 2 or 3. It is loamy sand, gravelly loamy sand, sand, very gravelly sand, and very gravelly loamy sand. Coarse fragments, larger than 2 mm comprise 5 to 50 percent by volume of the soil mass. It is slightly or moderately alkaline. Some pedons have a 2C horizon. Some pedons do not have 2Bk horizons.
The 3Bk horizon has value of 4 to 6 and 5 to 7 dry, and chroma of 2 to 4. Some pedons have very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist or very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist organic stains on vertical faces of peds. It typically is clay loam, but in some pedons it is silty clay loam. It has common or many, fine to coarse accumulations of carbonate and is moderately or strongly alkaline. Redoximorphic features are due to occasional saturation during wet periods. Some pedons do not have 3Bk horizons.
The 3C horizon has value of 4 or 6 and 6 or 7 dry, and chroma of 2 to 4. It typically is clay loam, but in some pedons it is silty clay loam. Redoximorphic features are due to occasional saturation during wet periods. The 3C horizon is moderately or strongly alkaline and has 1 to 8 percent by volume of pebbles.
COMPETING SERIES: These are the Dunnville, Egeland, Heimdal, and Lanona series. Dunnville soils are acid throughout the solum and occur in more moist areas. Egeland soils lack the gravelly layer within a depth of 51 centimeters (20 inches) and glacial till with a depth of 102 centimeters (40 inches). Heimdal soils formed completely in glacial till and lack a lithologic discontinuity. Lanona soils do not have over 5 percent rock fragments in the upper mantle.
GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Rentill soils are on nearly level or gently sloping on uplands. Slope gradients typically are less than 2 percent, but range from 0 to 6 percent. Rentill soils formed in loamy sediments over gravelly sediments over glacial till. The dominant areas formed from coarse and medium textured materials that washed out from coolies cut into the Prairie Coteau after the glacier receded. Other areas are loess cover till plains with a thick erosional lag and the beaches of ice-walled lakes. The mean annual temperature ranges from 4 to 7 degrees C (38 to 45 degrees F), and the mean annual precipitation ranges from 485 to 735 millimeters (19 to 29 inches). Growing season is about 120 to 160 days; average growing season precipitation ranges from 330 to 457 millimeters (13 to 18 inches); and growing degree days are about 2500 to 3000.
GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These are the Barnes, Divide, Fordville, Forman, Renshaw, Peever, Spottswood, and Vienna soils. Barnes soils formed in glacial till and are on nearby landscapes. Divide soils have sand and gravel within depths of 51 to 102 centimeters (20 to 40 inches) and are on nearly level and slightly depressed areas. Fordville, Renshaw, and Spottswood soils have sand and gravel within depths of 51 to 102 centimeters (20 to 40 inches) and are on similar landscapes. Forman and Peever soils formed in glacial till, have an argillic horizon, and are on nearby landscapes. The Vienna soils have 25 to 51 centimeters (10 to 20 inches) of loess over glacial till and are on nearby landscapes.
DRAINAGE AND SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: Well drained. Surface runoff is low to medium. Saturated hydraulic conductivity, as measured in cm per hour, is 2.5 to 5.1 (.6 to 2.0 inches) in the upper part and .51 to 2.5 (.2 to .6 inches) in the glacial till. Occasional saturation occurs in and slightly above the glacial till layers during periods of above normal precipitation.
USE AND VEGETATION: Most areas of Rentill soils are cultivated. Small grain, corn, soybeans, and alfalfa are the principal crops. Native vegetation typically is little bluestem, western wheatgrass, green needlegrass, big bluestem, sideoats grama, Kentucky bluegrass, blue grama, sedges, and forbs.
DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: MLRA-102A. Northeastern South Dakota. The series is of small extent.
SERIES ESTABLISHED: Roberts County, South Dakota, 1971.
REMARKS: Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are: mollic epipedon - the zone from the surface of the soil to a depth of about 30 centimeters (12 inches) (Ap & Bw1 horizons); cambic horizon-the zone from 30 to 38 centimeters (12 to 15 inches) (Bw2 horizons); calcic horizon-the zone from 38 to 94 centimeters (15 to 37 inches) (2Bk1 & 3Bk2 horizons). The classification was changed due to the 3Bk2 horizon having 27-35 percent clay.